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Hardware Documentation - Machines

DEC - VAX hardware reference

Bootrom details

Bootrom details

Bootrom details

Boot options (top)

Most ports pass options as single character flags (such as '-a'). The VAX port uses bitflags directly. The full list as of NetBSD 1.4 is given below, taken from /sys/sys/reboot.h (not all flags make sense from the boot rom).

To use, boot with 'b/' followed by the flags you want (in hex). For example, to boot single user and prompt for the kernel filename use


Symbolic nameValueAction
RB_ASKNAME 0x001 ask for file name from which to reboot
RB_SINGLE 0x002 reboot to single user only
RB_NOSYNC 0x004 dont sync before reboot
RB_HALT 0x008 don't reboot, just halt
RB_INITNAME 0x010 name given for /etc/init (unused)
RB_DFLTROOT 0x020 use compiled-in rootdev
RB_KDB 0x040 give control to kernel debugger
RB_RDONLY 0x080 mount root fs read-only
RB_DUMP 0x100 dump kernel memory before reboot
RB_MINIROOT 0x200 mini-root present in memory at boot time
RB_STRING 0x400 use provided bootstr
RB_POWERDOWN (RB_HALT|0x800) turn power off (or at least halt)

MicroVAX 2000/VAXstation 2000 TEST commands (top)

Commands to be typed at the boot monitor. TEST can be abbreviated to T.

Extended Diagnostics/Maintenance Utilities

This series of routines require the use of a special hardware key to invoke and execute.

MicroVAX 2000/VAXstation 2000 boot messages (top)

The initial message will be something of the form:
	KA410-A V1.2
KA410-A will be displayed with the switch in multi-user MicroVAX 2000 mode, KA410-B if set to single user VAXstation 2000. V1.2 is the ROM rev level (or 4- or 8-plane colour graphics board, V2.1 is required). In the count-down a "_" means the item wasn't found.

? E 0040 0000.0005clock battery needs charged
? C 0080 0000.4001 odd-ball terminal as console - should still work

See also MicroVAX 2000/VAXstation 2000 TEST commands.

VAXstation 3100 Model 40 Power-Up and Self-Test Device Identifiers (top)

FBase video
ESystem clock
DNonvolatile RAM
CSerial line controller
AMemory-management unit
9Floating point unit
8Interval timer
7Disk controller option
6Disk controller option
5Interrupt controller and Ethernet ID ROM
4Optional 8-plane graphics coprocessor
3Reserved for later use
2Reserved for later use
1Ethernet network interconnect (NI)

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$NetBSD: bootrom.html,v 1.13 2005/09/28 17:24:20 mishka Exp $
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