List | U | Underworld | 'Dubnobasswithmyheadman' CD 1994

Track: Name: Time:
1. Dark & Long 7:35
2. Mmm... Skyscraper, I Love You 13:06
3. Surfboy 7:33
4. Spoonman 7:41
5. Tongue 4:48
6. Dirty Epic 9:56
7. Cowgirl 8:24
8. River Of Bass 6:26
9. M.E. 7:08
  Total 72:50

Once upon a time there was a pop band named Freur. They had a little hit called 'Doot Doot', which was quite good. This is not about them. Freur mutated into a band called Underworld, which released two albums (said to sound a bit like New Order, but I can't verify this). The group went through a change of direction and line-up, and started making more dance oriented music; their very own brand of techno/trance/ambient/pop mixture. A few singles were released with this new style, then finally this album. This is why I can't help smiling a bit when people in general and music journalists in particular mention this album as their "debut". Oh, well.
What attracted me to this album and made me discover Underworld was the single for Dark & Long. I saw it a couple of times on MTV, and it sort of reminded me a bit of a more dark and deep version of The Beloved, especially the vocals. It's a bit more funky and trancey, though. I really loved it, and realised I had to get the album. I was not disappointed. This is a great album. It's very diverse, ranging from slow ambient-like techno to upbeat dancey grooves, with some occasional electric guitar (no, not disted, but melodic and lovely chords) and odd and surreal lyric snippets or even whole lyrics chanted/spoken/sung on top.

