Changing from Local Console to Serial Console

(c) Copyright.  Hewlett-Packard Company.  1992.
All rights reserved.

PDC ROM rev. 1.1
IODC ROM rev. 1.0
240 MB of memory configured and tested.

Selecting a system to boot.
To stop selection process, press and hold the ESCAPE key.
Booting from:     scsi.6.0     SEAGATE ST3600N

Selection process stopped.

Searching for Potential Boot Devices.
To terminate search, press and hold the ESCAPE key.

Device Selection      Device Path              Device Type

P0                    scsi.6.0                 SEAGATE ST3600N
Search terminated.

b)    Boot from specified device
s)    Search for bootable devices
a)    Enter Boot Administration mode
x)    Exit and continue boot sequence
?)    Help

Select from menu: a
Primary boot path   = scsi.6.0
Alternate boot path = lan.080009-6265a6.0.0
Console path        = graphics
Keyboard path       = hil
BOOT_ADMIN> path console rs232_a.9600.8.none
Resetting ...

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$NetBSD: serialconsole.html,v 1.5 2004/10/30 22:33:46 jschauma Exp $
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