*** Autumn 1997 *** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Netscrape's Nagrivator MicroMonopolySoft's Internet Exploder Internet Expirer "Best viewed with Microscape Extricator 4.23beta7" Netrape and M$IE Nutscrape Communicator Mickeysoft nerdexploder Netploder the Big Toe Mozilla and Microsaurus Interscape Naviplorer Netscape Composter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Oh yes. FIG degrades gracefully on browsers not implementing it, so it works for Netscape and MSIE.... ;) Arena knows about FIG. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% >(I know people who would *loooove* something like that... hmmm.... is >there some way to do this today?) Yes. The OBJECT element in HTML 4.0 is at least partly supported by recent browsers. You would need additional attributes to specify the data type. See the HTML 4.0 draft at www.w3.org. Warren Steel %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 18 October 1997 should not appear as: ........................ the date is 18 October 1997 and it should not appear as: ..................the date is 18 October 1997 To prevent linewrap from doing this   is used to tie it all together: ... the date is 18 October 1997 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Witness Alan Flavell's article about enclosing your table in PRE tags so as to present a table on Lynx and other non-table-aware browsers. http://ppewww.ph.gla.ac.uk/%7Eflavell/tablejob.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% After bothering all you people for the past few months I thought I'd better post my findings on the best HTML editor. Most of the people I emailed suggested quite a few different editors but the following were in the top three: Hot Dog 4 www.sausage.com LiquidFX 3.7 www.psylon.com Homesite 2.5 www.dexnet.com I also downloaded another 5 but the hype far outweighed the performance. The WYSIWG editors sucked, I could barely use them to get the look I want. I used the ones above for about a month to get the feel of them. I generally made a couple pages of my site in each one to get a true idea of they way they worked. When it came to editing they were all stable and up to the job, with full HTML specs and options. HotDog was a bit sluggish though. For extra features I would say that HomeSite was by far the weakest it really only gave the rudimentary HTML editing and no real extra stuff. I was also a bit too configurable for my liking. HotDog was very good, it had all the major editing tools but I found that the price was a bit too high for what it could do. I must say that I was blown away by the extra features in LiquidFX. I'm glad someone told me about it because it was the first I had heard of it. The set up great and there were extra features like database publishing graphics tools and really cool plug ins. I went with LiquidFX because it was about half the price of the others, it had more features and it came with a CD and manual. (I can't stand on-line manuals). So there is my opinion in a nutshell. For all its worth......... Wil. wil@msn.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If reading posts by people who take HTML seriously bothers you, there are plent of other newsgroups treading similar ground, most notably: alt.html comp.infosystems.www.authoring.site-design ***KOLLA UPP!!!*** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The best use I've found for lowSrc is on the "fullsize" page that you get to by following a thumbnail. For example, your thumbnails page might have a small image called which links to a page with . On supporting browsers, users going to the second page will see the small picture "blown up" until the large picture replaces it. Since the visitor has probably just come from the thumbnails page, picture-small.jpg is probably already cached, minimizing the overhead required for lowSrc. ***MYCKET INTRESSANT!*** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% >Also,the guys that programmed UNIX used Macs and everybody knows that they >programmed UNIX just as a kind of joke. > Say what? Where in the world did you get that idea? UNIX was developed by Ken Thompson a Bell Labs researcher on a PDP-7 (a DEC machine) minicomputer. He had helped work on the defunct MULTICS (MULTiplexed Information and Computing Service) project and wrote a scaled down version of MULTICS. One of the other researchers jokingly called the new OS UNICS for UNiplexed Information and Computing Service. Despite the conotations of EUNUCHs the castrated MULTICS the name stuck. Later the name was changed to UNIX. The original UNIX was written in assembler, and then later ported to C by Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. This was all accomplished by the year 1974. The Motorola 68000 chip, which Macs were based upon, was not developed until 1979. Just clearing up a little history... Stuart Knetsch %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% >Is their anyway to suppress automated GIF >images in either Internet Explorer or Netscape, >while still displaying normal images? I don't know how many people know about this, but Muffin a java-based filtering proxy has an animated GIF killer-- you can limit it to n iterations or kill it altogether. You can find muffin at http://muffin.doit.org/ You'll need to get a way of running Java byte code--either the JDK 1.1.3 or the JRE will do--you can get those at http://www.javasoft.com/ James -- James T. Hsiao http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~hsiao/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% - For private concerns, e-mailing or just Cc-ing someone in the NG is a risk of being spammed. If I were to set-up a list of addresses specifically targetted at, say, "HTML people", I would regularly post some well-prepared questions to an HTML NG asking for mail answers, and automatically collect the received emails. I would then build me a nice list, and could use it for spam, or re-sell it to any spammers. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% It is possible to make a link that will change two frames, and can be done with the following code: This little snippet uses javascript subtlely embedded in ordinary household HTML. -- nick pisarro nickp@futuris.net %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Viewing this page requires a browser capable of displaying frames. