published 14/06-22 by hackerbuddy
Due to localized power issues in dh2 today(2022-06-14), we're experiencing difficulties with some of our DUSTcloud nodes. We currently have 2 nodes online so your vm might not be affected, but be aware that the DUSTcloud dashboard among other services are unavailable for some time.
This post will be updated once we make some progress.
At this time, we can't really give an ETA for when everything should be working again.
The problems should now be resolved and you should once again be able to access all services hosted on DUSTcloud. If you have any problems persisting with your vm you can as always contact root at
published 07/12-21 by datdenkikniet
Due to a power outage at LTU yesterday (2021-12-06), we're experiencing difficulties with DUSTcloud, LCNet and most of our services.
This post will be updated once we make some progress.
At this time, we can't really give an ETA for when everything should be working again.
All of the LCnet issues are resolved now.
Dustcloud should slowly be starting up. Most VMs should be available for use, but their performance may be degraded.
Thanks to all of the root members that contributed to the repairs.
published 26/10-21 by lisajonsson
LUDD's premises(A1401 / T1) will be closed next week for construction work. At least Monday to Friday, but possibly also a few more days. The card system will not be running and it will not be okay to go in and buy things in Bosch.
published 25/10-21 by lisajonsson
November 20th we will hold the annual Taco party. Of course the well known BURN-sauce will be there as well, try at your own risk! More info and signup here: SIGNUP LINK
published 18/08-21 by lisajonsson
Hello from the new board!
We figured we would take some time to say hello and share some information about the coming year.
Here are some things of note:
The annual member meeting in LP1 will be held on September 28th.
Each Thursday we will have our doors open for LUDD-hack, here you can come by and work on some projects, study, or just hang out.
In addition to the recurring courses we made have a few additions, please check the courses page for more information on these. Facebook events for these will be up soon!
published 12/07-21 by brinktjofzki
Hello LUDD members!
We are going to deactivate server side dynamic content for the user web (accessible through So basically any server side software as well as the MySQL database provided.
This feature will be discontinued after 2021-12-31.
Note that hosting static content will continue to be supported through the web server.
If you need these features, we encourage you to migrate to DUST instead, where you can set up a virtual machine server. If you need any help with setting this up, you can contact the administrators, or join our telegram server and ask for help.