INSTALL - Installation procedure for NetBSD/amiga.


About this Document

This document describes the installation procedure for NetBSD1.5 on the amiga platform. It is available in four different formats titled INSTALL.ext, where ext is one of .ps, .html, .more, or .txt:


Standard Internet HTML.

The enhanced text format used on UNIX-like systems by the more(1) and less(1) pager utility programs. This is the format in which the on-line man pages are generally presented.

Plain old ASCII.

You are reading the HTML version.

What is NetBSD?

The NetBSD Operating System is a fully functional Open Source UNIX-like operating system derived from the University of California, Berkeley Networking Release 2 (Net/2), 4.4BSD-Lite, and 4.4BSD-Lite2 sources. NetBSD runs on thirty-one different system architectures featuring twelve distinct families of CPUs, and is being ported to more. The NetBSD1.5 release contains complete binary releases for fifteen different machine types. (The sixteen remaining are not fully supported at this time and are thus not part of the binary distribution. For information on them, please see the NetBSD web site at

NetBSD is a completely integrated system. In addition to its highly portable, high performance kernel, NetBSD features a complete set of user utilities, compilers for several languages, the X Window System, firewall software and numerous other tools, all accompanied by full source code.

NetBSD is a creation of the members of the Internet community. Without the unique cooperation and coordination the net makes possible, it's likely that NetBSD wouldn't exist.

Changes Since The Last Release

The NetBSD1.5 release provides numerous significant functional enhancements, including support for many new devices, integration of hundreds of bug fixes, new and updated kernel subsystems, and many userland enhancements. The result of these improvements is a stable operating system fit for production use that rivals most commercially available systems.

It is impossible to completely summarize over one year of development that went into the NetBSD1.5 release. Some highlights include:


  • Ports to new platforms including: arc, cobalt, hpcmips, news68k, sgimips, and sparc64.

  • Improved performance and stability of the UVM virtual memory subsystem.

  • Implementation of generic kernel locking code, as well as a restructure and re-tuning of the scheduler, to be used by the future symmetric multi-processing (SMP) implementation.

  • Improved compatibility support for Linux, OSF1, and SVR4 programs.

  • New compatibility support for Win32 programs.

  • Support for dynamically loaded ELF kernel modules.

  • Kernel process tracing using ktruss(1).

  • Deletion of swap devices using swapctl(8).

  • Easier hot-pluggability of keyboards and mice using a new wscons device - wsmux.

  • Improved PCMCIA and Cardbus support, including support for detaching of devices and cards, resulting in better support for notebooks and PDA devices.

  • Numerous hardware improvements, including areas such as: audio, UDMA/66 support for ATA drives, USB, and wireless networking.

  • Addition of IP version 6 (IPv6) and IPsec to the networking stack, from the KAME project. This includes addition of kernel code for IPv6/IPsec, IPv4/v6 dual-stack user applications and supporting libraries. Due to this, the shlib major version for pcap(3) is incremented and you may need to recompile userland tools. The KAME IPv6 part includes results from the unified-ipv6 effort.
File system

  • Significant Fast file system (FFS) performance enhancements via integration of Kirk McKusick's soft updates and trickle sync code.

  • Support for the Windows NT `NTFS' file system (read-only at this stage).

  • Support for revision 1 of the Linux `ext2fs' file system.

  • Enhanced stability and usability of LFS (the BSD log-structured file system).

  • Various RAIDframe enhancements including: auto-detection of RAID components and auto-configuration of RAID sets, and the ability to configure the root file system (/) on a RAID set.

  • Support for Microsoft Joliet extensions to the ISO9660 CD file system.

  • Improved file system vnode locking mechanisms, thus resolving a source of several panics in the past.

  • Support for NFS and RPC over IPv6.

  • Server part of NFS locking (implemented by rpc.lockd(8)) now works.

  • Strong cryptographic libraries and applications integrated, including the AES cipher Rijndael, the OpenSSL library, more complete Kerberos IV and Kerberos V support, and an SSH server and client.

  • sysctl(3) interfaces to various elements of process and system information, allowing programs such as ps(1), dmesg(1) and the like to operate without recompilation after kernel upgrades, and remove the necessity to run setgid kmem (thus improving system security).

  • Disable various services by default, and set the default options for disabled daemons to a higher level of logging.

  • Several code audits were performed. One audit replaced string routines that were used without bound checking, and another one to identify and disable places where format strings were used in an unsafe way, allowing arbitrary data entered by (possibly) malicious users to overwrite application code, and leading from Denial of Service attacks to compromised system.
System administration and user tools

  • Conversion of the rc(8) system startup and shutdown scripts to an `rc.d' mechanism, with separate control scripts for each service, and appropriate dependency ordering provided by rcorder(8).

  • postfix(1) provided as alternative mail transport agent to sendmail(8).

  • User management tools useradd(8), usermod(8), userdel(8), groupadd(8), groupmod(8), and groupdel(8) added to the system.

  • Incorporation of a login class capability database (/etc/login.conf) from BSD/OS.

  • Improved support for usernames longer than eight characters in programs such as at(1) and w(1).

  • Many enhancements to ftpd(8) providing features found in larger and less secure FTP daemons, such as user classes, connection limits, improved support for virtual hosting, transfer statistics, transfer rate throttling, and support for various IETF ftpext working group extensions.

  • The ftp(1) client has been improved even further, including transfer rate throttling, improved URL support, command line uploads. See the man page for details.

  • Updates to the NetBSD source code style code (located in /usr/share/misc/style) to use ANSI C only (instead of K&R) and reflect current (best) practice, and begin migrating the NetBSD source code to follow it.

  • Implementation of many SUSv2 features to the curses(3) library, including support for color.

  • Updates of most third party packages that are shipped in the base system, including file(1), ipfilter(4), ppp(4), and sendmail(8) to the latest stable release.

  • Many new packages in the pkgsrc system, including standard desktops like KDE and GNOME as well as latest Tcl/Tk and perl and many of the components of the Java Enterprise platform. The package framework itself now has full wildcard dependency support.

As has been noted, there have also been innumerable bug fixes.

Kernel interfaces have continued to be refined, and more subsystems and device drivers are shared among the different ports. You can look for this trend to continue.

This is the seventh major release of NetBSD for the Amiga and DraCo line of computers.

New port-specific features include:

  • Support Amiga partition tables that fake more than one sector per file system block (for Adosfs), and partition tables on media with more than 512 bytes per sector.

  • PCMCIA support.

  • Recognize Linux ext2fs partitions.

The Future of NetBSD

The NetBSD Foundation has been incorporated as a non-profit organization. Its purpose is to encourage, foster and promote the free exchange of computer software, namely the NetBSD Operating System. The foundation will allow for many things to be handled more smoothly than could be done with our previous informal organization. In particular, it provides the framework to deal with other parties that wish to become involved in the NetBSD Project.

The NetBSD Foundation will help improve the quality of NetBSD by:

  • providing better organization to keep track of development efforts, including co-ordination with groups working in related fields.

  • providing a framework to receive donations of goods and services and to own the resources necessary to run the NetBSD Project.

  • providing a better position from which to undertake promotional activities.

  • periodically organizing workshops for developers and other interested people to discuss ongoing work.

We intend to begin narrowing the time delay between releases. Our ambition is to provide a full release every six to eight months.

We hope to support even more hardware in the future, and we have a rather large number of other ideas about what can be done to improve NetBSD.

We intend to continue our current practice of making the NetBSD-current development source available on a daily basis.

We intend to integrate free, positive changes from whatever sources submit them, providing that they are well thought-out and increase the usability of the system.

Above all, we hope to create a stable and accessible system, and to be responsive to the needs and desires of NetBSD users, because it is for and because of them that NetBSD exists.

