Dave Armour wrote: > I am trying to validate some HTML code at the W3C Validation Site. All goes > well, except that the document cannot be validated as HTML 4.0 Transitional > because of the following code: > > > <bgsound src="song.mid" loop=infinite> > > That's logical. The EMBED, BGSOUND, and NOEMBED elements do not exist in HTML 4.0 transitional, or in any other HTML specification. > Removing this validates the document, but removes the sound file. No, it doesn't "remove the sound file," it removes the mechanisms by which some browsers will play the sound whether the user wants to hear it or not. It doesn't "remove the sound file," but it improves the courtesy level of your site. ;) > So my > question, how do I add sound to my HTML 4.0 document and still pass the W3C > validation? Now, that's a good question. The most accessible, universal, portable, simple, and courteous way to offer sound on a Web page is to use an ordinary anchor link. Hear "The Way We Were." Users who do not wish to hear or download the song will ignore the link. Users who have a sound card and a MIDI player, and who wish to hear the sound, will select the link, activating a MIDI player as a helper application. No plug-ins necessary. Serious MIDI site authors usually follow the Guidelines for HTML Writers of MIDI File Pages at http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~ckelly/SMFguidelines.html I have a sound card, and deeply resent authors who try to force their way into my hardware, which I frequently use to play audio CDs while browsing the Web. If you use the simple method above, you may find you wish to offer the user a choice of several MIDIs to listen to (or no MIDIs at all). Choice is good. -- Warren Steel ------------------------------ > If you > use the simple method above, you may find you wish to > offer the user a choice of several MIDIs to listen to > (or no MIDIs at all). Choice is good. I ran across an offending page just this afternoon, as I was searching for suggestions for a Greek restaurant. One page, for a very well known restaurant not only requires Java, but also sends a 639KB sound file before the user can do anything. I bet this really impressed the restaurant owner, but it will not impress anyone with access via POTS (plain old telephone service). And it's not like we don't have some great choices for Greek restaurants -- there are dozens within the immediate vacinity. So we went to one of the others. Jude Crouch ------------------------------ Dave Armour wrote: > So my question, how do I add sound to my HTML 4.0 document and still pass > the W3C validation? > > The reason for the validation failure is that the elements EMBED, BGSOUND > and NOEMBED, along with their respective closing tags, are undefined. As Warren said, the courteous approach would be to provide a normal link to the audio file. If you decide to use the audio file as background sound anyway, then you could still validate by using a custom DTD. For information about creating and using a custom DTD, see > -- Darin McGrew %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Warren Steel writes: > > Again, as you know, some CSS browsers do not even recognize > the 'ems' unit, forcing authors to go through even more hoops to > avoid illegible renderings on broken browsers. Not messing around with the reader's font(size) at all looks like a fairly easy method to avoid illegible renderings. -- Uwe Waldmann %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Jon Sternoff wrote: > >I am trying to find a script that will allow me to create a form that >when submitted will go to more then one person at the same time...does >anyone know of such a script? > >Example: Someone fills out the form, clicks on submit, and it is e-mailed >to 5 different people.... > Simple stuff. Try below for various resources. http://www.cgi-resources.com/ Note the link for Matt's Script Archive near bottom of above site. Try his formmail (a free Perl script) which can be customized easily. It is in wide use on the net and comes with a detailed help file to make it easy to setup and customize. William G. Schlake --------------------------- >I am trying to find a script that will allow me to create a form that >when submitted will go to more then one person at the same time...does >anyone know of such a script? If you have access to the machine (isp) of a email address, you can just setup a alias for it to forward to more then one user. I know it will work on a Unix machine platform. example: /etc/aliases is the usual file to find aliases for sendmail and procmail. All you would need to do is add something like: forward: forward1,forward2,forward3 and so on... Not sure if a Cgi script itself can forward to more then one person or not. Anthony Ryan ---------------------------- > Not sure if a Cgi script itself can forward to more then one person or not. Sure. CGI can do (almost) anything. But your