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% http://www.lava.net/%7edewilson/web/thumb.html You are a guest in your reader's environment When you visit the home of someone you've never met, do you immediately tell them to replace their carpet or rearrange their furniture? Do you carry a portable stereo into their homes and turn it up with your favorite music? Each of the following is just as rude: * telling the reader to get a new browser * expecting the reader to resize their page to fit your design * playing background sounds that the user can't control * setting type size or font in ways that the reader cannot override It isn't simply that you don't know what your reader's environment might be, but you don't and can't know what things might be important to them, or why. Anything you do which forces conditions on your reader might violate some basic need that determines how they configure their system. Telling a reader to reconfigure their system just to accommodate your page is rude; if it does so in a way to breaks their work routine, they will probably leave your page immediately. And you'll never know. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% > > hmmmm.... I guess there is no point in telling you that an ordered > > directory will _save_ work... > > But it only saves work if the directory will really ever contain something. Eh? But your homepage _will_ contain something in the future, right? I mean, wouldn't it be better to build the house first and move in the furniture afterwards... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I think a large part of the problem in recent years is that the user population of Usenet has grown so rapidly that the newbies outnumber experienced users. In the past, a newbie would be coming in to a discussion where most of the participants were experienced, and he/she would pick up cues from them. Nowadays, newbies are more likely to be picking up cues from other newbies. This has, IMHO, led to much less civilized behavior. I do *not*, however, subscribe to the popular notion that the use of GUI news clients has allowed "less intelligent" people to join Usenet, accounting for the lowered level of discussion. IQ, SAT scores and technical knowledge have very little to do with how civilly one interacts with others (people with developmental disabilities that affect intelligence, for example, are no more likely to be assholes than "normal" people). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Q: How many bad web-designers does it take to change a light bulb? A: Only one, but you end up with a really garish red neon light that draws a lot of power and emits a constant, annoying buzzing sound. -- How many web designers does it take to change a light bulb? Only one to change it, and change it, and change it, and change it, .... -- How many designers does it take to change a lightbulb? None, the lightbulb is Netscape and the socket is Internet Explorer. None, the lightbulb is 800x600 and the socket is 640x480. None, Front Page does not have this feature. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% What was Louis the XVI's (or Charles the Ist if you're british) most feared HTML code? What is Kung Fu's favorite HTML code? What is O.J.s favorite HTML code? %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Resistance is futile. Windows will be installed. - Bill Gates of Borg %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ============================================ Hands Up! online rollercoaster magazine - news,views,resources,guides - Last updated: 25th October 1997 http://www.rollercoaster.co.uk ============================================ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (Lynx) > > >a sigle keystroke displays *all* images as links, for > > >those who would like to download them or display them > > >in a helper application. > > > > > (hmmm.... what single keystroke is that?) As the single keystroke "k" would soon tell you, the answer is "*". %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% WYSIVLWSOEWS (What You See Is Vaguely Like What Some One Else Will See) WYSINECTWYG (What You See Is Not Even Close To What You Get) WYSIWWG (What you see is what _WHO_ gets?) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% http://www.laziness.com/features/dfr/conclusion.shtml Frames have often been seen as a nuisance. In fact, you may even receive some hostile e-mail from visitors as a direct result of implementing frames. At any rate, however, adhere to what YOU think is right. After all, it IS your web site, and if people are continuously complaining, you could tell them, in simple terms, to go stick their faces in a blender. As new technologies emerge, they are often met with skepticism, so "frame hostility" is certainly normal. However, when used properly with correct syntax in the appropriate situation, frames can become an essential element to productive--and fun--Internet use. http://www.laziness.com/features/rbg/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% > Alan J. Flavell: > Systemadministratör vid CERN. > Har varit där sedan innan webben kom till och ingick säkert > i gruppen runt Tim Berners Lee när "the WWW was invented" > Ytterligt få slår honom på fingrarna när det gäller HTML, > serverteknik etc... > Och han kan vara ganska vass i tungan om det behövs :-) > > Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriedt: > Student (runt 19 år tror jag) bor i Holland och är den som > är ansvarig för all HTML relaterad info i "The Web Design > Group" WDG (gänget bakom http://www.htmlhelp.com) > > Liam Quinn: > Bor i norra delen av USA nånstans. Också student fast driver > en liten egen web design firma på sidan om. > Ansvarar för WDG's info om Cascading Style Sheets, och han > är jäkligt bra på det, jag lovar :-) > > Tina Marie Holmboe: > Norskfödd tös som bor i Stockholm tillsammans med Jörgen. > (Jörgen är i sin tur sysadm hos Ericson i Sthlm) > Tina ansvarar för WDG's FAQ info i viss mån samt är en > riktig fena på Perl. Hon är dessutom sedan länge en av mina > bästa kompisar, och vi brukar träffas IRL när tillfälle ges. > Tyvärr så är det lite långt mellan Sundsvall och Sthlm så > det blir inte så ofta, men e-mailtrafiken flödar iaf :-) > Hon