List | P | Portion Control | 'The Man Who Did Backward Somersaults' CD 1994

Track: Name: Time:
1. The Great Divide 6:48
2. Brain Scraper Death Drive 3:34
3. Screen Of Death 4:12
4. Go-Talk 4:23
5. Eat Your Heart 4:08
6. Sure Is Kinda 2:35
7. Refugee 4:06
8. Raise The Pulse 5:53
9. Karateka 4:03
10. Fistful Of Cred$ 4:52
11. Chew You To Bits 3:58
12. Abbo Dabbo 3:07
13. Under The Skin 4:08
14. The Man Who Did Backward Somersaults 4:11
15. All Present And Correct 3:30
16. Cut & Thrust 3:44
17. Havoc Man 4:30
18. Bite My Head Edit 4:17
  Total 76:14


