Please contact us if you have details on any group not listed.
Projecto NetBSD-BR is a NetBSD users' group in Brazil. Their web site is in Portuguese. Currently they have mailing lists and an IRC channel. One of their aims is to have regular meetings. They are also organizing groups to translate documentation into Portuguese.
The Bulgarian NetBSD User Group is -- not very surprisingly -- a User Group for NetBSD Users in Bulgaria.
NetBSD China is a website supporting the NetBSD Project in China, advocating its use, providing documentation and translating existing documentation. Furthermore, it contains an Online Forum, also in Chinese.
NetBSD-fr is a web site designed for French speaking people. The purpose is to gather informations about NetBSD : translated or original documents. A mailing list will be soon available. You can join us and visite our web site at
Japan NetBSD Users' Group, or JNUG (page written in Japanese) is a group of NetBSD users based in Japan. The group's activities include maintaining mirror sites to provide local users with the fruits of the NetBSD Project, promoting communication among users/developers in Japan, promoting contribution from the Japanese user/developer community back to the NetBSD Project, and promoting NetBSD in general in Japan.
The NetBSD Users Group in Poland mainly gathered around iRCNet #NetBSD.PL channel, but some of them met IRL too, either because of living next door, or at various *BSD events. Most of them are not involved in public NetBSD Project activities, yet.
Poland User Group maintains website, consisting of general information about NetBSD and #NetBSD.PL channel, and two sub-sites:
The group intends to support the Portuguese NetBSD community, to translate the website, to advocate the use of NetBSD and to have forums about NetBSD ports, usage and development. Their web site is at
San Francisco Bay Area NetBSD Users' Group is a group of NetBSD users located in the South Bay / San Jose area. Their meetings occur on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at Vitos Famous Pizza (Reed and Lawrence, in Sunnyvale). Their agenda consists of topics as they dream them up and to eat, drink, and be merry. Meetings are informal and anyone is welcome. Directions can be obtained using Vitos Home page.
Swedish NetBSD Group who provides a news section in swedish, an IRC channel on, a www interface to pkgsrc and the NetBSD man pages, a mailing list archive and a regional mailing list for Swedish speaking users. There is also a cvsup server at and an anoncvs server,
BSDUA is a NetBSD user group for the Ukraine. They are located in the City of Kiev and speak Ukrainian, Russian & English.
Regional mailing lists are available for discussion of NetBSD and other
topics of interest to regional groups. Subscription is via
as per
the mailing list information.
The following regional mailing lists are currently available:
BUG is a group of BSD users, developers and administrators in Argentina. They try to support the community by translating documentation (or producing it themselves), exchanging experiences in their forums and spreading news about *BSD.
BUGA, the BSD User Group of Adelaide, meets at irregular intervals.
BUGA was formed in April 1999 in Adelaide, and aims to provide
promotion, discussion, and local support for all of the *BSD projects and
their users. You can sign up for their mailing list by sending mail to
with "subscribe BUGA" in the body.
BUGS is the new user group for *BSD users in Sydney (and NSW). The first meeting of BUGS was on 16 May, 1999, at Hornsby.
To find out more, go to the BUGS
web site, or join the mailing list by sending "subscribe bugs" in
the body of an email to <>
BSD Usergroup Austria aims to provide a german-language forum for BSD users. More information, including how to subscribe to the BUGAT mailing list, is available on their web site.
Brazilian Unix Team is a *BSD user group located in Florianopolis, SC - South of Brazil. Their goal is to provide a place for discussion between users of any of the *BSD variants. Information on how to subscribe to their mailing list is located on their web site.
The Greater Toronto Area BSD Users Group holds monthly informal meetings in downtown Toronto, all are welcome!
Founded in 1999, VanBUG is a group of volunteers who are passionate about FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD! Currently their goal is to raise awareness and also provide local assistance as much as they can.
The Danish *BSD user group (BSD/DK) aims to bring *BSD users in Denmark together for informal discussion, mutual assistance and to provide information about *BSD on a national level.
The aim of the BSDfr team is to bring together *BSD users in France, and to give the open source community a shared area to talk. BSDfr shares their web, mail, and mailing list accommodation resources with *BSD and other open source software users. More information can be found at the BSDfr web site.
BSE (BSD Social Event) is located in München (Munich), Germany. Feel free to visit our "Stammtisch" (regulars' table) or join the mailing list. For details see the BSE web site .
BIM is a group of BSD enthusiasts in Munich.
BSD User Group Hamburg, formed in 1995, is a group for *BSD users group based in the Hamburg area. More information is available at the BSDHH web site.
BSD-Crew Dresden is a user group which has some projects related in bringing BSD to the desktop and electronic communication.
The Ulmer BSD User Stammtisch (u-bus) is a group for *BSD users based in the area of Ulm/Donau. More information is available at the u-bus web site.
