List | L | Laurie Anderson | 'Big Science' CD 1982

Track: Name: Time:
1. From The Air 4:29
2. Big Science 6:14
3. Sweaters 2:18
4. Walking & Falling 2:10
5. Born, Never Asked 4:56
6. O Superman 8:21
7. Example #22 2:59
8. Let X=X 3:51
9. It Tango 3:01
  Total 38:51

Old experimental Laurie, who used multimedia long before it became a buzzword. Hard to classify, but quite interesting stuff. 'O Superman' is probably the most well-known song of this album, with surreal vocoded vocals over a haunting repetative vocal sample ("ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah...").

