List | L | Lassigue Bendthaus | 'Render' CD 1994

Track: Name: Time:
1. Fiber 5:26
2. Molecular Modelling 7:55
3. Blur 4:29
4. I'm Slowly Morphing 4:33
5. Render 4:49
6. JKTV / Otaku (How Many Angels Can Dance On The Head Of A Modem?) 6:48
7. Dither 4:55
8. Harry 4:03
9. Soul Access 5:37
10. Alias 4:43
11. Polaire 6:08
12. 4'33" 4:33
  Total 64:36

Rather innovative and diverse electronic music, displaying styles like techno, synthpop, ambient, EBM, industrial etc. without losing that specific Lassigue Bendthaus soundscape. Sometimes it sounds just a little bit like Aphex Twin, sometimes not unlike Kraftwerk or older Delerium or even Oil In The Eye. Some tracks have vocals, mostly whispered/spoken but occasionally sung. There are some vocal samples in Japaneses here and there as well.
The last track is completely silent. Isn't that a Cage remake?

