List | R | Rational Youth | 'Everything Is Vapour' CDM 1999

Track: Name: Time:
1. Everything Is Vapour 4:15
2. Money And Blood Part II 3:50
3. Everything Is Vapour Money And Blood Mix 6:03
4. Everything Is Vapour In The Moment Mix 6:15
  Total 20:30

This is the first new material from reformed Rational Youth that I've heard. In a way, it's kind of what I expected - like their old style, only updated to a more modern sound and slightly technofied. Actually, I was more or less expecting it to turn out worse, but this is actually pretty good. The vocals are almost exactly like something off Cold War Night Life, sometimes semi-rhythmically spoken and sometimes sung. To me, it sounds quite a lot like they really picked up where they left off, way back when. Given how little I paid for this single, I'd say I got a pretty good deal.

