A couple of excercises
Excercise 1
To make it your homepage.
Write some sensible text on the page "about me".
Change the image to somehting else, a self portrait or a photo of
yourself, if you have one in the computer already (otherwise save that
until later).
Excercise 2
To get you started on writing some pages of your own.
Make a presentation of a picture collection (for example on the
subject "cats").
- Make a subdirectory to the pics directory called cats.
- Make a new document in the docs directory. You can call
it catpictures.html. Start out by copying the beginning
and end parts from one of the other documents in the docs
directory (remember to change the title to "Some Pictures of Cats").
- Copy some pictures of cats
from the net and
place them in the cats directory.
- Write the document. Use the <P>
tag to make new paragraphs, the
tag to make headlines and write
<IMG SRC = "../../pics/cats/imagename.gif"
WIDTH = 123 HEIGHT = 456 alt = "[Description of image]"> to get the images to show
(remember to put in the correct image size). Also write some
ordinairy text to describe the pictures.
- Make an icon for the link to the page by taking your blank button
into a paint program and paste or draw a picture of a cat on it
(and save it as cat.gif in the icons
Here is the blank button and some suitable small cat icons:
(sorry, icons removed)
- Add a link to the page on the homepage by copying the code for
one of the links you already have there and changing the "address"
to the document to docs/catpictures.html and the "address"
to the icon to pics/icons/cat.gif.
- Check that your new page looks good in your browser.