The NetBSD Foundation 2004 Financial Report


Starting with the year 2004 the Board of Directors of The NetBSD Foundation publishes yearly overviews of the financial situation of the NetBSD Project. The primary source of income currently is donations. Two separate accounts, one in USD and the other in EUR, are maintained because The NetBSD Foundation receives donations in both currencies. Conversions between currencies are only performed when necessary.

Overview of the finances of The NetBSD Foundation for the year 2004

Description USD account EUR account
Initial balance (2004-01-01) 4,739.34 USD 123.52 EUR
Income 10,839.09 USD 171.93 EUR
Expenditures -6,850.59 USD 0.00 EUR
Conversion EUR -> USD 258.70 USD -219.27 EUR
Final balance (2004-12-31) 8,986.54 USD 76.18 EUR
Donations 10,839.09 USD 171.93 EUR

Hardware (two 1U Dual Opteron servers,
SATA drives, replacement disks,
other small items)

6,622.20 USD 0.00 EUR
Logo award (including fees) 209.43 USD 0.00 EUR
Legal fees 18.96 USD 0.00 EUR

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