List | S | The Sisters Of Mercy | 'Temple Of Love (1992)' CDR 1992

Track: Name: Time:
1. Temple Of Love (1992) Touched By The Hand Of Ofra Haza 8:08
2. I Was Wrong American Fade 3:12
3. Vision Thing Canadian Club Remix 7:34
4. When You Don't See Me German Release 4:46
5. Under The Gun 5:43
6. Vision Thing 7:34
7. Lucretia My Reflection 8:44
8. Body And Soul 3:30
9. Adrenochrome 2:57
10. Anaconda 4:06
  Total 56:18

Alright, Ok, I'll admit it - only the first four tracks are actually from the 'Temple Of Love (1992)' single, the rest are from the compilations 'A Slight Case Of Overbombing' and Some Girls Wander By Mistake, and I've burned them down on a single CDR for my own convenience. So there.
This song was re-recorded and updated quite a bit and released to coincide with the release of Some Girls Wander By Mistake. Althought the old version is pretty darn excellent, I still must say I prefer this new version. Then again, I'm not allergic to Ofra Haza and her arabic sounding vocals, which I suspect some Sisters purists might be. Actually, it kind of bothers me I have her voice sampled on several CD:s, but not the original ('The Yemenite Songs').