Sources of NetBSD

Refer to

NetBSD 1.5 Release Contents

The root directory of the NetBSD1.5 release is organized as follows:


Changes since earlier NetBSD releases.

Last minute changes.

A list of sites that mirror the NetBSD1.5 distribution.

README describing the distribution's contents.

NetBSD's todo list (also somewhat incomplete and out of date).

Post-release source code patches.

Source distribution sets; see below.

In addition to the files and directories listed above, there is one directory per architecture, for each of the architectures for which NetBSD1.5 has a binary distribution. There are also README.export-control files sprinkled liberally throughout the distribution tree, which point out that there are some portions of the distribution that may be subject to export regulations of the United States, e.g. code under src/crypto and src/sys/crypto. It is your responsibility to determine whether or not it is legal for you to export these portions and to act accordingly.

The source distribution sets can be found in subdirectories of the source subdirectory of the distribution tree. They contain the complete sources to the system. The source distribution sets are as follows:

This set contains the ``gnu'' sources, including the source for the compiler, assembler, groff, and the other GNU utilities in the binary distribution sets.
22.3 MB gzipped, 98.8 MB uncompressed

This set contains the ``pkgsrc'' sources, which contain the infrastructure to build third-party packages.
5.6 MB gzipped, 57.0 MB uncompressed

This set contains the ``share'' sources, which include the sources for the man pages not associated with any particular program, the sources for the typesettable document set, the dictionaries, and more.
3.3 MB gzipped, 13.2 MB uncompressed

This set contains all of the base NetBSD1.5 sources which are not in gnusrc, sharesrc, or syssrc.
24.2 MB gzipped, 120.6 MB uncompressed

This set contains the sources to the NetBSD1.5 kernel for all architectures, config(8), and dbsym(8).
17.6 MB gzipped, 88.6 MB uncompressed

This set contains the sources to the X Window System.
35.2 MB gzipped, 176.8 MB uncompressed

All the above source sets are located in the source/sets subdirectory of the distribution tree.

The source sets are distributed as compressed tar files. They may be unpacked into /usr/src with the command:

       #( cd / ; tar -zxpf - ) < set_name.tgz

The sets/Split/ subdirectory contains split versions of the source sets for those users who need to load the source sets from floppy or otherwise need a split distribution. The split sets are named set_name.xx where set_name is the distribution set name, and xx is the sequence number of the file, starting with ``aa'' for the first file in the distribution set, then ``ab'' for the next, and so on. All of these files except the last one of each set should be exactly 240,640 bytes long. (The last file is just long enough to contain the remainder of the data for that distribution set.)

The split distributions may be reassembled and extracted with cat as follows:

       # cat set_name.?? | ( cd / ; tar -zxpf - )

In each of the source distribution set directories, there are files which contain the checksums of the files in the directory:

Historic BSD checksums for the various files in that directory, in the format produced by the command: cksum -o 1 file

POSIX checksums for the various files in that directory, in the format produced by the command: cksum file.

MD5 digests for the various files in that directory, in the format produced by the command: cksum -m file.

Historic AT&T System V UNIX checksums for the various files in that directory, in the format produced by the command: cksum -o -2 file.

The MD5 digest is the safest checksum, followed by the POSIX checksum. The other two checksums are provided only to ensure that the widest possible range of system can check the integrity of the release files.

NetBSD/amiga subdirectory structure
The amiga-specific portion of the NetBSD1.5 release is found in the amiga subdirectory of the distribution: .../NetBSD-1.5/amiga/
Installation notes in various file formats, including this file. The .more file contains underlined text using the more(1) conventions for indicating italic and bold display.
A gzipped NetBSD kernel containing code for everything supported in this release.
A somewhat smaller kernel, which you can use to boot the system using loadbsd for installation on memory-tight systems. This is the same kernel as present on the miniroot.
As above, but with the (still somewhat experimental) PCMCIA support, and with the wdc driver instead of the older idesc driver. If you install using this kernel on an A1200, you have to use it lateron, too!
amiga binary distribution sets; see below.
amiga boot and installation floppies; see below.
amiga miniroot file system image; see below.
Miscellaneous amiga installation utilities; see installation section, below.
Miniroot file system
The Amiga now uses a single miniroot file system for both an initial installation and for an upgrade. A gzipped version is available, for easier downloading. (The gzipped version has the .gz extension added to their names.)

This file contains a BSD root file system setup to help you install the rest of NetBSD or to upgrade a previous version of NetBSD. This includes formatting and mounting your / (root) and /usr partitions and getting ready to extract (and possibly first fetching) the distribution sets. There is enough on this file system to allow you to make a SLIP or PPP connection, configure an Ethernet, mount an NFS file system or ftp. You can also load distribution sets from a SCSI tape or from one of your existing AmigaDOS partitions.
Binary distribution sets
The NetBSD amiga binary distribution sets contain the binaries which comprise the NetBSD1.5 release for the amiga. There are eight binary distribution sets. The binary distribution sets can be found in the amiga/binary/sets subdirectory of the NetBSD1.5 distribution tree, and are as follows:

The NetBSD1.5 amiga base binary distribution. You must install this distribution set. It contains the base NetBSD utilities that are necessary for the system to run and be minimally functional. It includes shared library support, and excludes everything described below.
15.6 MB gzipped, 41.4 MB uncompressed

Things needed for compiling programs. This set includes the system include files (/usr/include) and the various system libraries (except the shared libraries, which are included as part of the base set). This set also includes the manual pages for all of the utilities it contains, as well as the system call and library manual pages.
11.8 MB gzipped, 39.5 MB uncompressed

This distribution set contains the system configuration files that reside in /etc and in several other places. This set must be installed if you are installing the system from scratch, but should not be used if you are upgrading. (If you are upgrading, it's recommended that you get a copy of this set and carefully upgrade your configuration files by hand.)
0.1 MB gzipped, 0.6 MB uncompressed

This set includes the games and their manual pages.
3.0 MB gzipped, 7.4 MB uncompressed

This set contains a NetBSD/amiga 1.5 GENERIC kernel, named /netbsd. You must install this distribution set.
1.1 MB gzipped, 2.4 MB uncompressed

This set includes all of the manual pages for the binaries and other software contained in the base set. Note that it does not include any of the manual pages that are included in the other sets.
5.0 MB gzipped, 19.9 MB uncompressed

This set includes the (rather large) system dictionaries, the typesettable document set, and other files from /usr/share.
2.6 MB gzipped, 10.1 MB uncompressed

This set includes NetBSD's text processing tools, including groff(1), all related programs, and their manual pages.
1.3 MB gzipped, 4.7 MB uncompressed

NetBSD maintains its own set of sources for the X Window System in order to assure tight integration and compatibility. These sources are based on XFree86, and tightly track XFree86 releases. They are currently equivalent to XFree86 3.3.6. Binary sets for the X Window system are distributed with NetBSD. The sets are:

The basic files needed for a complete X client environment. This does not include the X servers.
2.6 MB gzipped, 8.2 MB uncompressed

The extra libraries and include files needed to compile X source code.
1.7 MB gzipped, 7.2 MB uncompressed

Programs that were contributed to X.
0.2 MB gzipped, 0.7 MB uncompressed

Fonts needed by X.
6.2 MB gzipped, 7.5 MB uncompressed


1.6 MB gzipped, 3.9 MB uncompressed

The amiga binary distribution sets are distributed as gzipped tar files named with the extension .tgz, e.g. base.tgz.

The instructions given for extracting the source sets work equally well for the binary sets, but it is worth noting that if you use that method, the files are /-relative and therefore are extracted below the current directory. That is, if you want to extract the binaries into your system, i.e. replace the system binaries with them, you have to run the tar -xpf command from /.

Each directory in the amiga binary distribution also has its own checksum files, just as the source distribution does.

