List | R | Redhead Kingpin And The F.B.I. | 'A Shade Of Red' CD 1989

Track: Name: Time:
1. Do The Right Thing 3:58
2. Pump It Hottie 4:28
3. We Rock The Mic Right 4:30
4. Superbad Superslick 4:51
5. The Readhead One 3:13
6. Scram! 4:03
7. Kilimanjaro Style 3:42
8. Do That Dance 4:27
9. Speaking Of Everything 3:38
10. A Shade Of Red 4:51
  Total 41:45

'Do The Right Thing' was intended to be the theme for the Spike Lee movie 'Do The Right Thing', but Lee found it a bit too mellow and went for the more aggressive Fight The Power by Public Enemy instead. I'd have to agree with this decision, as that track fits the movie better.
Still, I kind of liked this track, and I found this album dirt cheap, so...

