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NetBSD Developer Documentation:

Translating htdocs into French


English Words/Phrases in French


There are a few instances where we choose not to translate a certain phrase either because it sounds awkward in French or simply because there is no adequate translation. In other instances, we translate a certain phrase in always the same way, to guarantee consistency among the different pages. Please go through the following lists carefully as you translate - if you have questions regarding a certain phrase or know of a better way to deal with one, please send an email to the mailing list.

English Words/Phrases in French

Note that, if a given phrase can not be tranlsated, we should capitalize english nouns nonetheless - it just looks better in French. For example, the sentence ``Security issues in NetBSD are handled by the NetBSD security officer.'' might be translated as ``Les problèmes de sécurité dans NetBSD sont gérés par le <cite>NetBSD Security Officer</cite>.''.

Phrases that remain unchanged (top)

Common phrases (top)

Tricky business (top)

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(Contact us) $NetBSD: translate-french.html,v 1.5 2003/07/23 16:35:06 keihan Exp $
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