BSD daemon

NetBSD Developer Documentation:

GNATS Database Administration

Administration of GNATS Database

Administration of GNATS Database

Introduction (top)

An essential component of maintaining the relevancy of our GNATS bug tracking system is ensuring that all references to it are consistent, and that appropriate categories exist (such as a port-FOO category for each separate port).

There are multiple files that should be kept synchronised to ensure the consistency is maintained, along with any relevant procedures that should be followed.

Back-end database configuration (top)

The GNATS database and configuration file is kept on in /usr/local/share/gnats/gnats-db/.

The configuration files are:

These files are kept under RCS control, and after editing it the following commands should be run to setup the database.

	env GNATS_ROOT=/usr/local/share/gnats/gnats-db /usr/local/libexec/gnats/mkcat

This may have to be performed by a developer with root privileges or one in the gnats group.

Web pages (top)

The web pages and CGI configuration files are maintained in the CVS tree. The relevant files are:

send-pr configuration (top)

The configuration file used by send-pr on our user's machines is in CVS under:

This file is updated on the user's machine during an upgrade or a build of NetBSD-current.

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(Contact us) $NetBSD: gnats-admin.html,v 1.19 2003/07/23 16:35:00 keihan Exp $
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