NetBSD/amiga System Requirements and Supported Devices

NetBSD1.5 runs on any Amiga that has a 68020 or better CPU with some form of MMU, and on 68060 DraCos.

For 68020 and 68030 systems, a FPU is recommended but not required for the system utilities. 68LC040, 68040V and 68LC060 systems don't work correctly at the moment.

The minimal configuration requires 6 MB of RAM (not including CHIPMEM!) and about 75 MB of disk space. To install the entire system requires much more disk space, and to run X or compile the system, more RAM is recommended. (6 MB of RAM will actually allow you to compile, however it won't be speedy. X really isn't usable on a 6 MB system.)

Here is a table of recommended HD partition sizes for a full install:

Partition Suggested + X Needed + X
/ (root) 25 MB 25 MB 20 MB 20 MB
/usr 245 MB 270 MB 120 MB 145 MB
/var 20 MB 20 MB 5 MB 5 MB
swap 2*RAM below 32 MB, then up to you

Anything else is up to you!

As you may note the recommended size of /usr is 125 MB greater than needed. This is to leave room for a kernel source and compile tree as you will probably want to compile your own kernel. GENERIC is large and bulky to accommodate all people. For example, most people's machines have an FPU, so you do not need the bulky FPU_EMULATE option.

Preconfigured or precompiled packages are installed below /usr/pkg by default. You should either make /usr larger (if you intend to install a lot of them), make /usr/pkg an additional partition, use the -p option to pkg_add to install them in a different place, or link /usr/pkg to a different place.

If you only have less than 8 MB of fast memory, you should make your swap partition larger, as your system will be doing much more swapping. Especially: do not place it onto a old small (and normally slow) disk!

Supported devices

  • A4000/A1200 IDE controller, including ATAPI devices

  • SCSI host adapters
    - 33c93 based boards: A2091, A3000 builtin, A3000 builtin modified for Apollo accellerator board, and GVP series II.
    - 53c80 based boards: 12 Gauge, IVS, Wordsync/Bytesync and Emplant The Emplant SCSI adapter has been reported by a party to hang after doing part of the installation without problems
    - 53c710 based boards: A4091, Magnum, Warp Engine, Zeus and DraCo builtin
    - FAS216 based SCSI boards: FastLane Z3, Blizzard I and II, Blizzard IV, Blizzard 2060, CyberSCSI Mk I and II
    - 53c770 based SCSI boards: Cyberstorm Mk III SCSI, Cyberstorm PPC SCSI

  • Video controllers
    - ECS, AGA and A2024 built in on various Amigas
    - Retina Z2 (no X server available), Retina Z3 and Altais
    - Cirrus CL GD 54xx based boards: GVP Spectrum, Picasso II, II+ and IV, Piccolo and Piccolo SD64
    - Tseng ET4000 based boards: Domino and Domino16M proto, oMniBus, Merlin
    - A2410 (no X server available)
    - Cybervision 64
    - Cybervision 64/3D

  • Audio I/O
    - Amiga builtin
    - Melody Mpeg-audio layer 2 board

  • Ethernet controllers
    - A2065 Ethernet
    - Hydra Ethernet
    - ASDG Ethernet
    - A4066 Ethernet
    - Ariadne Ethernet
    - Ariadne II Ethernet
    - Quicknet Ethernet
    - X-surf Ethernet port

  • ARCnet controllers
    - A2060 ARCnet

  • Most SCSI tape drives, including Archive Viper, Cipher SCSI-2 ST150

  • SCSI-2 scanners behaving as SCSI-2 scanner devices, HP Scanjet II, Mustek SCSI scanner. SCSI scanner support is machine independent, so it should work, but hasn't been tested yet on most Amiga configurations. There are reports that the Mustek and HP ScanJet hang if accessed from the A3000. This might apply to other 33C93-Adapters, too.

  • Most SCSI CD-ROM drives

  • Serial cards
    - HyperCom 3Z, HyperCom 4, HyperCom 3+ and 4+
    - MultiFaceCard II and III
    - A2232 (normal and clockdoubled)

  • Amiga floppy drives with Amiga (880/1760kB) and IBM (720/1440kB) encoding. Our floppy driver doesn't notice when mounted floppies are write-protected at the moment. Your floppy will stay unchanged, but you might not notice that you didn't write anything due to the buffer cache. Also note that HD floppy drives only get detected as such if a HD floppy is inserted at boot time.

  • Amiga parallel port

  • Amiga serial port

  • Amiga mouse

  • DraCo serial port, including serial mouse

  • DraCo parallel printer port

  • Real-time clocks
    - A2000, A3000, A4000 builtin (r/w)
    - DraCo builtin (r/o)

If its not on the above lists, there is no support for it in this release. Especially (but this is an incomplete list), there are no drivers for: Blizzard III SCSI option, Ferret SCSI, Oktagon SCSI.

Getting the NetBSD System on to Useful Media

Installation is supported from several media types, including:

  • AmigaDOS
  • CD-ROM
  • MS-DOS floppy
  • FTP
  • Remote NFS partition
  • Tape
  • Existing NetBSD partitions, if performing an upgrade

The steps necessary to prepare the distribution sets for installation depend upon which installation medium you choose. The steps for the various media are outlined below.

AmigaDOS partition
To install NetBSD from an AmigaDOS partition, you need to get the NetBSD distribution sets you wish to install on your system on to an AmigaDOS partition. All of the set_name.xx pieces can be placed in a single directory instead of separate ones for each distribution set. This will also simplify the installation work later on.

Note where you place the files as you will need this later.

Once you have done this, you can proceed to the next step in the installation process, preparing your hard disk.

To install NetBSD from a CD-ROM drive, make sure it is a SCSI CD-ROM on a SCSI bus currently supported by NetBSD (refer to the supported hardware list) or an ATAPI cd-rom connected to the A1200 or A4000 internal IDE connector. If it is a SCSI CD-ROM on a non-supported SCSI bus like Blizzard-3 SCSI or Apollo SCSI you must first copy the distribution sets to an AmigaDOS partition as described above.

If your SCSI CD-ROM is connected to a supported SCSI host adapter, or it is an ATAPI cd-rom connected to the A1200/A4000 internal IDE connector, simply put the CD into the drive before installation.

Find out where the distribution set files are on the CD-ROM.

Proceed to the instruction on installation.

MS-DOS floppy
Count the number of set_name.xx files that make up the distribution sets you want to install or upgrade. You will need one sixth that number of 1.44 MB floppies.

Format all of the floppies with MS-DOS. Do not make any of them bootable MS-DOS floppies, i.e. don't use format /s to format them. (If the floppies are bootable, then the MS-DOS system files that make them bootable will take up some space, and you won't be able to fit the distribution set parts on the disks.) If you're using floppies that are formatted for MS-DOS by their manufacturers, they probably aren't bootable, and you can use them out of the box.

Place all of the set_name.xx files on the MS-DOS disks.

Once you have the files on MS-DOS disks, you can proceed to the next step in the installation or upgrade process. If you're installing NetBSD from scratch, go to the section on preparing your hard disk, below. If you're upgrading an existing installation, go directly to the section on upgrading.

The preparations for this installation/upgrade method are easy; all you need to do is make sure that there's an FTP site from which you can retrieve the NetBSD distribution when you're about to install or upgrade. You need to know the numeric IP address of that site, and, if it's not on a network directly connected to the machine on which you're installing or upgrading NetBSD, you need to know the numeric IP address of the router closest to the NetBSD machine. Finally, you need to know the numeric IP address of the NetBSD machine itself. If you don't have access to a functioning nameserver during installation, the IP address of is (as of October, 2000).

Once you have this information, you can proceed to the next step in the installation or upgrade process. If you're installing NetBSD from scratch, go to the section on preparing your hard disk, below. If you're upgrading an existing installation, go directly to the section on upgrading.

