List | S | Svarta Spyor | 'A Fist Through Your Head' CD 1997

Track: Name: Time:
1. Brainwashed 2:30
2. Viva Zapata! 2:30
3. Anti Skate 0:48
4. Vatos Locos 0:56
5. Tired 1:46
6. Legalize? 1:44
  Total 10:14

Umm... some sort of punk. I bought this while strolling around the camping area for the 1997 Arvika Festival. I usually like to favour small local bands and buy their demos, only not usually local punk bands, though. My resistance was low due to limited thought capacity at the time, so I was no match for the pushy salesguy. Anyway, it was cheap. At one point in our discussion, the band's singer stumbled in, trying to figure out where he'd sleep that night. Not entirely sober.

