News 2001

Updates to the site, interesting-looking links, thoughts and miscellaneous other rubbish.

Archive: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006

1 May 2001

(Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm bad, so I'll keep it short...)

Have fun, and kick me if I take this long to update this page again!

9 May

I have added an alternative presentation to my ascii art gallery. It is sorted into categories instead of the roughly chronological order of the original gallery and is intended for people who search for something special, such as for example "pictures of dogs", or "Christmas pictures".


31 May

Oops! Hehe, a couple of more hours and I'd have to write "June" in the header. Well... more links:

Some guy wrote to me and asked if I wanted to join his webring. I'm not totally impressed by what I find at his homepage but he seems to be a complete beginner, so that could change. It's an interesting idea to have a webring for chat rooms, but I think he needs to learn how to do the simple things first. Anyway, why not go there and help him get started (his chat rooms seem to be mostly about music ... I think).

18 August

Well, it has been summer, and I have been working, and spending some time outdoors, and...

Some new chat goodies


Oh, and if I didn't mention this before: Jave is the new cool way to draw ascii art!

22 August

More Chat Goodies:

28 August

More Chat Goodies:

And then here's a link to the latest version of Windows! (It has some very nice new features, for example, you can use it on a unix system, without losing any quality!)

29 August

More Chat Goodies (yes, I'm a little bit behind with this, but, on the other hand, that means people will have forgotten most of what was said and enjoy reading these more...).

Some samples:

Jessterr 27 Feb. 18:04, from:

   _  o
  / \/ \_
 o^|___|.\    <= Jessterr
   /^ ^\ o  
   \ V /        (what do you think?)

Shimrod [email] 29 Feb. 16:55, from:

 |        boss
< >
 |        brojek
/ \

llizard [home] 2 Mar. 16:33, from:

    (_ )
   \/  \
    \ _/_
   ``    )

David [email] [home] 4 Mar. 17:01, from:

                      ( hop! )
                  o o '
              }/ \`-'/ \{
               ( ssssc )
              / / sss \ \ 
              \ | sss | / 
                | |"| |
                ( ) ( )
                |_| |_|
            _.-' _j L_ '-._
           (___.'     '.___)

12 October

Usually "Homepage Update Season" is in November, but I've started a bit early this year. So far not much to see, but hopefully I'll have some news to report here soon. I have removed all those ooooold java games and made the homepage point to the ascii art page instead of the picture page. I have made some small changes to the chat page (should I keep the message with the little skulls telling people to go elsewhere if they want a cuddly chat? I've just commented it out right now...)

14 November

29 October

26 October

The Big Update

OK, it's not quite November yet, but I'm starting on The Big Update anyway. Right now I'm digging through files to try to find all the pictures I've made since last year's Big Update...