List | A | Adolphson & Falk | 'Det Svåra Valet' CD 1987

Track: Name: Time:
1. Morgonstund 0:51
2. Ett Hjärta Som Reser 5:24
3. Fly Som Ett Vatten 3:28
4. Tjänsteman 3:38
5. För Mig Själv 5:33
6. Gatornas Armé 4:06
7. Bakgård 3:27
8. Gränser 5:07
9. Våga Igen 3:45
10. Våga Igen del II 3:02
11. Det Svåra Valet 2:17
  Total 40:38

A theme album; more of a mature sound and lyrics about growing up, living, working and making difficult choices. I like it a lot. Soundwise it's more sample-sound based than synthesized.
'Morgonstund' is really just a sound FX intro; someone waking up in the morning, taking a shower, eating breakfast, walking to the subway. This is where 'Ett Hjärta Som Reser' starts; the thoughts of a man sitting in a subway car. Dreaming about that beautiful girl always going the same way, looking out the window those rare times the car is above ground and contemplating the contrast of the ugly grey concrete and the beautiful nature (water/houses/trees/sky). This contemplation evolves into a series of thought about time and the passing of time, and how precious it is in 'Fly Som Ett Vatten'. 'Tjänsteman' is the same man, now at work. Stress, frustrations, papers, computers, acting sensible, running around, sitting at a desk, wishing he wasn't at the office. Back home, 'För Mig Själv' starts, a song about the calm piece of the world which is home. A room, a stove, a TV set, relaxation after a busy day. Free time in 'Gatornas Armé', walking around town, the man runs into a street gang, be it skins or punks or whatever, and he fears these violent young men. He walks away, to a safe place, to his old back yard from when he was a kid. The memories come to him in 'Bakgård', the security, the nostalgia, the mischiefs and the lies, the sneaking and the getting caught, the easy life. This triggers 'Gränser' ('Limits'), and the worries of a man who is afraid of change, afraid of everything. The easy life of the child had no limits, now there is nothing but limits. How to break free from these fears? How to cope with all the duties of the adult life without getting caught in the complexity? 'Våga Igen' continues with these questions, and the question of daring to break free and changing this life into something different, new, unknown. (The second part is merely an instrumental extension). 'Det Svåra Valet' turns this difficult choice into the flip of a coin, logically depicted on the back cover of the album. The very good theme album ends with a random outcome to a difficult decision.