The Hungarian BSD Users Group was established in 2001 and is focused on free and open source, mainly the BSD derivatives - FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD. For more information, see the Hungarian BSD user group web site.
This group aims to bring a useful source of information to the *BSD
community, and to promote the use of the BSD Operating Systems in
General. They have a mailing list, hosted at
. To
subscribe, send mail to <>
, with the text
"subscribe il-bsd" as the message body.
BBQ (BBQ is *BSD* Users Group in Q-shu) is a *BSD users group based in the Kyushu area, a southern part of Japan. For more information, see the BBQ web site.
bugs (bugs is BSD Users Group in Shinshu) is a BSD users group based in the Shinshu area. For more information, see the bugs web site.
CBUG (Chofu BSD Users Group) is a group based in the west Tokyo area. For more information, please visit the CBUG web site.
ChiBUG (Chiba *BSD Users' Group) is a *BSD user group in the Chiba area. See the ChiBUG web site for more details.
The Daibou East *BSD Users Group (DEBUG) is now forming for *BSD users in the Tsukuba area. For more information, including how to join their mailing list, see the DEBUG web site.
EBUG (Echigo BSD Users Group) is the user group for BSD users around Echigo (aka Niigata). For more information on our events and mailing lists, please check the EBUG web site.
Kansai *BSD Users Group (K*BUG), was
established on November 13, 1999. Its goal is to promote communication
between the BSD variants' users. Some of its activities are to hold
friendly parties of the members, and seminars covering a wide variety of
topics. More information can be acquired by mailing <>
L*BUG (Ladies' *BSD Users Group) is a *BSD users group for ladies in Japan.
NBUG (Nagoya *BSD Users' Group) is a *BSD users' group in Nagoya and Tokai area. Hold regular meeting on Saturday closest 23rd of month, participation in some events, and so on. Regular meeting is usually held at NPO plaza Nagoya.
NoBUG (Northern land BSD Users Group) is a *BSD users group based in the Hokkaido area, a Northern part of Japan.
S*BUG (Shikoku BSD User Group) is a *BSD users group based in the Shikoku area, a Southern part of Japan.
T*BUG (Tohoku BSD User Group) is a *BSD users group based in the Tohoku area, a Northern part of Japan.
Korea BSD User Forum is an online forum designed for Korean-speaking people. It also provides wiki space and an FTP service.
BSD user group - Latvia is a BSD users group based in Latvia. They have a forum available on
The Dutch BSD User Group is a *BSD users group based in The Netherlands.
The Norwegian BSD User Group (NOBUG) is a usergroup for BSD users and enthusiasts in Norway. Meetings are currently held in Oslo and Bergen.
The purpose of The BSD Pakistan is to promote and educate about BSD Operating Systems; including FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFly BSD and MacOSX. Please visit web site of Pakistan BSD community at
The BSD Users Group Peru is a group of people with the objective to
promote use of the different *BSD systems in Peru. They provide
information, documentation and forums for discussion. For more
information you can use their web site or
write to <>
Location in Amadora, Portugal. <>
. Recent group. Includes Amiga and
SPARC/SPARC64 architectures. Please send email for
more details and information.
BSD Users Sweden (BUS) is a Swedish-language BSD user's group with a Swedish-language mailing list available at their web page.
The Swiss BSD User Group (Swiss BUG) is a German-language BSD and Unix user's group.
EnderUNIX Software Development Team is a Turkish BSD group who write code for BSD and articles about BSD. Their site has an English and a Turkish version.
London BSD Users Groups is an informal group for *BSD users and administrators. Details on their mailing list and next meeting are available at the LONBUG web site.
PhxBUG is a group for the metro Phoenix area BSD community. Check the web site for meeting scheduled, mailing lists, and articles.
BABUG (formerly Bay Area FreeBSD Users Group) has changed their name to reflect better that they welcome enthusiasts of any BSD operating system. Information on their next meeting and their mailing list is available on the BABUG web site.
BSD Users of Los Angeles was created to fill a niche within the Los Angeles based UNIX community. This group is generally focused on BSD based UNIX operating systems such as BSDi, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD. Although, users and administrators of other UNIX based operating systems are more than welcome.
San Diego BSD Users Group (SDBUG) was formed to accommodate the San Diego area's BSD community. The SDBUG web site has details on their mailing list and next meeting.
Silicon Valley BSD Users Group (SVBUG) is a forum for BSD and BSD embedded systems. They hold free meetings on the first Thursday of every month at 7 pm. For more information, including the current schedule and directions, check the SVBUG web site.
New England Area BSD Users Group (NEABUG) is a group for users in and around the Boston area (and other places in New England as well). For more information on their mailing lists and events, see the NEABUG web site.
Twin Cities BSD User
Group meets once a month to discuss issues important to the
BSD community. The
carries our major announcements, while you are encouraged to join
the mailing list <>
to keep up with general group
discussion. Look at the site, join the mailing list, come to a
meeting. We look forward to learning from you and with you about
TriBUG is a BSD users group
for the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RTP area of North Carolina.
