List | O | Oil In The Eye | 'Cockeyed' CD 1992

Track: Name: Time:
1. Eyespit 4:54
2. Blind 5:11
3. Isolina 5:09
4. Trip Inside 4:58
5. Dick O.D. 5:54
6. Fornic 8R 3:27
7. Filthy 3:33
8. Heave Unclean 6:58
9. Auto / Bio 1 4:50
10. Branches Occur 2:39
  Total 53:19

Much more sophisticated than The Surgical Fatherland. All the elements of that previous release are still here (well, perhaps not as many voice samples), but carried out a lot more professionally. Those wonderful distorted synths are used more extensively, and polished to perfection. At times the repetative yet constantly mutating noisy riffs have an almost hypnotic effect, a bit like distorted techno trance. The psycotic whispered lyrics add to the effect; since you can't too clearly tell exactly what the words are, what little you hear conjure up the strangest images. And, while repetative, it's still mostly quite melodic. Sometimes haunting and trancey, sometimes dancey as hell. This is clearly one of my all-time favourite albums. Whatever happened to this band? I've never found anything more recent from them (him).

