List | M | Mesh | 'In This Place Forever' CD 1996

Track: Name: Time:
1. Involved 3:20
2. Last Breath Of You 6:05
3. I Only Wanted To 5:39
4. You Didn't Want Me 4:36
5. I Don't Think They Know 4:38
6. Evolved 3:28
7. Something Wrong 5:28
8. Shatters 6:31
9. Despised 5:27
10. Confined 10:30
  Total 55:52

Generally better than Fragile, more catchy melodic songs and better edgier songs as well. Nice little instrumental pieces in between songs, often little more than a minute or so. There's also a short unlisted song at the end of track 10. Anyone knows what it's called?