This method of installation is recommended only for those already familiar with using BSD network configuration and management commands. If you aren't, this documentation should help, but is not intended to be all-encompassing.

Place the NetBSD distribution sets you wish to install into a directory on an NFS server, and make that directory mountable by the machine on which you are installing or upgrading NetBSD. This will probably require modifying the /etc/exports file on of the NFS server and resetting its mount daemon (mountd). (Both of these actions will probably require superuser privileges on the server.)

You need to know the numeric IP address of the NFS server, and, if the server is not on a network directly connected to the machine on which you're installing or upgrading NetBSD, you need to know the numeric IP address of the router closest to the NetBSD machine. Finally, you need to know the numeric IP address of the NetBSD machine itself.

Once the NFS server is set up properly and you have the information mentioned above, you can proceed to the next step in the installation or upgrade process. If you're installing NetBSD from scratch, go to the section on preparing your hard disk, below. If you're upgrading an existing installation, go directly to the section on upgrading.

This method of installation is recommended only for those already familiar with using BSD network configuration and management commands. If you aren't, this documentation should help, but is not intended to be all-encompassing.

To install NetBSD from a tape, you need to make a tape that contains the distribution set files, in `tar' format.

If you're making the tape on a UNIX-like system, the easiest way to do so is probably something like:

       # tar -cf tape_device dist_directories

where tape_device is the name of the tape device that describes the tape drive you're using; possibly /dev/rst0, or something similar, but it will vary from system to system. (If you can't figure it out, ask your system administrator.) In the above example, dist_directories are the distribution sets' directories, for the distribution sets you wish to place on the tape. For instance, to put the misc, base, and etc distributions on tape (in order to do the absolute minimum installation to a new disk), you would do the following:

       # cd .../NetBSD-1.5
       # cd amiga/binary
       # tar -cf tape_device misc etc kern

You still need to fill in tape_device in the example.

Once you have the files on the tape, you can proceed to the next step in the installation or upgrade process. If you're installing NetBSD from scratch, go to the section on preparing your hard disk, below. If you're upgrading an existing installation, go directly to the section on upgrading.

If you are upgrading NetBSD, you also have the option of installing NetBSD by putting the new distribution sets somewhere in your existing file system, and using them from there. To do that, you must do the following:

Place the distribution sets you wish to upgrade somewhere in your current file system tree. Please note that the /dev on the floppy used for upgrades only knows about wd0, wd1, sd0, sd1, and sd2. If you have more than two IDE drives or more than three SCSI drives, you should take care not to place the sets on the high numbered drives.

At a bare minimum, you must upgrade the base and kern binary distributions, and so must put the base and kern sets somewhere in your file system. If you wish, you can do the other sets, as well, but you should not upgrade the etc distribution; it contains contains system configuration files that you should review and update by hand.

Once you have done this, you can proceed to the next step in the upgrade process, actually upgrading your system.

Preparing your System for NetBSD installation

You will need an AmigaDOS hard drive prep tool to prepare your hard drives for use with NetBSD/amiga. HDToolBox is provided with the system software and on floppy installation disks since Release 2.0 of AmigaDOS, so we will provide instructions for its use.

Note that NetBSD can't currently be installed on disks with a sector size other than 512 bytes (e.g., ``640 MB'' 90mm M-O media). You can, however, mount ADOSFS partitions on such M-O's.

Preparing your hard disk with HDToolBox

A full explanation of HDToolBox can be found with your AmigaDOS manuals and is beyond the scope of this document.

The first time you partition a drive, you need to set its drive type so that you have working geometry parameters. To do this you enter the ``Change drive type'' menu, and either use ``read parameters from drive'' or set them manually.

Note you will be modifying your HD's. If you mess something up here you could lose everything on all the drives that you configure. It is therefore advised that you:

  1. Write down your current configurations. Do this by examining each partition on the drive and the drives parameters (from Change drive type.)

  2. Back up the partitions you are keeping.

What you need to do is partition your drives; creating at least root, swap and /usr partitions and possibly at least one more for /usr/local if you have the space.

This should be done as the HDToolBox manual describes. One thing to note is that if you are not using a Commodore controller you will need to specify the device your SCSI controller uses, e.g. if you have a Warp Engine you would:

From cli
       hdtoolbox warpdrive.device

From wb
Set the tooltype


The important things you need to do above and beyond normal partitioning includes (from Partition Drive section):

  1. Marking all NetBSD partitions as non-bootable, with two exceptions: the root partition (/), if you want to boot NetBSD directly, or the swap partition, if you want to boot the installation miniroot directly.

  2. Changing the file system parameters of the partitions to NetBSD ones. This must be done from the partitioning section and ``Advanced options'' must be enabled.

To make the needed changes:

  1. Click the ``Adv. Options'' button
  2. Click the ``Change file system'' button
  3. Choose ``Custom File System''
  4. Turn off ``Automount'' if on.
  5. Set the dostype to one of these three choices:
    root partition  : 0x4e425207
    swap partition  : 0x4e425301
    other partitions: 0x4e425507

    Here `other' refers to other partitions you will format for reading and writing under NetBSD (e.g. /usr)

    Make sure you press RETURN to enter this value as some versions of HDToolBox will forget your entry if you don't.

  6. Turn custom boot code off
  7. Set Reserved Blocks start and end to 0.
  8. Click Ok.

On the root (/) (and, for installation, swap) partition, set instead this:

  1. Turn custom boot code on
  2. Set Reserved Blocks start and end to 0.
  3. Set Number of Custom Boot Blocks to 16.
  4. Set Automount This Partition on
  5. Click Ok.

    Mask and maxtransfer are not used with NetBSD.

The swap (for installation) and the root partition (if you plan to use the bootblocks) must be within the first 4 gigabytes of the disk! The reason for the former is that xstreamtodev uses trackdisk.device compatible I/O-calls, the reason for the latter is that the bootblock gets a 32bit partition offset from the operating system.

Once this is done NetBSD/amiga will be able to recognize your disks and which partitions it should use.

Transferring the miniroot file system
The NetBSD/amiga installation or upgrade now uses a miniroot file system which is installed on the partition used by NetBSD for swapping. This removes the requirement of using a floppy disk for the file system used by the installation or upgrade process. It also allows more utilities to be present on the file system than would be available when using an 880 KB floppy disk.

Once the hard disk has been prepared for NetBSD, the miniroot file system (miniroot.fs) is transferred to the swap partition configured during the hard disk prep (or the existing swap partition in the case of an upgrade). The xstreamtodev utility provided in the amiga/installation/misc directory can be used on AmigaDOS to transfer the file system for either a new installation or an upgrade. The file system can also be transferred on an existing NetBSD system for an update by using dd. This should only be done after booting NetBSD into single-user state. It may also be possible to shutdown to single-user, providing that the single-user state processes are not using the swap partition.

On AmigaDOS, the command:

       xstreamtodev --input=miniroot.fs --rdb-name=<swap partition>

where <swap partition> is the name you gave to the NetBSD partition to be used for swapping. If xstreamtodev is unable to determine the SCSI driver device name or the unit number of the specified partition, you may also need to include the option



       --unit=<SCSI unit number>

To transfer the miniroot using NetBSD, you should be booted up in single user state on the current NetBSD system, or use the shutdown now command to shutdown to single-user state. Then copy the miniroot using dd:

       dd if=miniroot.fs of=/dev/rsd0b

where /dev/rsd0b should be the device path of the swap partition your system is configured to use. Once the file is copied, reboot back to AmigaDOS to boot the upgrade kernel.

Once you have started installation, if you abort it and want to retry you must reinstall the miniroot.fs on the swap partition.

