List | H | Heed | 'Breakeven 2200' CD 2000

Track: Name: Time:
1. Strange Delight 4:34
2. Alone 3:34
3. New Plans 3:39
4. Harvest 4:38
5. Not Strong 4:16
6. To Keep My Hatred Sharp 3:18
7. So Quiet Here 3:18
8. Manual # 29 3:01
9. Stalker 4:50
10. Precious Left 1:31
11. Like I Care 7:46
12. 200 Days Of Darkness Is A Long Time,
What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
  Total 45:55

I'm confused. The vinyl single I have by Heed is called Not Strong, but that song is called 'New Plans' on this album, and the song called 'Not Strong' on this album is not on the single. I feel so... left out.

