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NetBSD Developer Documentation:

Information about the www mailing list

Responding to mail

Miscellaneous Notes

Responding to mail

What is involved in being a member of the www-rotation? (top)

It involves covering one week every five or so. Tasks include You can certainly get by with less than an hour a day, though everyone is always encouraged to add more faq/news/information to the site...

Who can reply to mail? (top)

Mail to is handled by a team appointed for the purpose. Each member of the team is given one week in a rotation during which they have the primary responsibility for responding to the mail. While they have the primary responsibility, others are free to help out if they see a message that they think they are better suited to answer but they should first clear it with the on-call person. The purpose of this rule is simply to make sure that conflicting information is not sent to the correspondent. If a message is outstanding for a while, its probably OK to answer (the person on call could be busy) but still pop them a quick note that you are going to be handling it.

Are there special requirements for the form of the replies? (top)

While there is no rule about specific format, messages should be clear, polite and in good taste. In particular, do not denigrate other operating systems. Review your messages for spelling and grammar. Generally try to direct correspondents to specific web pages or point them to our mailing lists for followup questions.

Any other rules about the messages other than content? (top)

Each message should be copied to and replies must be set to that address as well. This just makes sure that everyone on the team can review the messages not only to catch any mistakes that may be made but also to help others formulate similar answers when it is their turn in the rotation.

Also, try to respond to each message within approximately 24 hours (if possible. A quick response goes a long way to showing our users that we care about their feedback and is always appreciated.

I saw a mistake in a reply. (top)

If you see that someone made a mistake in their reply, do not respond to the correspondent. Reply to the list explaining what you think should have been said and let the original responder correct himself or herself.

How do we know when we are on call? (top)

Basically, there is a rotating "on call" shift. Each Tuesday morning a message is sent to the list describing who is coming on, who just came off and who's on next. The person coming on then responds to the list acknowledging that they are on. Any message from the time that ack hits the list to the same event the following week are the responsibility of that person. In order to clearly demark the changeover it is important to note that you are responsible from the time you see your acknowledgement come back, not from when you send it.

Do I answer all mail when I am on call? (top)

No. Mail concerning the mail-index server index, projects database and hardware database are answered directly by Tim Rightnour <> so there is no need to respond to those.

Should I respond to mail on other lists? (top)

All members of the team are encouraged to respond to mail on other NetBSD mailing lists, especially the help list, but while the on call person is particularly encouraged to make sure that questions don't go unanswered, it is not as formal as the www list. Since is given as a contact address to the public, we try to give the feeling of dealing with a single individual there but other lists are seen as general discussion lists.

In addition, the members of the www list are also responsible for answering The instructions here mostly apply after substituting 'mirrors' for 'www' and there are further instructions here.

Are there any other tasks for the on call person? (top)

The on call person should be taking primary responsibility for updating the site based on messages received on their shift. All team members should feel free to update the site where they see changes needed. The www list can be used to discuss any proposed changes if it is felt that discussion is necessary.

Miscellaneous Notes

Commonly used acronyms (rfv, l-o) (top)

There are a couple of commonly used acronyms one will see on the www mailing list.

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