List | A | A Guy Called Gerald | 'Automanikk' CD 1990

Track: Name: Time:
1. To The Other Side 5:21
2. FX (Mayday Upgrade) 3:27
3. Automanikk 5:23
4. Emotions Electric 2 7:02
5. Eyes Of Sorrow Viv Version 7:38
6. I Feel Rhythm 6:01
7. Stella 6:24
8. Blame The Artist 1:17
9. Subscape 5:01
10. I Won't Give In 6:30
11. Voodoo Ray Americas 7:32
  Total 61:36

Early 90:s techno with a slight Detroit hint. I bought it really cheap for just one track, 'Voodoo Ray', which appears here in a different yet quite similar version (extended?). It's a simple minimalistic track, but quite catchy; a spooky bassline over a drum machine (808?) beat, and with some vocal samples (a male saying "Voodoo Ray" and some female "a-haa":s and "o-hoo":s) and the occasional blips on top. Some of the other tracks are also OK.
Supposedly, this guy called Gerald was once in an early incarnation of 808 State, but left around the release of '808 90' or something. Word has it that he re-made the 808 State track 'Pacific State' into a track he called 'Specific Hate' and put it as a B-side to 'Voodoo Ray'. This would imply some sort of feud, but I'm only speculating here. I could be dead wrong, and I probably am. Still, I do love 'Voodoo Ray'.

