Chris Demetriou

Yes, I finally found a picture!

When this picture was taken, I was back-stage at Radio City Music Hall preparing for the Oracle 8/Network Computer Launch, in June, 1997. (People wielding cameras should not taunt busy hackers.)

My involvement with the NetBSD Project

I'm one of the founders of the NetBSD Project, and a former member of the NetBSD Core Group. (I resigned from 'core' in August, 1995.) I was also the primary initial developer and port maintainer of the NetBSD/alpha port. (I resigned from that position in August, 1997.)

I was the initial moderator of the comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.announce newsgroup after its creation, but gave up that position when I resigned from 'core'. In April, 1998, I took over that position again because a new moderator was sorely needed and no other volunteers could be found.

These days, my involvement in NetBSD is mostly limited to minor hacking projects, answering peoples' questions, and providing advice and historical perspective.

... but in real life ...

These days I'm working for Broadcom. (Broadcom acquired my former employer, SiByte, in December, 2000.)

In the past few years I've done NetBSD-related work at Digital Equipment Corporation's Internet Appliance Group in Palo Alto, California, and Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science's Parallel Data Lab in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Those jobs had me spending a significant amount of time hacking NetBSD, in addition to performing other duties. I've also worked at AT&T Labs in Menlo Park, California, and a startup called Vayu Communications (now defunct) also in the San Francisco bay area. Those jobs didn't have me spending much of my time on NetBSD-related work.

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