List | S | Sigue Sigue Sputnik | 'Flaunt It' CD 1986

Track: Name: Time:
1. Love Missile F1-11 Re-recording Part II 4:49
2. Atari Baby (Uzi Baby) 4:57
3. Sex-Bomb Boogie 4:48
4. Rockit Miss USA 6:09
5. 21st Century Boy 21 Boy Version 5:10
6. Massive Retalliation (M.A.D!!) 5:02
7. Teenage Thunder 5:17
8. She's My Man 5:37
9. 0:00
  Total 41:47

If I recall correctly, Tony James (of Generation X) assembled a group of people with as little musical talent as possible, just to prove they could have a hit single without any talent, but with a lot of hype and an outrageous image. They had two.
The music is a sort of glam-techno-punk-pop, made just with machines and the occasional dist guitar riff, and with pointless near-out-of-tune vocals just spewing (seemingly) random super-hip hi-tech words, 21st century futurism and manga phrases. It's all topped with heaps and heaps of samples, from movies ("terminator, terminator") to pseudo-newscasts ("what we need is designed violence") to the band members themselves, pitched up and down and beyond recognition, and little commercial snippets for the band between songs. It's a fun little experiment, but it gets old really quick. IMHO, the KLF pulled off a similar thing, but with better results. Although, when I think about it, it could probably work today as well, maybe even better. Isn't over-hyped no-talent wannabes the industry standard these days?
The album remixes are partly destroying what was fun with the two singles (namely 'Love Missile F1-11' and '21st Century Boy'), cutting them up a bit too much and throwing in some really out-of-place samples from other music. I just bought this for nostalgia reasons, and I'm glad to say I didn't pay very much for it.
Incidently, Tony's old bandmate in Generation X, Billy Idol, re-used the exact same drum machine beat and bassline in one of his own songs ('To Be A Lover') later the same year.
Later addition: at the Arvikafestival 2000, Sadovaja quite surprisingly performed an excellent cover of 'Love Missile F1-11' - not the most obvious song to cover, but they did a really good version of it, way better than this substandard album version.