jobbar numera hos "Scandinavia On Line" i Stockholm, som > Perl programmerare. > > Arjun Ray: > Känner jag inte så bra än så länge, men han har ett superbt > kunnande om SGML. T.o.m. Alan brukar fråga Arjun om råd i > det ämnet :-) > > Abigail: > En USA "häxa" :-) som också är mycket duktig på SGML/HTML > och har en tunga vass som ett rakblad ibland :-) > > Stan Brown: > Som sorgligt nog annonserade sin "departure" från ciwah för > ett tag sedan, efter att ha blivit mycket orättvist flamad > av några "fugitives from alt.html" (som Alan kallade dom) > Stan hade annars ansvaret för att posta och underhålla FAQ > pointers i ciwah. Ett jobb som han skötte mycket bra. > Mycket kunnig kille, jag tror nästan att han kunde sina > FAQ's utantill för han var oftast mycket snabb på att peka > ut rätt FAQ entry som svar på andras frågor. > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .shtml is the extension used by some Web servers to indicate that a file needs extra server side processing, because it contains server side includes. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I've heard the "approved" purist method of writing HTML is as follows: 1. write it out long hand on legal pads. 2. use snail mail to forward copies to fellow purists. Draft One. 2. type out on a manual typewriter. Underwood, preferred. Draft Two. 3. If the majority "approve" scan it into your favorite word processor. 4. Lock door, pull down shades, cut and paste into Notepad. Oops, wait a minute. Notepad comes from Microsoft. Well, I guess they use Vi, Pine or maybe if they cheat, ED? Bill %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I have no joke here, I just love saying "content avoidance syndrome." Diane Wilson %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% comp.infosystems.www.authoring.site-design %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Forgive us if we bite your head off; we were led to assume you weren't using it in the first place. (Jim Allenspach on c.l.p.m) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On Wed, 29 Oct 1997, Veronica Karlsson wrote: > People owning sites with lots of popular graphics sometimes rename files > to get rid of those little bloodsuckers who just link to the images > instead of getting their own copies. There are other ways, that work without additional effort once set up. (Can I say HTTP_REFERER [sic!] ) > When you tell them not to do it > they often appear to be unaware of that putting load on somebody else's > server in this way is equivalent to STEALING MONEY from that person. If everyone connected to the server, it would be. If everyone used a proxy cache, then taking copies would be incurably dumb. At the present time, the WWW is somewhere in between. CacheNow! p.s keep posting your excellent and sensible followups. We need more like you, and I say that even when we sometimes disagree. A well argued disagreement is worth more than a thousand straw men. Alan J. Flavell %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% An editor that lets you have several files open simultaneously and that lets you do search and replace for starters. Still, having an editor that understands HTML and can insert parts of the markup for you is nice. In Emacs I can hit C-c C-v and have my markup validated, automatically insert tags, I have tag coloring, I can create my own macros of arbitrary complexity and so on and so on and so on. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% navillus@gwi.net wrote: >I'm looking for an easy way to provide a password option on a website >to allow certain users access to a private area. Does this have to >require a CGI script, and if so, is there someplace I can obtain one? >Any help on this would be much appreciated. This all depends on exactly how secure you would like this access to be. If you really want a secure login, you will need to set this up with your server administrator. If you just want a quickie method in JavaScript, here is one- it simply requires that the user knows the exact name of a file in a given directory, and have no links to this directory from your site. The code below can accomplish this with the appearance of a login screen. You could use this for separate access pages for clients, or have a number of people with the same login/password going to the same page. It is really no different than just typing the full URL of a page in, it just looks classier. ;-) It is also rather secure, as that the only way to access the page is by knowing the password and login.
Login: Password:
-- /*==============================================================*\ | Nick Lilavois Interactive Media Corporation | | nick-l(at)worldnet.att.net nick(at)or.atinc.com | | http://www.lilavois.com/nick http://www.interactive-media.com | \*==============================================================*/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% João Paulo (mais@mail.telepac.pt) wrote: : I need help on finding a good program (or hints) to help me make some : rotating logos. There is a way to do this for no cost on the web! http://www.zyris.com/ You just type in the text you want and then copy the image. Not much selection of typestyles, but it is quick, easy, and free. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Try including the following line within your .. it will refresh the page every 10 seconds, so you might want to put your image in a frame on it's own.. don't forget to change the yoursite.com stuff for whatever page it is you want to update :) Peter Vogel wrote in article <63gb80$9qm$1@morgoth.sfu.ca>... > I have a Connectix QuickCam displaying images on a simple school web site. > The camera taks a shot every ten seconds and places this in the folder > from which the web page is served. What coding (script or otherwise) do > I need in order to automatically display a refreshed image. At this point I > am (stupidly) clicking the "refresh" button on my browser. > Thanks for any sugestions. > > -- > !-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!- ! > Peter L. Vogel Physics/Computer Science > Vancouver, BC Notre Dame Regional Secondary > Peter_Vogel@sfu.ca, @cln.etc.bc.ca, @ednet.bc.ca, @portal.ca > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Are you saying that you have something against HT M L ???