Installing the NetBSD System

Installing NetBSD is a relatively complex process, but, if you have this document in hand and are careful to read and remember the information which is presented to you by the install program, it shouldn't be too much trouble.

Before you begin, you must have already prepared your hard disk as detailed in the section on preparing your system for install.

The following is a walk-through of the steps necessary to get NetBSD installed on your hard disk. If you wish to stop the installation, you may press CONTROL-C at any prompt, but if you do, you'll have to begin again from scratch.

Transfer the miniroot file system onto the hard disk partition used by NetBSD for swapping, as described in the "Preparing your System for NetBSD Installation" section above.

Booting from AmigaDOS, using loadbsd
You then need to have ixemul.library in your LIBS: directory on AmigaDOS. You also need to have the loadbsd program in your command path. If AmigaDOS complains about loadbsd not being an executable file, be sure that the Execute protection bit is set. If not, set it with the command:

       Protect loadbsd add e

Next you need to get yourself into NetBSD by loading the kernel from AmigaDOS with loadbsd like so:

       loadbsd -b netbsd

If you have an AGA machine, and your monitor will handle the dblNTSC mode, you may also include the -A option to enable the dblNTSC display mode.

If your machine has a fragmented physical memory space, as, e.g., DraCo machines, you should add the -n2 option to enable the use of all memory segments.

If you have a M680x0 + PPC board, make sure the PPC cpu is inactive before using loadbsd, else the kernel will hang!

Directly booting
NetBSD, with boot blocks installed

[This description is for V40 (OS 3.1) ROMs. For older ROMs, there might be small differences. Check your AmigaDOS documentation to learn about the exact procedure.] Using bootblocks may not work on some systems, and may require a mountable file system on others.

Reboot your machine, holding down both mouse buttons if you have a 2-button mouse, the outer mouse buttons if you have a 3-button mouse. On the DraCo, press the left mouse button instead, when the boot screen prompts you for it.

From the boot menu, select Boot Options. Select the swap partition with the miniroot, and then ok. Select Boot now. The machine will boot the bootblock, which will prompt your for a command line. You have a few seconds time to change the default. Entering an empty line will accept the default.

The bootblock uses command lines of the form:
file[ options]
where file is the kernel file name on the partition where the boot block is on, and [options] are the same as with loadbsd. E.g., instead of

       loadbsd -bsSn2 netbsd


       netbsd -bsSn2

Once your kernel boots
You should see the screen clear and some information about your system as the kernel configures the hardware. Note which hard disk device(s) are configured etc. (sd0, sd1,) Then you will be prompted for a root device. At this time type sd0b, where sd0 is the device which contains the swap partition you created during the hard disk preparation. When prompted for a dump device, answer `none' for the install (normally, you would tell it one of the swap devices). When prompted for the root file system type, confirm `generic', which will auto-detect it.

If the system should hang after entering the root device, try again with

       loadbsd -I ff -b netbsd

This disables synchronous transfer on all SCSI devices.

The system should continue to boot. For now ignore ``WARNING'' messages about bad dates in clocks, and a warning about /etc/rc not existing. Eventually you will be be asked to enter the pathname of the shell, just press RETURN. After a short while, you will be asked to select the type of your keyboard. After you have entered a valid response here, the system asks you if you want to install or upgrade your system. Since you are reading the install section, `i' would be the proper response here...

The installer starts with a nice welcome messages. Read this message carefully, it also informs you of the risks involved in continuing! If you still want to go on, type `y'. The installer now continues by trying to figure out your disk configuration. When it is done, you will be prompted to select a root device from the list of disks it has found.

You should know at this point that the disks are not numbered according to their SCSI-ID! The NetBSD kernel numbers the SCSI drives (and other devices on the SCSI bus) sequentially as it finds them. The drive with the lowest SCSI-ID will be called sd0, the next one sd1, etc. Also, any Amiga internal IDE disk drives will be configured as ``SCSI'' drives, and will be configured before any `real' SCSI drives (if any are present).

The installer will offer you to look at the NetBSD disk label of the disks at this point. You should do this, to find out what partition letters the NetBSD kernel assigned to the partitions you created, and as a check whether the disk number you are going to use is right.

you are now at the point of no return. If you confirm that you want to install NetBSD, your hard drive will be modified, and perhaps its contents scrambled at the whim of the install program. Type Control-C now if you don't want this.

At this time, you will need to tell the installer which partition will be associated with the different file systems. Normally, you'll want to add a partition for /usr, at least.

Do not use the rsdNc or sdNc partitions for anything! They are for access to the whole disk only and do not correspond to any Amiga partition!

The install program will now make the file systems you specified. There should be only one error per file system in this section of the installation. It will look like this:

newfs: ioctl (WDINFO): Invalid argument
newfs: /dev/rsd0a: can't rewrite disk label

If there are any others, restart from the beginning of the installation process. This error is ok as the Amiga does not write disklabels currently. You should expect this error whenever using newfs.

The install will now ask you want to configure any network information. It ill ask for the machine's host name, domain name, and other network configuration information.

Since the network configuration might have lead to additional (nfs) file system entries, you get another chance to modify your fstab.

You are finally at the point where some real data will be put on your freshly made file systems. Select the device type you wish to install from and off you go....

Some notes:

  • If you want to install from tape, please read the section about how to create such a tape.

  • Some tapes (e.g. Archive Viper 150) refuse to operate with the default tape density (nrst0). Try nrst0h, nrst0m, or nrst0l instead.

  • Install at least the base and etc sets.

  • If you have to specify a path relative to the mount-point and you need the mount-point itself, use `.'.

Next you will be asked to specify the timezone. Just select the timezone you are in. The installer will make the correct setup on your root file system (/). After the timezone-link is installed, the installer will proceed by creating the device nodes on your root file system under /dev.

Be patient, this will take a while...

Next, the installer will copy your keymap settings to the new system. After this, it will copy the kernel from the installation miniroot to the newly installed / upgraded system. If the installed system already has a kernel, it will ask you for confirmation.

kern.tgz distribution set, this is an old kernel, and you should answer "y" to install a working (although restricted) INSTALL kernel.

If you did install the kern.tgz kernel, you normally should answer "n".

(In both cases, if you used the INSTWDCPCM kernel for the installation, you should replace the installed kernel by netbsd.INSTWDCPCM manually lateron, and you need to use netbsd.INSTWDCPCM to run the system.)

Finally, the installer ask you if you want to install the bootblock code on your root disk. This is a matter of personal choice and can also be done from a running NetBSD system. See the installboot(8) manual page about how to do this.

Once the installer is done, halt the system with the halt command (wait for halted to be displayed) and reboot. Then again boot NetBSD this time with the command:

       loadbsd netbsd

or select the root partition (/) from the boot menu, and tell it to boot

       netbsd -s

You need to do your final tweaks now. First mount your file systems like so:

       mount -av

Your system is now complete but not completely configured; you should adjust the /etc/ file as necessary to suit your site. You should also examine and adjust the settings in /etc/rc.conf. You can use vi(1) or ed(1) to edit the files. If you installed the man pages you can type man vi or man ed for instructions on how to use these somewhat non-intuitive editors.

Once you are done with the rest of configuration unmount your file systems and halt your system, then reboot:

       # cd /
       # umount -av
       # halt

Finally you can now boot your system and it will be completely functional:

       loadbsd -a netbsd

When it boots off of the hard drive, you will have a complete NetBSD system! Congratulations! (You really deserve them!!!)

Post installation steps

Once you've got the operating system running, there are a few things you need to do in order to bring the system into a properly configured state, with the most important ones described below.