advise to set up an alias is far easier for this situation. Jude Crouch %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NIH (Not Invented Here) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "where they were good, they weren't original; and where they were original, they weren't good" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Me got programmer. You got spec. Me mucho macho. You history." %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% First, look up the categories of fallacy known as False Dilemma and Straw Man. Here are some resources: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- Richard Noteboom Richard@noteboom.demon.nl http://www.noteboom.demon.nl/ "Web Future: HTML reduced to M" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REBUS wrote: >William G. Schlake wrote: >>[...] >> >>Kids, stuff. I'll put it in terms even you should be able to >>understand. A quick study most anyone can read music well enough to >>hack out a tune or write their own. That's HTML. It takes considerably >>more talent to write a full score for a full symphony orchestra. Far >>beyond your simplistic HTML to get a "good" web site. > >But, my dear analogy challenged poster, that is precisly why HTML itself >created such an arena of creativity. Wether its Yankee Doodle or Chopin's >Etudes Opus 10, No. 3 in E major (I'm not particularly found of Bach), you'd >still use HTML. I like Bach, and I find it odd that some people seem to think that they should be able to set my volume control for me. At least they can't 'control' my browser-size. ;-) Calum I Mac Leod %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On 10 Nov 1998, Ed Valle wrote: > tell me, how do you > create an HTML page that displays the drawing of the lastest known virus > killing small children in Africa on a vt100, a pager, a palmtop, a PC and a > teletype? I don't think you can, without (gosh) javascript or other means > of identifying your client's UA; there are some devices just not apt for > the task. This is a classic. http://cthulhu.mandrake.net/~abigail/WWW/dream.html > I would say that you need to target your audience or at least segments of > the population you are trying to reach. Of course: you target them because they have an interest in the particular topic. Not because of the browsing platform they happen to be using at that instant. > There are places where, if you want > to "play", you must have javascript, images and sounds enabled, Sure. I don't think that was ever in dispute. But it isn't necessary to have a sound card before placing an order for a CD recording by your favourite artist. Nor to have a high-resolution graphic display before ordering an oil painting. Nor an MPEG player in order to make a reservation for cinema tickets, nor a taste attachment to reserve a restaurant table. You could even place that order from your cellphone browser, and it would be a foolish supplier (yes, there are many foolish suppliers just now on the WWW, but I'm naive enough to believe they'll learn, in time) who rejected your attempts because they didn't like your browser. The same goes for the train information site that refuses to tell you the train times if you haven't got Java enabled. The elecronics catalogue that refuses to give you the part number of the component that you want because you haven't got Adobe Acrobat. And there are thousands of other examples of pointless inaccessibility to textual information, that are in no way made more logical by your pointing to a minority of sites where their information is, by its very nature, impossible to access without specific equipment. Of course, if they're in business then they have every right to decide who they'll do business with and who not. I'm not trying to take that right away from them, I'm just trying to point out that discrimination by browser situation gives them no competitive advantage whatever, and causes pointless annoyance to their potential customers. > failure to do so will mean you are not part of > the targeted audience. Tautology: see tautology. > 2. Some restaurants will not give you service if you are barefoot or don't > wear a tie. I was just reading about a London restaurant that forbids anyone wearing a suit. They threw the writer out because he had gone there straight from the office. They feel that it upsets the informality of the place for the other customers. What was your point, exactly? When we visit a web site, we aren't upsetting any of the other visitors merely by being there with the wrong sort of browser, or do you see it differently? > 3. There are sites which would be meaningless if you have images disabled. Of course. I don't recall any such site being criticised here. Alan J. Flavell %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Tautology: beating a dead horse. