List | C | Cyberaktif | 'Tenebrae Vision' CD 1991

Track: Name: Time:
1. The Road Kill 3:48
2. Brain Dead Decision 4:17
3. Acid Cripple 4:34
4. Paradiessiets 5:57
5. Nothing Stays 5:24
6. Ruptured Freaks 4:13
7. Dis Coarse Illusion 4:01
8. Temper 4:27
9. Face To Face 4:19
10. House Of Pain 5:00
  Total 46:00

Bill Leeb (a.k.a. Willhelm Schröder) from FLA with old Skinny Puppy friends Cevin Key & Dwayne Goettel (now deceased due to a very non-glamorous drug overdose), along with Blixa Bargeld from Einst’rzende Neubauten.
With a line-up like that, it's hardly surprising it sounds like a mix of mentioned bands. My favourite, being an FLA fan more than an SP fan, is 'Nothing Stays', which sounds very much like an old slow melodic FLA tune. Very nice. 'Paradiessiets' is also quite good - not that it's a 'normal' synth tune; makes me think of old German cabaret music from the 1920:s for some reason.
Most other tracks are what you'd imagine from this collaboration, FLA/Puppy style industrial EBM, and really rather good at that.

