NetBSD Developer Documentation: Release Engineering: 1.5 Release Schedule

The release engineer for NetBSD 1.5 is Todd Vierling,;
the release engineer for NetBSD 1.5.1 is Håvard Eidnes,;
the release engineer for NetBSD 1.5.2 is Todd Vierling,

Pull-ups should be submitted to; see Submitting Release Branch Pull-up Requests for information on this. The exact details of who does what during a given point of a release cycle will vary somewhat; the procedures for each release cycle will be publicized on the NetBSD Project -internal mailing list for developers.


BRANCH 20 Jun 2000 20 Jun 2000 At the branch, -current sup collections and the checked out sources on start tracking the branch. All commits to the release branch need to be cleared with Release Engineering in advance.
ALPHA release 20 Jun 2000 -- Snapshots are built and released.
ALPHA2 tag 11 Aug 2000 12 Aug 2000 The branch is tagged netbsd-1-5-ALPHA2. Functional changes are disallowed from the branch and pullups for them will be refused.

Build Masters should begin producing NetBSD 1.5_ALPHA2 releases. Please complete this work ASAP. It is understood that slow hardware will take time, but the modern hardware ports should finish quickly. DAYS COUNT. Every extra day your Alpha is out is another day we get for testing.

ALPHA2 release 18 Aug 2000 -- All NetBSD 1.5_ALPHA2 binaries should be available.
BETA tag 28 Aug 2000 21 Oct 2000 Build Masters should begin producing NetBSD 1.5_BETA releases. Please complete this work ASAP. DAYS COUNT.

Only critical bugfixes and documentation fixes may be committed to the branch, are must be cleared in detail with Release Engineering.

Pullups are now executed by Release Engineering, and not by individual developers.

Code Freeze 15 Sep 2000 -- All but mission-critical bugfixes are disallowed from the 1.5 branch. Further pullup requests should be held until 1.5.1.
BETA2 tag -- 5 Nov 2000 Due to inadequate stability, we move to an unplanned BETA2.
RELEASE tag 25 Sep 2000 19 Nov 2000 Final 1.5 release tag. Build Masters should begin producing NetBSD 1.5 releases. Mirrors should begin syncing up as soon as release contents appear.
Soft Release 2 Oct 2000 26 Nov 2000 The release directories on the FTP server are unprotected.
Announcement 5 Oct 2000 6 Dec 2000 Done mid-week to avoid download surge. ftp and sup collections revert to the head.
1.5.1 subcycle -- 20 Nov 2000 Release Engineering begins accepting pullup requests for bugfixes and features to 1.5.1.
1.5.1_BETA tag -- 6 Apr 2001 Releng tags the tree and build masters begin builds and the community is encouraged to test rigorously.
1.5.1_BETA2 tag -- 9 May 2001 Second beta period tagged; builds start.
1.5.1 RELEASE tag circa 30 Apr 2001 11 Jun 2001 Final tag (netbsd-1-5-PATCH001) in place, builds start, we have a product.
1.5.1 soft release -- 11 July 2001 Release directories on the FTP server are unprotected.
1.5.2 subcycle -- 29 Jul 2001 Release Engineering begins accepting pullup requests for bugfixes and features to 1.5.2.
1.5.2 RELEASE tag -- 17 Aug 2001 Final tag (netbsd-1-5-PATCH002) in place.
1.5.3 subcycle -- 30 Sep 2001 Release Engineering begins accepting pullup requests for bugfixes and features to 1.5.3.

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(Contact us) $NetBSD: release-schedule-1.5.html,v 1.16 2003/07/23 16:35:18 keihan Exp $
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