List | T | They Might Be Giants | 'Lincoln' CD 1988

Track: Name: Time:
1. Ana Ng 3:23
2. Cowtown 2:20
3. Lie Still, Little Bottle 2:06
4. Purple Toupee 2:40
5. Cage & Aquarium 1:10
6. Where Your Eyes Don't Go 3:06
7. Piece Of Dirt 2:00
8. Mr. Me 1:52
9. Pencil Rain 2:42
10. The World's Address 2:24
11. I've Got A Match 2:36
12. Santa's Beard 1:55
13. You'll Miss Me 1:53
14. They'll Need A Crane 2:33
15. Shoehorn With Teeth 1:13
16. Stand On Your Own Head 1:16
17. Snowball In Hell 2:31
18. Kiss Me, Son Of God 1:52
  Total 39:22

More of the good stuff of the debut album, but more professional, more catchy, more coherent yet more musically diverse. A darn good album. This is the second of the four Sergio sent me :-)