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A normal browser of today: +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------+--+--+ |==| Netscape: LFB: Economics in One Lesson, The Applied |()|[]| +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------+--+--+ |File Edit View Go Bookmarks Options Directory Window Help| |---------------------------------------------------------------------+-----+| |[Back][Forward][Home] [Reload][Load Images][Open][Print][Find] [Stop]|T\\ Y|| | +--------------------------------------------------------+ || \\||| | Netsite: |http://laissezfaire.org/hh7135c2.html | ||.--.|| | +--------------------------------------------------------+ +-----+| |============================================================================| | | | Chapter II: The Broken Window | | | | LET US BEGIN with the simplest illustration possible: let us, | | emulating Bastiat, choose a broken pane of glass. | | | | A young hoodlum, say, heaves a brick through the window of a baker's | | shop. The shopkeeper runs out furious, but the boy is gone. A crowd | | gathers, and begins to stare with quiet satisfaction at the gaping | | hole in the window and the shattered glass over the bread and pies. | | After a while the crowd feels the need for philosophic reflection. And | | several of its members are almost certain to remind each other or the | | baker that, after all, the misfortune has its bright side. It will | | make business for some glazier. As they begin to think of this they | | elaborate upon it. How much does a new plate glass window cost? Two | | hundred and fifty dollars? That will be quite a sum. After all, if | | windows were never broken, what would happen to the glass business? | | Then, of course, the thing is endless. The glazier will have $250 more | | to spend with other merchants, and these in turn will have $250 more | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |[m/-O] [_______________________] [[\/]!]| +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ A similar browser where the user can set the column width: +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------+--+--+ |==| Netscape: LFB: Economics in One Lesson, The Applied |()|[]| +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------+--+--+ |File Edit View Go Bookmarks Options Directory Window Help| |---------------------------------------------------------------------+-----+| |[Back][Forward][Home] [Reload][Load Images][Open][Print][Find] [Stop]|T\\ Y|| | +--------------------------------------------------------+ || \\||| | Netsite: |http://laissezfaire.org/hh7135c2.html | ||.--.|| | +--------------------------------------------------------+ +-----+| |====->=====================================================<-===============| | | | Chapter II: The Broken Window | | | | LET US BEGIN with the simplest illustration possible: | | let us, emulating Bastiat, choose a broken pane of | | glass. | | | | A young hoodlum, say, heaves a brick through the | | window of a baker's shop. The shopkeeper runs out | | furious, but the boy is gone. A crowd gathers, and | | begins to stare with quiet satisfaction at the gaping | | hole in the window and the shattered glass over the | | bread and pies. After a while the crowd feels the | | need for philosophic reflection. An several of its | | members are almost certain to remind each other or | | the baker that, after all, the misfortune has its | | bright side. It will make business for some glazier. | | As they begin to think of this they elaborate upon | | it. How much does a new plate glass window cost? Two | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |[m/-O] [_______________________] [[\/]!]| +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Bryan wrote: > > I am displaying some lengthy tables in HTML. My users need to be able to > print the tables. When the table is too long to fit on one page, how can I > ensure that my table header is printed at the top of each page? First, ensure that all your users are using an adequate CSS implementation. Next: THEAD {page-break-before: always; } More information -- Sue Sims --------------------------- You can't. Most browsers don't support the THEAD element in the intended way. Actually, I haven't seen one that does. This might be a case for "Download browser XXX *now*!!!", if only there were such a browser. :-) Jukka Korpela %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On 15 Nov 1998 02:20:21 GMT, Sue Sims wrote: >William G. Schlake wrote: >> >... >> The point is it's easy to make chocolate milk by mixing some coca into >> your milk. > >You don't really use erythroxylon coca in your milk, and call it >chocolate, eh? I prefer a scoop of maltodextrin coca processed with alkali powdered cellulose, guar gum and corn brand myself. from Nestle's. Add a scoop of low fat frozen yogurt, glass of skim milk, throw in a blender, add your favorite chocolate liquor and you're in pig heaven. Yummy and low fat too, I'm having one right