  1. Configuring /etc/rc.conf

    If you or the installation software haven't done any configuration of /etc/rc.conf, the system will drop you into single user mode on first reboot with the message

           /etc/rc.conf is not configured. Multiuser boot aborted.

    and with the root file system (/) mounted read-write. When the system asks you to choose a shell, simply press RETURN to get to a prompt. If you are asked for a terminal type, respond with vt220 (or whatever is appropriate for your terminal type) and press RETURN. At this point, you need to configure at least one file in the /etc directory. Change to the /etc directory and take a look at the /etc/rc.conf file. Modify it to your tastes, making sure that you set rc_configured=YES so that your changes will be enabled and a multi-user boot can proceed. Default values for the various programs can be found in /etc/defaults/rc.conf, where some in-line documentation may be found. More complete documentation can be found in rc.conf(5).

    If your /usr directory is on a separate partition and you do not know how to use ed, you will have to mount your /usr partition to gain access to ex or vi. Do the following:

           # mount /usr

           # export TERM=vt220

    If you have /var on a separate partition, you need to repeat that step for it. After that, you can edit /etc/rc.conf with vi(1). When you have finished, type exit at the prompt to leave the single-user shell and continue with the multi-user boot.

    Other values that need to be set in /etc/rc.conf for a networked environment are hostname and possibly defaultroute, furthermore add an ifconfig_int for your interface <int>, along the lines of

           ifconfig_de0="inet netmask"

    or, if you have in /etc/hosts:

           ifconfig_de0="inet netmask"

    To enable proper hostname resolution, you will also want to add an /etc/resolv.conf file or (if you are feeling a little more adventurous) run named(8). See resolv.conf(5) or named(8) for more information.

    Other files in /etc that may require modification or setting up include /etc/mailer.conf, /etc/nsswitch.conf, and /etc/wscons.conf.

  2. Logging in

    After reboot, you can log in as root at the login prompt. There is no initial password, but if you're using the machine in a networked environment, you should create an account for yourself (see below) and protect it and the ``root'' account with good passwords. Unless you have connected an unusual terminal device as the console you can just press RETURN when it prompts for Terminal type? [...]

  3. Adding accounts

    Use the useradd(8) command to add accounts to your system, do not edit /etc/passwd directly. See useradd(8) for more information on how to add a new user to the system.

  4. The X Window System

    If you have installed the X window system, look at the files in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc for information.

    Don't forget to add /usr/X11R6/bin to your path in your shell's dot file so that you have access to the X binaries.

  5. Installing third party packages

    If you wish to install any of the software freely available for UNIX-like systems you are strongly advised to first check the NetBSD package system. This automatically handles any changes necessary to make the software run on NetBSD, retrieval and installation of any other packages on which the software may depend, and simplifies installation (and deinstallation), both from source and precompiled binaries.

  6. Misc

    • Edit /etc/mail/aliases to forward root mail to the right place (run newaliases(1) afterwards.)

    • The /etc/mail/ file will almost definitely need to be adjusted; files aiding in this can be found in /usr/share/sendmail. See the README file there for more information.

    • Edit /etc/rc.local to run any local daemons you use.

    • Many of the /etc files are documented in section 5 of the manual; so just invoking

             # man 5 filename

      is likely to give you more information on these files.

Upgrading a previously-installed NetBSD System

The upgrade to NetBSD1.5 is a binary upgrade; it can be quite difficult to advance to a later version by recompiling from source due primarily to interdependencies in the various components.

To do the upgrade, you must have the NetBSD kernel on AmigaDOS and you must transfer the miniroot file system miniroot.fs onto the swap partition of the NetBSD hard disk. You must also have at least the base binary distribution set available, so that you can upgrade with it, using one of the upgrade methods described above. Finally, you must have sufficient disk space available to install the new binaries. Since the old binaries are being overwritten in place, you only need space for the new binaries, which weren't previously on the system. If you have a few megabytes free on each of your / (root) and /usr partitions, you should have enough space.

Since upgrading involves replacing the kernel, and most of the system binaries, it has the potential to cause data loss. You are strongly advised to BACK UP ANY IMPORTANT DATA ON YOUR DISK, whether on the NetBSD partition or on another operating system's partition, before beginning the upgrade process.

To upgrade your system, follow the following instructions:

Transfer the miniroot file system onto the hard disk partition used by NetBSD for swapping, as described in the "Preparing your System for NetBSD Installation" section above.

Now boot up NetBSD using the 1.5 kernel using the loadbsd command:

       loadbsd -b netbsd

If you machine has a split memory space, like, e.g., DraCo machines, use this instead:

       loadbsd -bn2 netbsd

If you have a M680x0 + PPC board, make sure the PPC cpu is inactive before using loadbsd, else the kernel will hang!

Directly booting
NetBSD, with boot blocks installed

This description is for V40 (OS 3.1) ROMs. For older ROMs, there might be small differences. Check your AmigaDOS documentation to learn about the exact procedure. Booting using bootblocks doesn't work at all on some systems, and may require a mountable file system on others.

Reboot your machine, holding down both mouse buttons if you have a 2-button mouse, the outer mouse buttons if you have a 3-button mouse. On the DraCo, press the left mouse button instead, when the boot screen prompts you for it.

From the boot menu, select Boot Options. Select the swap partition with the miniroot, and then ok. Select Boot now. The machine will boot the bootblock, which will prompt your for a command line. You have a few seconds time to change the default. Entering an empty line will accept the default.

The bootblock uses command lines of the form: file[ options] where file is the kernel file name on the partition where the boot block is on, and options are the same as with loadbsd. E.g., instead of

       loadbsd -bsSn2 netbsd


       netbsd -bsSn2

Once your kernel boots
You should see the screen clear and some information about your system as the kernel configures the hardware. Note which hard disk device is configured that contains your root (/) and swap partitions. When prompted for the root device, type sd0b (replacing `0' with the disk number that NetBSD used for your root/swap device). When prompted for a dump device, answer `none' for the upgrade. (For a normal boot, you would tell it one of the swap devices). When prompted for the root file system type, confirm `generic', which will auto-detect it.

You will be presented with some information about the upgrade process and a warning message, and will be asked if you wish to proceed with the upgrade process. If you answer negatively, the upgrade process will stop, and your disk will not be modified. If you answer affirmatively, the upgrade process will begin, and your disk will be modified. You may press CONTROL-C to stop the upgrade process at any time. However, if you press it at an inopportune moment, your system may be left in an inconsistent (and possibly unusable) state.

You will now be greeted and reminded of the fact that this is a potential dangerous procedure and that you should not upgrade the etc set.

When you decide to proceed, you will be prompted to enter your root disk. After you've done this, it will be checked automatically to make sure that the file system is in a sane state before making any modifications. After this is done, you will be asked if you want to configure your network.

You are now allowed to edit your fstab. Normally you don't have to. Note that the upgrade-kit uses it's own copy of the fstab. Whatever you do here won't affect your actual fstab. After you are satisfied with your fstab, the upgrade-kit will check all file systems mentioned in it. When they're ok, they will be mounted.

You will now be asked if your sets are stored on a normally mounted file system. You should answer `y' to this question if you have the sets stored on a file system that was present in the fstab. The actions you should take for the set extraction are pretty logical (we think).

After you have extracted the sets, the upgrade kit will proceed with setting the timezone and installing the kernel and bootcode. This is all exactly the same as described in the installation section.

Your system has now been upgraded to NetBSD1.5.

After a new kernel has been copied to your hard disk, your machine is a complete NetBSD1.5 system. However, that doesn't mean that you're finished with the upgrade process. There are several things that you should do, or might have to do, to insure that the system works properly.

You will probably want to get the etc distribution, extract it, and compare its contents with those in your /etc directory. You will probably want to replace some of your system configuration files, or incorporate some of the changes in the new versions into yours.