Whatever for?

It is sucha nice language and gives you such fantastic creative freedom !

So what If not everybody can read it?

If those losers are too mean to buy some decent equipment then that is their problem, not mine!

They can always save the source code to a file and open it in Netscape!That isn't so difficult!

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Joanne Haslam wrote: > > I was wondering which fonts you could be sure work on > everyone's machines? Also which of them are least > offensive to people. I personally don't like Comic Sans > MS - but it suits my site. Hey.. But will most people > see that font? Proportional and monospaced font. To get the proportional font: Do nothing! (easy! :) To get the monospaced font: You can use the
and ... tags. (WARNING! may look like a monospaced font on your computer but not on somebody else's... Don't do it that way! Use
 and !)

The infamous Lynx users will always get a monospaced font. This is not
your problem! (In fact it is not _a_ problem!) Somebody may have set his
browser to use a proportional font when it should use a monospaced font.
This is not your problem either! (It is that person's problem! Either he
has done it on purpose, in which case he should be quite happy about the
situation or change back. Else he may have done it by mistake, but that
is still not your problem! To say that that is your problem would be
like saying it is your problem if I can't print out your page because I
had forgotten to fill my printer with paper...).

Veronica Karlsson
( e93-vkn@sm.luth.se  http://www.ludd.luth.se/~vk/ )


Then you started in the wrong place.  Both Boutell's old FAQ and the
currently best FAQ that we have for this group give you the necessary
hints, even though it isn't an HTML authoring question as such, but
a server configuration issue.

See http://www.htmlhelp.com/faq/wdgfaq.htm#6

FAQs are your friend.  Take one frequently, and especially when
the symptoms occur.

Alan J. Flavell


An alternative solution (that will work only in Netscape 3 and up) is to
use a "JavaScript include" of sorts. You can write :