This is the description file for PL519.
# $Id:,v 1.2 2014/03/04 05:35:46 ragge Exp $
name "PL519"
Descr "Philips 1972 - should be redone using uTracer"
MU 10
Type Pentode
# These are for SPICE code.
CCG 10 # Cathode-grid (estimated)
CCP 10 # Cathode-plate (estimated)
CGP 2.5 # Grid-plate
RGI 3000 # Resistance for positive grid current (estimated)
Wa 45
# Scaling for gnuplot output
Plotx 0 50 500 # Plate 0-500V 50V incr
Ploty 0 .25 2 # Plate 0-2A 250mA incr
Plotg 0 -5 -40 # Grid 0-(-40)V -5V incr
# Screen grid parameters. These are only used to get
# a hint for the KG2 constant.
Screen param
# Vg2 Is
190 .20 # No reference for this :-/
# Vg2 must (currently) be the same for all of these.
# Vp Vg Ip Vg2
Pentode param
100 0 1.70 190
100 -5 1.35 190
100 -10 1.05 190
100 -20 0.60 190
100 -30 0.30 190
300 0 1.90 190
300 -5 1.52 190
300 -10 1.20 190
300 -20 0.75 190
300 -30 0.40 190
PL519 Spice code
* PL519 code from Philips 1972 - should be redone using uTracer generated by kurvmatch
.SUBCKT PL519 1 2 3 4
XZ1 1 2 3 4 Pentode CCG=10.0P CGP=2.50P CCP=10.0P MU=50 EX=2.24 KG1=1052 KP=6 KVB=28 RGI=3000 KG2=102