List | J | John Came | 'Rhythmicon' CD 1995

Track: Name: Time:
1. Root 2:03
2. Heavenly Clean 2:59
3. Yellow 11:15
4. Transit Authority 3:22
5. Hapsburg Chin 5:34
6. Mosaic 2:17
7. Ink Tank 6:53
8. Coffin Filler 4:18
9. On The Reef 4:01
10. Nitrogen Narcosis 2:38
  Total 45:32

Classical guitarist John Came works with some sort of machine called a Rhythmicon, of which I know very little except that it was supposedly constructed by Leon Theremin, inventor of the (you guessed it) Theremin. The music sounds a lot like classical guitar music, but played on some sort of odd synth. It's quite good. And no, John Came is not a secret side project of Erasure. I don't know how that rumour got started, but at least it got me to notice this album (which perhaps was just a clever marketing trick, Mute?). I knew it was only a rumour when I bought the album, but from what I'd read about it, it sounded quite interesting. And it was very, very cheap.

