NetBSD Developer Documentation: Release Engineering: 1.4 Release Schedule

The release engineer for NetBSD 1.4.4 is Håvard Eidnes, Pull-ups go to the usual address; see Submitting Release Branch Pull-up Requests for information on this. The exact details of who does what during a given point of a release cycle will vary somewhat; the procedures for each release cycle will be publicised on the NetBSD project-internal mailing list for developers.


The release of NetBSD 1.4.4 does not currently have a time schedule set in stone. The release engineering team is currently receiving and processing pullups to continue maintaining the netbsd-1-4 release branch, and this release branch will eventually become NetBSD 1.4.4. At this time we are operating under the regime where patches will drive releases, not the other way around.

The original schedule for the release of NetBSD 1.4 had this schedule set at the time the release was planned:
Day 0:
At the branch, -current sup collections and the checked out sources on start tracking the branch. All commits to the release branch need to be cleared with Release Engineering in advance.
Day 0:
Build Masters should begin producing NetBSD 1.4_ALPHA releases. Please complete this work ASAP. It is understood that slow hardware will take time, but the modern hardware ports should finish quickly. DAYS COUNT. Every extra day your Alpha is out is another day we get for testing.
Day 15:
BETA tag
Build Masters should begin producing NetBSD 1.4_BETA releases. Please complete this work ASAP. DAYS COUNT.
All changes to the 1.4 branch after this point are to be cleared in detail with Release Engineering, and will be permitted only if they impact only documentation or if they are significant bugs.
Day 30:
Code Freeze
All changes to the 1.4 branch after this point are done by release engineering only. If it isn't done by now, it goes into 1.4.1 unless it is a "stop the presses" kind of bug, in which case it will be pulled up.
Day 34:
Final Tag
Final 1.4 release tag in morning, UTC+0500. Build Masters should begin producing NetBSD 1.4 releases. Mirrors should begin syncing up as soon as release contents appear.
Day 41:
Soft Release
The release directories on the FTP server are unprotected.
Day 43:
Done mid-week to avoid download surge. ftp and sup collections revert to the head.

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(Contact us) $NetBSD: release-schedule-1.4.html,v 1.14 2003/07/23 16:35:18 keihan Exp $
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