Samuel Gabrielsson
Bellmansvägen 11, 2tr
152 31 Södertälje
Email1: samuel.gabrielsson "at" gmail.com
Email2: samuel "at" mie.utoronto.ca
Phone: +46 (0)920 271302
Mobile: +46 (0)70 4866299
- Luleå University of Technology, Sweden (August 2001 - May 2008)
M.Sc. in computer science specializing in applied mathematics.
- Research Assistant, University of Toronto, Canada (August 2006 - July 2007)
- Research in AI Planning.
- Research in optimization, parallel and distributed algorithms and communications protocol.
- Cluster setup and maintenance.
- Västergård High School, Sweden (August 1995 - June 1998)
Natural Science Programme.
Published Papers
- September 2007 (Masters thesis), "A Parallel Tabu Search Algorithm for the Quadratic Assignment Problem"

- July 2007, "Solving Combinatorial Problems with Parallel Cooperative Solvers", Ninth International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning, 2007.

Research Projects
- December 2006, "Modelling security protocol synthesis using AI planning"

- March 2005, "Density functional theory and a simulation of water absorption on a germanium surface"

Work Experience
- Automated Function Tester, Ericsson AB (August 2008 - ongoing).
- Framework developer for automated testing at the department of Ericsson Linux DC.
- Working on Linux Opensource Telecom Cluster (LOTC) running on top of XEN virtualization environment.
- Systems Engineering Consultant, Combitech AB (August 2008 - ongoing).
- Mail Carrier, City-Mail Sweden AB (June 2000 - August 2001 and Summers 2002 - 2005).
- Sorting and distribution.
- Updating the computer-based estate register.
- Substitute Teacher, Södertälje Municipality (Fall 1999 - Spring 2000).
Teaching junior high school students math, chemistry and physics.
- Committee Member, Luleå University Academic Computer Society (2005 - 2006).
- Treasurer, Luleå University Academic Computer Society (2004 - 2005)
- About 600 registered student members.
- Responsible for a budget of over €18 000.
- C/C++, CSS, Expect, Haskell, HTML, Java, LaTeX, Lisp/Scheme, Maple, Matlab, Mips32, MPI (OpenMPI, MPICH2), OpenGL, Pascal, PDDL, Perl, PHP, Python, SQL, Tcl.
- ClearCase, CVS, SVN, TORQUE Resource Manager, Maui Cluster Scheduler.
- Bash, Csh, Tsh.
- Be-OS, GNU Linux (from scratch), Unix, MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Open-BSD, Free-BSD, Solaris.
- Fluent spoken/written Swedish, English, Assyrian/Aramaic, fair spoken/written German, beginner spoken Chinese/Mandarin.