You will want to delete old binaries that were part of the version of NetBSD that you upgraded from and have since been removed from the NetBSD distribution. If upgrading from a NetBSD version older than 1.0, you might also want to recompile any locally-built binaries, to take advantage of the shared libraries. (Note that any new binaries that you build will be dynamically linked, and therefore take advantage of the shared libraries, by default. For information on how to make statically linked binaries, see the cc(1) and ld(1) manual pages.)

Compatibility Issues With Previous NetBSD Releases

Users upgrading from previous versions of NetBSD may wish to bear the following problems and compatibility issues in mind when upgrading to NetBSD1.5.

General issues

  • /etc/rc modified to use /etc/rc.d/*

    In previous releases of NetBSD, /etc/rc was a traditional BSD style monolithic file. As of NetBSD1.5, each discrete program or substem from /etc/rc and /etc/netstart has been moved into separate scripts in /etc/rc.d/.

    At system startup, /etc/rc uses rcorder(8) to build a dependency list of the files in /etc/rc.d and then executes each script in turn with an argument of `start'. Many rc.d scripts won't start unless the appropriate rc.conf(5) entry in /etc/rc.conf is set to `YES.'

    At system shutdown, /etc/rc.shutdown uses rcorder(8) to build a dependency list of the files in /etc/rc.d that have a ``KEYWORD: shutdown'' line, reverses the resulting list, and then executes each script in turn with an argument of `stop'. The following scripts support a specific shutdown method: cron, inetd, local, and xdm.

    Local and third-party scripts may be installed into /etc/rc.d as necessary. Refer to the other scripts in that directory and rc(8) for more information on implementing rc.d scripts.

Issues affecting an upgrading from NetBSD 1.4 or later

  • named(8) leaks version information

    Previous releases of NetBSD disabled a feature of named(8) where the version number of the server could be determined by remote clients. This feature has not been disabled in NetBSD1.5, because there is a named.conf(5) option to change the version string:

    option {
         version "newstring";

  • sysctl(8) pathname changed

    sysctl(8) is moved from /usr/sbin/sysctl to /sbin/sysctl. If you have hardcoded references to the full pathname (in shell scripts, for example) please be sure to update those.

  • sendmail(8) configuration file pathname changed

    Due to sendmail(8) upgrade from 8.9.x to 8.10.x, /etc/ is moved to /etc/mail/ Also, the default refers different pathnames than before. For example, /etc/aliases is now located at /etc/mail/aliases, /etc/ is now called /etc/mail/local-host-names, and so forth. If you have customized and friends, you will need to move the files to the new locations. See /usr/share/sendmail/README for more information.

Using online NetBSD documentation

Documentation is available if you first install the manual distribution set. Traditionally, the ``man pages'' (documentation) are denoted by `name(section)'. Some examples of this are

  • intro(1),
  • man(1),
  • apropros(1),
  • passwd(1), and
  • passwd(5).

The section numbers group the topics into several categories, but three are of primary interest: user commands are in section 1, file formats are in section 5, and administrative information is in section 8.

The man command is used to view the documentation on a topic, and is started by entering man[ section] topic. The brackets [] around the section should not be entered, but rather indicate that the section is optional. If you don't ask for a particular section, the topic with the lowest numbered section name will be displayed. For instance, after logging in, enter

       # man passwd

to read the documentation for passwd(1). To view the documentation for passwd(5), enter

       # man 5 passwd


If you are unsure of what man page you are looking for, enter apropos subject-word

where subject-word is your topic of interest; a list of possibly related man pages will be displayed.


If you've got something to say, do so! We'd like your input. There are various mailing lists available via the mailing list server at To get help on using the mailing list server, send mail to that address with an empty body, and it will reply with instructions.

There are various mailing lists set up to deal with comments and questions about this release. Please send comments to:

To report bugs, use the send-pr(1) command shipped with NetBSD, and fill in as much information about the problem as you can. Good bug reports include lots of details. Additionally, bug reports can be sent by mail to:

Use of send-pr(1) is encouraged, however, because bugs reported with it are entered into the NetBSD bugs database, and thus can't slip through the cracks.

There are also port-specific mailing lists, to discuss aspects of each port of NetBSD. Use majordomo to find their addresses, or visit If you're interested in doing a serious amount of work on a specific port, you probably should contact the `owner' of that port (listed below).

If you'd like to help with this effort, and have an idea as to how you could be useful, send us mail or subscribe to:

As a favor, please avoid mailing huge documents or files to these mailing lists. Instead, put the material you would have sent up for FTP or WWW somewhere, then mail the appropriate list about it, or, if you'd rather not do that, mail the list saying you'll send the data to those who want it.

Thanks go to

  • The former members of UCB's Computer Systems Research Group, including (but not limited to):
    Keith Bostic
    Ralph Campbell
    Mike Karels
    Marshall Kirk McKusick

    for their ongoing work on BSD systems, support, and encouragement.

  • Also, our thanks go to:
    Mike Hibler
    Rick Macklem
    Jan-Simon Pendry
    Chris Torek

    for answering lots of questions, fixing bugs, and doing the various work they've done.

  • UC Berkeley's Experimental Computing Facility provided a home for sun-lamp in the past, people to look after it, and a sense of humor. Rob Robertson, too, has added his unique sense of humor to things, and for a long time provided the primary FTP site for NetBSD.

  • Vixie Enterprises for hosting the NetBSD FTP, SUP, and WWW servers.

  • Redback Networks, Inc. for hosting the NetBSD mail and GNATS server.

  • The Helsinki University of Technology in Finland for hosting the NetBSD CVS server.

  • The Internet Research Institute in Japan for hosting the server which runs the CVSweb interface to the NetBSD source tree.

  • The many organisations that provide NetBSD mirror sites.

  • Without CVS, this project would be impossible to manage, so our hats go off to Brian Berliner, Jeff Polk, and the various other people who've had a hand in making CVS a useful tool.

  • Dave Burgess has been maintaining the 386BSD/NetBSD/FreeBSD FAQ for quite some time, and deserves to be recognized for it.

  • The following individuals and organizations (each in alphabetical order) have made donations or loans of hardware and/or money, to support NetBSD development, and deserve credit for it:

    Steve Allen
    Jason Birnschein
    Mason Loring Bliss
    Jason Brazile
    Mark Brinicombe
    David Brownlee
    Simon Burge
    Dave Burgess
    Ralph Campbell
    Brian Carlstrom
    James Chacon
    Bill Coldwell
    Charles Conn
    Tom Coulter
    Charles D. Cranor
    Christopher G. Demetriou
    Scott Ellis
    Hubert Feyrer
    Castor Fu
    Greg Gingerich
    William Gnadt
    Michael Graff
    Guenther Grau
    Ross Harvey
    Charles M. Hannum
    Michael L. Hitch
    Kenneth Alan Hornstein
    Jordan K. Hubbard
    Søren Jørvang
    Scott Kaplan
    Noah M. Keiserman
    Harald Koerfgen
    John Kohl
    Chris Legrow
    Ted Lemon
    Norman R. McBride
    Neil J. McRae
    Perry E. Metzger
    Toru Nishimura
    Herb Peyerl
    Mike Price
    Dave Rand
    Michael Richardson
    Heiko W. Rupp
    Brad Salai
    Chuck Silvers
    Thor Lancelot Simon
    Bill Sommerfeld
    Paul Southworth
    Eric and Rosemary Spahr
    Ted Spradley
    Kimmo Suominen
    Jason R. Thorpe
    Steve Wadlow
    Krister Walfridsson
    Jim Wise
    Christos Zoulas

    AboveNet Communications, Inc.
    Advanced System Products, Inc.
    Avalon Computer Systems
    Bay Area Internet Solutions
    Brains Corporation, Japan
    Canada Connect Corporation
    Co-operative Research Centre for Enterprise Distributed Systems Technology
    Demon Internet, UK
    Digital Equipment Corporation
    Distributed Processing Technology
    Easynet, UK
    Free Hardware Foundation
    Innovation Development Enterprises of America
    Internet Software Consortium
    MS Macro System GmbH, Germany
    Numerical Aerospace Simulation Facility, NASA Ames Research Center
    Piermont Information Systems Inc.
    Salient Systems Inc.
    VMC Harald Frank, Germany
    Warped Communications, Inc.
    Whitecross Database Systems Ltd.
    (If you're not on that list and should be, tell us! We probably were not able to get in touch with you, to verify that you wanted to be listed.)