now! William G. Schlake ------------- >I prefer a scoop of maltodextrin coca processed with alkali powdered >cellulose, guar gum and corn brand myself. from Nestle's. Add a scoop >of low fat frozen yogurt, glass of skim milk, throw in a blender, add >your favorite chocolate liquor and you're in pig heaven. Yummy and low >fat too, I'm having one right now! Let's hope no one informs the DEA of that.... 8^) -- Dan McGarry %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% kalelfan@aol.com (KalElFan) writes: | What Is Usenet: | | Usenet is warped space. | | Any objections to that? Yes. Here's what Kibo wrote a few years ago and according to this Usenet isn't `warped space'. # Usenet is a little bird sitting in a tree. # # Usenet is a bunch of pretty flowers that smell BAD. # # Usenet is a green golfball that someone's cut open to see if # they're really filled with horrible acid. It wasn't. # # Usenet is William Shatner and Ross Perot trading places after # being hit by lightning. # # Usenet is like a tar pit except it's filled with Hershey's syrup. # # Usenet has red hair at the sides and none on top. Usenet wears # big shoes. Usenet honks at people. # # Usenet is sans-serif but oblique. # # Usenet's secret ingredient is the fact that it doesn't have a # secret ingredient. Usenet contains no Spam. Usenet is an ingredient # *of* Spam. # # Usenet comes in economy packs... at fifty bucks each. # # Usenet is void where prohibited. # # Usenet is an orgy in jail. # # Usenet is a handful of Goldfish crackers with eyes. # # Usenet is Frosty the Snowman comitting suicide with a # flamethrower. # # Usenet is a fish living in a glass house. # # Usenet is the exploding window in the "Twilight Zone" title # sequence. Usenet is a dimension of sight, of sound, of smell. # # Usenet asks no questions, but gets many answers; Usenet is the # biggest pencil in the world. Usenet is a sword whose blade is in # Schenectady and whose handle is everywhere. # # Usenet is named Fred, or Dylan, or Janice, or Spot. Usenet is # sterile. Usenet takes pills. # # Usenet moves at the speed of dark. # # USENET IS NEVER CRYPTIC. # # Usenet is a warm puppy. # # Usenet is a microwave hair dryer. # # Usenet is the puff of air that escapes as you seal Tupperware. # # Usenet is the hub of an immobile universe. # # Uesnet is misspelled. # # Usenet is the difference between pea soup and peanut butter. # # Usenet is a billion dollars in pennies. # # Usenet is Eeyore's birthday present. # # Usenet is carbonated tar. # # Usenet is a computer having sex with a statue. # # Usenet is a mile long, a meter wide, and an hour thick. # # If Usenet were a color, it would be orange, or tangerine. # # Usenet has feet without toes. # # Usenet is a man buying another man's bug collection to give to # his wife and then she sees the bugs and has a heart attack and dies and # the funeral director turns out to be the second man. # # Usenet is the reason tapioca pudding is always vanilla, # never chocolate. Usenet is the reason you can't make toast in a # microwave. Usenet is what makes meatballs bounce. # # Usenet is a Mobius strand of spaghetti. # # Usenet is newer than the Old Testament but older than the # New Testament. # # Usenet may have already won ten million dollars. # # Usenet is Optima Semibold with slab serifs. # # Usenet is always contradictory. Usenet is never contradictory. # # Usenet is Danny Thomas's last spit-take. # # Usenet sells its body. # # Usenet is not a doughnut. Usenet is not a bagel. Usenet is an # inner tube. # # Usenet turns urine into wine and vice versa. # # Usenet is the PBS of computer networks. All streets on Usenet # are named "Sesame". Usenet is Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. # # Usenet can punctuate all by itself. # # Usenet wants your money to buy a heart. # # Usenet is half a pair of pants. # # Usenet is made of latex. Usenet is inflatable. # # Usenet has fallen... and can't get up! # # Usenet is the official bait bucket of Crappiethon '91. Usenet is # the official beer mug of Cheers. # # Usenet is the seventh color of M&M. # # Usenet has a soft, creamy center. # # Usenet has a shelf-life of six hours. Usenet has a half-life of a # billion years. # # Usenet is a powerful force... IN BED. # # Usenet cures jock itch in laboratory rats. # # Usenet is written on old jars of mustard to keep them fresh. # # Usenet is "Usenet is". # # Usenet is an anagram of Sneetu. # # Usenet changes its underwear every fifteen minutes. Usenet wears # it on the outside so we can check. # # Usenet is a hairy light bulb. # # It takes twenty Usenets to change a light bulb. # # Usenet is a rubber fork. Usenet is a wax toaster. Usenet is a # paper safe. # # Usenet can punch its way out of paper bags. # # Usenet is the sequel to "Return of the Jedi". # # Usenet is a puppy trained to ignore slippers. # # Usenet has fresh, minty breath... but never exhales. # # Usenet is the