NetBSD/mipsco Installation Notes

This document is still in the early stages of construction, and will eventually be replaced once a INSTALL manpage has been written

Supported Hardware

The following devices are currently supprted on the Mips Magnum 3000 workstation

The following devices are not currently supported:

Getting Started

Currently you can only bootstrap the NetBSD kernel from a RISC/os disk partition or across the network using bootp.
The NetBSD parition has to be created on another big-endian machine such as NetBSD/sparc or NetBSD/newsmips

Work is underway to simplify the installation procedure with a miniroot filesystem and a pre-built snapshot that will allow you to partition your disks and install NetBSD directly.

Firstly obtain a copy of the most recent kernel from

Booting From a RISC/os disk partition

If you have a running version of RISC/os installed on your machine it is by far the easiest method to boot the kernel.
You can simply copy across the netbsd kernel file into / of the RISC/os operating system, shutdown and boot the new kernel using:
boot dksd(,,0)/netbsd
This procedure will initially load the stand alone shell (SASH) from dksd(,,8)sash then load the NetBSD kernel.

Network boot using bootp and tftp

The Mips PROM firmware has a number of restrictions with its bootp protocol:

With above restrictions in mind please refer to the Diskless NetBSD HOW-TO  for details on setting up a bootp and tftp daemon.

The easiest way of determining the Ethernet MAC address is to snoop the network using 'tcpdump -e'

Once you have a server setup with bootpd and tftpd running you can boot the kernel from the firmware using the following commands in bold

Rx3230 MIPS Monitor: Version 5.43 OPT Mon May 13 17:31:12 PDT 1991 root
Memory size: 33554432 (0x2000000) bytes, 32 MB
Icache size: 32768 (0x8000) bytes
Dcache size: 32768 (0x8000) bytes
>> setenv bootfile bootp()netbsd
>> setenv netaddr
>> boot
Obtaining netbsd from server
1026032+501367+124032 entry: 0x80021000
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
    The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

Setting up a NetBSD Filesystem

One you have successfully booted the NetBSD/mipsco kernel you will need to setup a filesystem with the rest of the distribution.

  1. On a Big Endian NetBSD machine, label a disk and create a suitable filesystem. The reason why you currently need a big endian machine is the disklabel values are stored in host byte order. This needs to be the same byte order as the MIPS R3000 native format. This procedure is known to work from NetBSD/sparc which places a disklabel at offset 0x80 on the first disk sector.
  2. Download and untar the NetBSD distribution files onto the root of the new filesystem. You can download a binary snapshot from the NetBSD/mipsco snapshot area of the ftp server.
  3. Change into <rootdir>/dev and run './MAKEDEV all' to create the default device nodes.
  4. Change into <rootdir>/etc and configure rc.config and other startup files by hand.
  5. Unmount the disk and connect the drive to the Mips machine
  6. Boot the kernel using bootp or off the RISC/os disk partition. When prompted for the root device answer with the device name for the root filesystem disk you just created.

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(Contact us) $NetBSD: install.html,v 1.16 2004/10/30 22:33:52 jschauma Exp $
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