List | W | Will | 'Pearl Of Great Price' CD 1991

Track: Name: Time:
1. Summoning 3:12
2. Crowning Glory 5:23
3. Exhaust Inhibits 3:43
4. Sacrement Of Penance 5:17
5. Crusade 4:10
6. Visible Second Coming 5:07
7. Furnace Of Souls 4:06
8. Father Forgive 5:08
9. Crimson Flow 4:44
10. Epilogue 3:32
11. New Mass 4:55
12. Measures Remedial 4:13
  Total 53:34

Rhys Fulber of Front Line Assembly and Chris Peterson who later replaced him in FLA, along with John McRae & Jeff Stoddard of whom I know nothing. Michael Balch of early FLA is also helping out; it seems we're only missing uncle Bill.
Al Crawford described Will as "Delerium" with extra shouting", and I think that's spot-on; I haven't been able to find better words to describe what it sounds like. Old-style Delerium, that is; the first half-a-dozen or so albums.

