List | C | Conjure One | 'Conjure One' CD 2002

Track: Name: Time:
1. Damascus 2:05
2. Centre Of The Sun 5:02
3. Tears From The Moon 4:20
4. Tidal Pool 6:52
5. Manic Star 5:25
6. Redemption 7:01
7. Years 6:23
8. Make A Wish 4:34
9. Pandora 5:04
10. Sleep 5:02
11. Premonition Reprise 3:04
12. Tears From The Moon Hybrid Twisted 9:53
13. Redemption Dead Sea Mix By MG 11:15
  Total 76:06

The new project by Rhys Fulber of Front Line Assembly and countless other related projects. This album is in a similar style to his work with Delerium of recent years; smooth dreamy softpop, far from the harsh noises of FLA. Guest vocalists include Sinead O'Connor.