embodiment of Zen. Usenet is the embodiment of # motorcycle maintenence. # # Usenet drives your car while you're sleeping. # # Usenet is the white digit on your car's odometer. # # Usenet is Prince William's favorite toy. # # Usenet is two-ply. # # Why did the chicken cross the road? Usenet. # # INSIST ON GENUINE USENET--BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. # LOOK FOR THE USENET LABEL. # # Usenet is a fish swimming through sand. Usenet is # pronounced "ghoti". # # Usenet is a vowel. # # Usenet was colorized by Ted Turner. # # Usenet sits on the back burner of your stove. # # Usenet is not a typewriter. # # Usnet is the feeling you get when you lose the TV Guide. # # Usenet is where socks go when they vanish in the dryer. # # Usenet cancelled "Twin Peaks". # # Usenet was predicted by Nostradamus. # # Usenet has a total I.Q. of one million--if you count the guy # wearing green socks. # # If you pat Usenet, it will burp. If you tease Usenet, it will bite. # # Usenet is an emperor wearing clothes, in a nudist colony. # # Usenet is Fahrvergnuegen. # # Usenet does not exist, because there is no "U" in "E=mc^2". # # Usenet is a sunrise above a cave. Usenet is a siesta in a grave. # Usenet will not eat them on a train, Usenet will not eat them on a plane-- # "I do not like green eggs and ham," said Usenet I Am. # # Usenet has already warped your children. Usenet is genetic. # # Usenet is a new color of paper towels: solid black. # # Usenet put the "bop" in the "bop bop ba bop shee wop doo wah". # # Usenet smokes a pipe and smiles. # # Usenet is like "The Simpsons" only it's two-dimensional. # # Usenet cannot be Xeroxed. Usenet cannot be photographed. # # Usenet is a sane man in Pee-wee's Playhouse. # # Usenet is a black-light poster of Spiro Agnew. # # Usenet is a potted power plant. Usenet actually always # alliterates accidentally. Usenet eats every ecookie ever ebaked. # # Usenet is a sign that says "!PU DNE SIHT". Usenet is full of siht. # # Usenet is a shaved dalmation. # # Usenet is equal to the sum of apples and oranges. # # Usenet is where the beef is. # # USENET: IT'S NOT ONLY A COMMUNICATIONS MEDIUM, IT'S ALSO A CLIENT. # # Usenet is mindful drivel. # # Usenet is a product registration card that you mail to God. # # Usenet ignores threats of physical violence. # # Usenet is where the white dot goes when you turn off the TV. # # Usenet is at the West Pole--with the Easter Bunny. # # Usenet is no ordinary bozo! # # Usenet is a philosophy that only dogs can hear. # # Usenet is the reason everything should be made of plastic. # # Usenet is a birthday cake running over a steamroller. # # Usenet is why rolls come eight to a pack but condoms come in dozens. # # Usenet is sunglasses for your brain. # # Usenet is what you call goose bumps when a goose gets them. # # Usenet is a table with two legs. # # Usenet is scratch'n'sniff. # # Usenet is a blind potato. # # Usenet is the reason prices end in "9". Usenet makes that # $9999.99 car look a thousand dollars cheaper. # # Usenet fits in your pants pocket. Usenet cannot be removed from # your pants pocket. Usenet is a tattoo. # # Usenet is eyeballs for chewing gum. # # Usenet is to television as sweat is to urine. # # Usenet is a skeleton's skeleton. # # Usenet is the antidote for information. # # Usenet is bigger than the universe but full of holes. # # Usenet is better for you than sugar. # # Usenet is what Lincoln is staring at on the penny. # # Usenet is where you keep the acid that can dissolve through anything. # # Usenet is a rectangular ameba. # # Usenet goes "bump" late at night. # # Usenet makes hours seem like miles. Usenet makes time turn corners. # # Usenet is Mr. Potato Head's plastic surgeon. # # Usenet is a wacky neighbor on the ultimate sitcom. # # Usenet is why Madonna has a phony mole on her cheek. # # Usenet is better than sex. # # Usenet lies. # # -- K. # (I thunk up all those in a five-minute # period about twenny years ago when you # guys were still using radio.) -- Boris Schaefer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Alan J. Flavell wrote: >Validating SGML is a very precisely defined task, with a clear answer. >It's evidently an answer that you don't want. Fine, that's your right. Is there a distinction between a warning and an error? I don't know that much about SGML, but with C compilers, there are 'diagnostics', which are the errors you get when You Are Wrong, and there may be other messages which you get for valid code which is merely "suspicious" or "not as portable as you want". Thus, 1; // syntax error because C doesn't have these comments yet requires a "diagnostic", whereas 1; /* statement without side-effects */ is perfectly correct code - but many compilers will happily *WARN* you about it. So, a program which said This is valid SGML. That said, you may want to be careful about using the tag, as some browsers can't handle it. is not