This is an old page. I have no intention to make a new version.
Veronica Karlsson, 8 December 1998
A complete little homepage I have made. It uses very simple html, without compromising with quality. (Now available as zip file only)
The homepage as a zip file that you can download and play with as you like (on unix you "unzip" it by simply writing unzip . I have no idea of how to unzip it on a PC or a Mac, if you do, please write to me and tell me). (80 kB)
Somebody sent me this explanation:
Regarding the unziping of files on a PC. You can download a copy of winzip from a self extracti ng archive. If this file is ran (at least on windows95) it unpacks an installation program, and runs it. this installation program registers winzip with windows. To unzip a file simply double-click on the zip file, winzip opens and displays the opptions in a graphical interface.
A short html tutorial based on the homepage starter kit. (Now available as zip file only)
Some crazy people have actually tried it! Take a look and see what they have made of it.
This is a little homepage-making technique gallery and example page using more advanced html than version 1. It is not in itself "a complete homepage" in the way that version 1 is. There will be no tutorial for this page since there are so many of those on the net already. Some of the pages explain themselves, others are just examples that you will have to figure out for yourself (this figuring out means looking in the source code so you will need your own copy of the zip file).This example page is not for beginners! (Now available as a series of zip files only)
The page as a series of zip files that you can download and play with as you like (on unix you "unzip" them by simply writing unzip . I have no idea of how to unzip it on a PC or a Mac, if you do, please write to me and tell me). (500 kB)
A little essay I once wrote about colours
Or try my "RGB colour mixers" (how
to use it):
Frequently Asked Questions about HTML If you have an html problem there's a good chance the answer is in this FAQ file. Even if you don't have an html problem, read it anyway!
W3C HTML Validation Service (It's a "spell checker" for HTML)
Bobby is a friendly policeman who will help you with your html trouble.
Doctor HTML is another site analysis tool.