FLA: Pictures from the CD-ROM files on 'Circuitry'
FLA: Pictures from the CD-ROM files on 'Circuitry'

This is a JPEG taken from the menu page of the viewer program. I think the picture is from some Millennium promo stuff, with Bill to the left and Rhys to the right.

This is a JPEG of the cover of Hardwired, the album from which Circuitry was taken.

These are JPEG's of Bill & Rhys and some personal info on both of them. (I guess all of that info shouldn't really be taken seriuosly...) When clicking on the image, there was a pretty cool morphing sequence:Bill morphing into Rhys and vice versa.


All these pictures were taken from the Millennium .AVI video file found on the CD-ROM part of the (limited) Circuitry CD maxi single.

JPEG of Bill Leeb, singing Millennium
JPEG of Rhys Fulber, just posing.
JPEG of a hidden message flashing by. Are there any more of these? I've only found this one. (Check my comment at the bottom of this page)
JPEG of some numbers flashing by - I don't think they mean anything; if they do, can you figure it out?

There were some more pictures on that CD-ROM; I could put them up here if you want me to.
(Initially, I was a bit put off by all the hype of 'artists on CD-ROM', but once I actually loaded the files, it was really cool. There was also a sort of 'ambient' remix of Modus Operandi playing on some screens :-)

So, any questions? Mail them to me!

NOTE: I didn't find that hidden message all by myself - there were two of us fiddling around with the pause/play buttons of the .AVI player. The other guy was Jan-Erik Emanuelsson. I could give you his email address too, if you want.

NOTE 2: I suppose all of this is copyrighted stuff, but I'm not planning of making any money off these pictures, so I guess that makes it ok for me to have them here, or...? I'm not trying to encourage people to download these pictures instead of buying Circuitry for themselves - rather the opposite. It's a great single, and the CD-ROM files are really cool IMHO. Go buy it. Go buy both of them. (The second one comes with the limited version of the album, which is also great.)