List | D | Delerium | 'Faces, Forms And Illusions' CD 1989

Track: Name: Time:
1. Monuments Of Deceit 4:19
2. Mecca 4:23
3. Inside The Chamber 6:21
4. Sword Of Islam 4:14
5. New Dawn 4:54
6. Certain Trust 5:11
7. Hidden Mask 5:17
8. Strangeways 5:18
9. Subvert / Wired Archives / Sieg Of Atrocity 19:56
  Total 59:53

This is a side project of Bill Leeb and Rhys Fulber of Front Line Assembly, although Rhys was not actually in FLA at the time (this being their first collaboration to my knowledge). Michael Balch, who was in FLA at the time, mixed the last track of this album.
So, what's the music like then? Well, I think I'd classify it as 'industrial ambient'; instrumental, dark, doom-and-gloom... and very good. At times it even reminds me of Dead Can Dance, except there are no vocals (not counting sampled chorals). A colleague at work claimed he got nightmares from it (in broad daylight), but then again, he was into Roxette and Eurodisco. I wouldn't say it's particularly scary, but it works very well to play Quake to.