Their mailing list is at
The group meets on a monthly basis somewhere in the Research Triangle
Park area of North Carolina.
CDBUG draws its membership from New York's capital district and the surrounding communities. Our mailing list is graciously hosted by NYCBUG at
The NYCBUG is a BSD user group for the New York City metropolitan area. Information about their mailing lists is available on this website.
Salt Lake BSD Users Group (SLBUG), founded in early 2001, is a group for people in the northern Utah area. They meet in conjunction with the Salt Lake Linux Users Group (SLLUG) to converse on topics of mutual interest.
For information on their next meeting, mailing list, and directions, please visit the SLBUG web site.
Seattle BSD Users Group is a users group for Open Source Unix based in the Seattle, Washington area. The primary emphasis is on BSD but enthusiasts of other Open Source Unix, such as Linux, are welcome. Meetings are held one evening each month with presentations on advanced BSD topics. Visit the webpage for meeting topics, directions, and for mailing list information.
The BSD Users Group of Yugoslavia
provides an open forum for all things BSD in the Serbian language.
To join the mailing list send an e-mail to
with "subscribe
bsdyu" in the body of the message.
Home Unix Machine Brisbane Users Group (HUMBUG) exists to get fellow Unix users in contact with each other, and to introduce people to Unix and Unix-like operating systems. The group meets fortnightly at the University of Queensland.
On the HUMBUG web site you'll find information on the next meeting, mailing lists, directions, and other details.
Unix Unanimous, founded 1986, still meets regularly on the second Wednesday of every month in Toronto.
Unix Unanimous is an informal gathering of people interested in Unix and related topics. There are no fees or membership requirements, and the meeting is open to all. Participants typically include Unix professionals, students, and hobbyists.
More information can be found at
A mailing list for announcements and discussion can be subscribed to via that page.
Windsor Unix Users Group hopes to bring together Unix users from both Windsor and Essex County. More information on their next meeting and their mailing list is available at the WUUG web site.
The Finnish UNIX Users Group is the oldest Unix related users group in Finland.
This german language list is for coordinating BSD booths at
non-BSD specific events (e.g. Linux centric conferences), or for coordinating
BSD related events. To subscribe, send mail with "subscribe bsd-events"
to <>
The Un*x User Group is a group for Unix users in the Regensburg area. More information, including news, and their schedule, is available on the Un*x User Group web site.
NUUG is the Norwegian UNIX User Group, established in 1984. Meetings are held monthly in Oslo area.
Tucson Free Unix Group (TFUG) is an active Free Unix Group in Tucson, Arizona. NetBSD users are welcomed.
BUUG is a friendly support network for residents of Berkeley, CA and surrounding areas, who want to learn and discuss BSD, Linux, Solaris, or other Unix-type systems. They meet every Thursday night. See the BUUG web site for directions and information about their mailing list.
Connecticut Free Unix Group is billed as "Connecticut's premier organization dedicated to the entire free unix community."
A free, public, non-profit and non-discriminatory group of unix enthusiasts, devoted to:
The Ames Free Unix Group has been serving the open-source community in Ames, Iowa since 1998. They have free public installfests, and monthly meetings as well.
The Kansas Unix & Linux Users Association is a user group based in Lawrence, Kansas, but with users throughout eastern Kansas and western Missouri. It has about 300 members and meets biweekly.
The Boston Linux & Unix User Group is a Boston-area users' group that welcomes folks using any sort of Unix. BLU has mailing lists available at their web site.
The Duluth Superior Linux UNIX Users Group is based in Duluth, Minnesota. The mission of the group is to give people choices and help empower them with information so they can reasonably assess the viability of using an open source OS as a direct replacement for other operating systems. Also, we would like to provide a forum for friendly and supportive information exchange to further increase the population of the group.
The Open Source UNIX Working Group is a subgroup of the Distributed Computing Consultants. Its mission is to provide a forum for University at Buffalo faculty, students, and staff to discuss issues regarding open source UNIX operating systems, such as NetBSD, FreeBSD, and Linux, and their use on campus.
Unigroup is the oldest and largest Unix User's Group serving the Greater New York City Regional Area since the early 1980s.
Unigroup is a not-for-profit, vendor and platform neutral, member funded, volunteer organization. Unigroup holds regular and special event meetings throughout the year on technical topics relating to Unix and the Unix User Community.
Central Oregon Unix User Group (Bendug) has a mailing list and is seeking to grow and expand. The group is open to all users of free Unix-like software.
Unix Users of Deep East Texas is dedicated to all things Unix. UUDET is about learning and sharing knowledge, and promoting the use of Unix. Information on the next meeting is available at the UUDET web site.
The purpose of the Laramie Wyoming Freenix Users Group (LWFUG) is to provide mutual support in installing and running linux and other *nix operating systems.