When it rings - Ingela Norlin ( Translation Frisco Ramirez ) When it rings I throw the telephone receiver on the floor. I let it lie there, hard against my ugly browngrey plastic floor. After a while it gets silent at the other end of the line. Then I hang up. If it rings again I throw the reciever on the floor again. After the fifth call only rattle is heard from the tranciever, you can't hear what they're saying, the ones calling. I can't call, the signals don't reach out. Then I take my phone and go to a local phone store and tell them that my phone isn't functioning. They fix the reciever and tell I must have dropped it on the floor. I deny that. When I've had my phone fixed seven times they yell at me at the store and tell me that I must have broken my phone on purpose. I don't deny that. I say that I throw the reciever on the floor each time it rings. I tell them that when I've done that a few times the reciever rattles and I can't call out. Some times I can call out. Then they become silent at the store and tell me I must be mad. I don't deny that either. I Just ask if I have the right to do whatever I want with my phone. If I want to call I do it, if I on the other hand want to throw the reciever on the floor then i have the right to do that too. They don't deny that but tel me that they're not going to fix my phone again. I force them. Under threat. Now they've turned off my phone. I'm out of the phonebook. There are phonecabins. But noone calls me to the, how am I then supposed to brake the recievers? I break the windows of the cabins instead. Then it clinks. Unfortunately I can only do that once. It was more fun with the telephones, them I could break sevral times. They were kind off more durable.