List | F | Front 242 | 'Live Target' CD 1991

Track: Name: Time:
1. Rhythm Of Time 7:38
2. Soul Manager 4:21
3. Don't Crash 4:16
4. Im Rhythmus Bleiben 3:36
5. DSM 123 & Moldavia 12:23
6. No Shuffle 3:47
7. Gripped By Fear 4:49
8. Never Stop 4:24
9. Headhunter 5:07
10. Tragedy For You 5:01
11. Welcome To Paradise 4:00
12. Punish Your Machine 5:33
13. Intro + Circling Overland 8:55
  Total 73:50

The album starts off with the excellent anti-G intro to 'Rhythm Of Time', but this time it starts off the real song and not an instrumental version. What a great way to start. Many of the other song are also in slightly different versions, often making them more powerful. 'No Shuffle' has some extra vocals from Richard 23 shouted in between J-L:s, adding some extra energy and even humour to the track ("surprise, surprise" :-).
It's simply a great live album, with lots of power and energy and somewhat more aggressive than the studio versions of the songs. I love it.

