[click here if you
are familiar with computers and just want a quick-and-dirty html
First I suggest you go through the homepage so that you know what it looks like.
Then it can be a good idea to get your own copy of it. (on Unix you unzip it by simply writing unzip homepage.zip in your xterm window. I don't know how to unzip it on PC or Mac, if you do please tell me and I will add that information here).
Just to check that you are doing everything right you can then open the page in your browser (in Netscape you click this sequence of mouse clicks: File -> Open File and open the file called "index.html" in the "homepage" directory). Make sure it is your version of it that you are looking at and not the one on my homepage.
The documents index.html (the homepage), friends.html and links.html are all lists of links with clickable images. The document me.html consists of a picture (you should of course remove the monkey and insert one of yourself there. How to get your photo into the computer is not part of this tutorial, one way includes a paper picture and a scanner...) and a few lines of text about yourself.
When you look at the source code you will notice that all four documents consist of three main parts, a beginning, a middle and an end part. I have added some space between these parts so that they will be easy to recognise.
(You can also take a look at these coloured illustrations of the source code of the pages index.html, me.html and friends.html, where I have highlighted and coloured the parts you should concentrate on)
Ok, that was a lot of new things at once. Take a look at these illustrations to see again what parts to change in the documents index.html, me.html and friends.html where I have pointed out good parts to change.