  • Finally, we thank all of the people who've put sweat and tears into developing NetBSD since its inception in January, 1993. (Obviously, there are a lot more people who deserve thanks here. If you're one of them, and would like to mentioned, tell us!)

We are...

(in alphabetical order)

The NetBSD core group:
Jun-ichiro itojun
Frank van der

The portmasters (and their ports):
Mark arm32
Jeremy sun3x
Ross alpha
Jun-ichiro itojun sh3
Ben arm26
Eduardo sparc64
Darrin next68k
Søren Jø cobalt
Søren Jø sgimips
Wayne mipsco
Paul sparc
Anders vax
Minoura x68k
Phil pc532
Tohru luna68k
Scott mac68k
Kazuki bebox
Noriyuki arc
Wolfgang ofppc
Ignatios amiga
Jonathan pmax
Shin hpcmips
Jason alpha
Jason hp300
Tsubai macppc
Tsubai newsmips
Izumi news68k
Frank van der i386
Leo atari
Nathan sun3
Steve mvme68k

The NetBSD 1.5 Release Engineering team:
Chris G.

Developers and other contributors:
Robert V.
Mason Loring
D'Arcy J.M.
Chris G.
Brian R.
Simon J.
Brian C.
Charles M.
Michael L.
Christian E.
Lonhyn T.
Johnny C.
Martin J.
Neil J.
Heiko W.
Karl Schilke (rAT)
Thor Lancelot

Legal Mumbo-Jumbo

All product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

The following notices are required to satisfy the license terms of the software that we have mentioned in this document:

This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors.

This product includes software developed by The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.

This product includes software developed by the NetBSD Foundation, Inc. and its contributors.

This product includes software developed by the Computer Systems Engineering Group at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.

This product includes software developed by Adam Glass and Charles Hannum.

This product includes software developed by Adam Glass and Charles M. Hannum.

This product includes software developed by Adam Glass.

This product includes software developed by Alistair G. Crooks.

This product includes software developed by Amancio Hasty and Roger Hardiman.

This product includes software developed by Berkeley Software Design, Inc.

This product includes software developed by Bill Paul.

This product includes software developed by Charles D. Cranor and Washington University.

This product includes software developed by Charles D. Cranor.

This product includes software developed by Charles Hannum, by the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College and Garrett A. Wollman, by William F. Jolitz, and by the University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and its contributors.

This product includes software developed by Charles Hannum.

This product includes software developed by Charles M. Hannum.

This product includes software developed by Chris Provenzano.

This product includes software developed by Christian E. Hopps.

This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou for the NetBSD Project.

This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou.

This product includes software developed by Christos Zoulas.

This product includes software developed by David Jones and Gordon Ross.

This product includes software developed by Dean Huxley.

This product includes software developed by Eric S. Hvozda.

This product includes software developed by Ezra Story.

This product includes software developed by Gardner Buchanan.

This product includes software developed by Gordon Ross.

This product includes software developed by Gordon W. Ross and Leo Weppelman.

This product includes software developed by Gordon W. Ross.

This product includes software developed by Hauke Fath.

This product includes software developed by HAYAKAWA Koichi.

This product includes software developed by Hellmuth Michaelis and Joerg Wunsch.

This product includes software developed by Herb Peyerl.

This product includes software developed by Holger Veit and Brian Moore for use with "386BSD" and similar operating systems.

This product includes software developed by Hubert Feyrer for the NetBSD Project.

This product includes software developed by Iain Hibbert.

This product includes software developed by Ian W. Dall.

This product includes software developed by Ignatios Souvatzis for the NetBSD Project.

This product includes software developed by Jason R. Thorpe for And Communications,

This product includes software developed by Joachim Koenig-Baltes.

This product includes software developed by Jochen Pohl for The NetBSD Project.

This product includes software developed by John Polstra.

This product includes software developed by Jonathan Stone and Jason R. Thorpe for the NetBSD Project.

This product includes software developed by Jonathan Stone for the NetBSD Project.

This product includes software developed by Jonathan Stone.

This product includes software developed by Julian Highfield.

This product includes software developed by Kenneth Stailey.

This product includes software developed by Leo Weppelman.

This product includes software developed by Lloyd Parkes.

This product includes software developed by Manuel Bouyer.

This product includes software developed by Marc Horowitz.

This product includes software developed by Mark Brinicombe.

This product includes software developed by Mark Tinguely and Jim Lowe.

This product includes software developed by Markus Wild.

This product includes software developed by Martin Husemann and Wolfgang Solfrank.

This product includes software developed by Mats O Jansson and Charles D. Cranor.

This product includes software developed by Mats O Jansson.

This product includes software developed by Matthias Pfaller.

This product includes software developed by Michael L. Hitch.

This product includes software developed by Niels Provos.

This product includes software developed by Paul Kranenburg.

This product includes software developed by Paul Mackerras.

This product includes software developed by Peter Galbavy.

This product includes software developed by Philip A. Nelson.

This product includes software developed by Rodney W. Grimes.

This product includes software developed by Roland C. Dowdeswell.

This product includes software developed by Rolf Grossmann.

This product includes software developed by Scott Bartram.

This product includes software developed by SigmaSoft, Th. Lockert.

This product includes software developed by Tatoku Ogaito for the NetBSD Project.

This product includes software developed by Terrence R. Lambert.

This product includes software developed by Theo de Raadt and John Brezak.

This product includes software developed by Theo de Raadt.

This product includes software developed by Tohru Nishimura for the NetBSD Project.

This product includes software developed by TooLs GmbH.

This product includes software developed by Winning Strategies, Inc.

This product includes software developed by Zembu Labs, Inc.

This product includes software developed by the Center for Software Science at the University of Utah.

This product includes software developed by the Computer Systems Laboratory at the University of Utah.

This product includes software developed by the University of Calgary Department of Computer Science and its contributors.

This product includes software developed by the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College and Garrett A. Wollman.

This product includes software developed for the FreeBSD project.

This product includes software developed for the Internet Software Consortium by Ted Lemon.

This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Frank van der Linden.

This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Jason R. Thorpe.

This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by John M. Vinopal.

This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Matthias Drochner.

This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Matthieu Herrb.

This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Perry E. Metzger.

This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Piermont Information Systems Inc.

This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by Ted Lemon.

This product includes software developed by LAN Media Corporation and its contributors.

This product includes software developed by Michael Graff for the NetBSD Project.

This product includes software developed by Niklas Hallqvist, C Stone and Job de Haas.

This product includes software developed by Eric Young (

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (

This product includes software developed by the University of Oregon.

This product includes software developed by the University of Southern California and/or Information Sciences Institute.

This product includes software developed by Internet Initiative Japan Inc.

This product includes software developed by Tobias Abt.

This product includes software developed by Klaus Burkert.

This product includes software developed by Michael van Elst.

This product includes software developed by Bernd Ernesti.

This product includes software developed by Markus Illenseer.

This product includes software developed by Mika Kortelainen.

This product includes software developed by Jukka Marin.

This product includes software developed by Kari Mettinen.

This product includes software developed by Brad Pepers.

This product includes software developed by Ignatios Souvatzis.

This product includes software developed by Michael Teske.

This product includes software developed by Lutz Vieweg.

This product includes software developed by Daniel Widenfalk.