necessarily a bad validator - it's just doing other things also. Peter Seebach ------------------ Peter Seebach wrote: > Is there a distinction between a warning and an error? Absolutely. If you think in terms of warnings and errors, an HTML validator will list the errors in your document, and an HTML linter/checker will list the warnings in your document. There are a number of linters/checkers available. Many of them are listed at . Some online validators (e.g., the W3C validator ) have the option of running a linter/checker on your document in addition to validating it. -- Darin McGrew ----------------------- (Peter Seebach) wrote: | In article , | Alan J. Flavell wrote: | >Validating SGML is a very precisely defined task, with a clear answer. | | Is there a distinction between a warning and an error? In SGML, there are few if any warnings. Basically, ISO 8879 makes a big deal about "reportable errors". There are a few places where it says things to the effect "this is deprecated", which would qualify as warnings, I suppose. (It was a long time before I saw nsgmls actually issue a warning, and I haven't seen that for another long time:-)) | I don't know that much about SGML, but with C compilers, there are | 'diagnostics', which are the errors you get when You Are Wrong, Yup. Reportable errors. | and there may be other messages which you get for valid code which | is merely "suspicious" or "not as portable as you want". This is a greyer area, especially with HTML. There are plenty of things that are quite normal in a SGML shop, but utterly alien to "HTML practice" as we know it. A SGML validator would (and should) remain silent on such things, but a HTML linter ought to complain loudly, I think. And there are other "pathological" cases too. To get the full impact of the following example, please promise not to peek or cheat:-) 1. Go to validator.w3.org, and with only the "show parse tree" option checked, submit this url: . (No, please don't launch it just yet!) 2. The validator will issue a clean bill of health, and it will show a fully normalized version of the element tree. You'll see that the document is basically trivial: so you should have a good idea of what you'll see when you load that url into your browser. 3. OK, now load the url in your browser du jour, preferably one of the popular massmarket ones. Surprised? 4. "View source". You'll find plenty of "warning"-able stuff! (But the point is that, with one possible exception, none of the HTML screamers would be considered dubious in a true SGML environment.) | So, a program which said | This is valid SGML. That said, you may want to be careful | about using the tag, as some browsers can't handle it. | is not necessarily a bad validator - it's just doing other things | also. True. But why does all of this have to be in one program? A SGML parser is a highly non-trivial piece of software, and what is or isn't significant for HTML changes almost every day. Arjun Ray %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Josh Keller wrote: : I have a limited amount of space and don't want to create thumbnails : for 1,200 images. I also don't want to create the HTML files for all those :-) : So I was wondering if it would be possible using a combination of VBScript, : VB, Delphi, ASP, or whatever else to make a server side program that creates : thumbnails on the fly. Basically like a document.write() statement, only it : would load an image, resize it, and then send the resized version to the user, : without putting anything on the hard disk. Would that be possible, would it be : reasonable to do on a Pentium 200MMX w/128MB RAM, or would it be just way to : slow? It sounds doable, though I'd do it with a little twist. I'd have my server-side program check if a thumbnail already exists. If so, I'd send it. If not, I'd create the thumbnail, save it to disk, and send it. I'd keep a log of how many times each thumbnail was requested. Periodically, I'd run another program that would examine the log and delete any thumbnail files that were accessed fewer than X times. The advantage of this approach is that the most frequently-requested thumbnails can be sent out quickly without having to clog your server up with lots of seldom-requested files. I'm assuming that the distribution of requests for images is highly skewed, with maybe 20% of the images accounting for 80% of the rest. This would probably be the case if the images are requested by the user; if they're all inlined into photo galleries, the caching scheme won't work too well. In that case, you might consider making a composite out of all the thumbnails for one gallery and using it as an imagemap; the composites should compress quite well. Eric Bohlman %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On Tue, 17 Nov 1998 22:56:51 +1100, "MP3" felt compelled to write: >This guy will soon learn not to ask any HTML questions here. All you'll get >back are: > >Marquee sux >Marquee's not real HTML >I'm God cause I know HTML > >The guy asked for an answer to a problem. All he got back were opinions on >what he should not be doing. Yeah, that's the way it works around here.. >This is not alt.html.design.imastuckupprat Are you sure??? >Answer the question or dont answer it at all. I agree, but gave up a LONG time ago.... Gil Harvey -------------------- MP3 wrote: > > The guy asked for an answer to a problem. All he got back were opinions on > what he should not be doing. Sometimes "you shouldn't do that" *IS* the answer. Daniel R. Tobias --------------------- Daniel R. Tobias wrote in message <36522A73.795AB22F@softdisk.com>... > >Sometimes "you shouldn't do that" *IS* the answer. > 99% of the time it's someone's opinion, not *the* answer. -- McWebber %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On 13 Nov 1998 00:21:48 GMT, Darin McGrew wrote: >Richard Anderson wrote: >> I have some HTML that I want to embed some extra blanks into (see below). > >Long term, the correct approach for imbedding extra whitespace that has >some structural purpose will be to use an em space (  or  ) or >an en space (  or  ). However, I wouldn't use them yet except >on an intranet where everyone can be expected to have a recent browser >version that understands these character entities. > >In the meantime, the non-breaking space (  or  ) can be used >fairly safely in many situations. What's the difference between &emsp/&ensp and  ? I know that en and em are print type notations. I'd just like to know the difference in results. Thanks. catnip ----------------- On Sat, 14 Nov 1998, catnip wrote: > What's the difference between &emsp/&ensp and  ? There are several differences. nbsp was (proposed) in RFC1866/HTML2.0, and represents a character that is in the (8-bit) iso-8859-1 code. Its numerical character reference ( ) and, later, its entity name   have been supported by browsers for a considerable time. Occasionally you'd find oddities if you included it as an 8-bit character, but that shouldn't be a problem now either (as long as your charset is appropriate! - the nbsp is in a different place in koi8-r, which throws browsers into some confusion). Its mandated property is that it prevents a line break when used between two non-whitespace characters. The HTML3.0 draft considered it to belong to the class of white space charcaters, which would have required them to be compressed, and there were a few browser/versions which did that. But according to HTML 4.0 it isn't a white-space character: see http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/text.html#h-9.1 So, in effect it is technically a non-whitespace character, that is presented visually as white space of no specific width. The common usage of several nbsp to create a wide space is sort-of supported by HTML4.0 since, as non-whitespace characters, you'd expect them not to be compressed, which white-space characters would be. However, contrary to popular belief this is not the _purpose_ of nobreak spaces: their purpose is to inform browsers not to break the line. (Which makes one wonder why NS went and invented a tag). emsp and ensp characters do not exist in iso-8859-1 nor, indeed, in any of the iso-defined 8-bit codes. Neither their entity names nor their numerical character references (  and  ) have been supported by browsers for very long, and of course at first, one of the Big Two introduced the entity names without supporting the numerical references, while their competitor introduced the numerical references without supporting the entity names, just to discourage us from using either. (Minority browsers such as alis tango were already supporting both, of course). HTML4.0 also includes a thinsp character. However, HTML4.0 says: This specification does not indicate the behavior, rendering or otherwise, of space characters other than those explicitly identified here as white space characters. For this reason, authors should use appropriate elements and styles to achieve visual formatting effects that involve white space, rather than space characters. which does rather leave one wondering what these various non-white-space white space characters are meant to be good for ;-) > I know that en > and em are print type notations. I'd just like to know the difference > in results. en and em are typographer's measures of size. Temperatures tend to rise at this point, and I'm not a typographer, so I'll stop there. Alan J. Flavell ------------------------ On Sat, 14 Nov 1998 21:18:41 +0100, "Alan J. Flavell" wrote: > On Sat, 14 Nov 1998, catnip wrote: > > What's the difference between &emsp/&ensp and  ? [...snipped a good answer...] > > I know that en and em are print type notations. > > I'd just like to know the difference in results. > en and em are typographer's measures of size. Temperatures tend to rise > at this point, and I'm not a typographer, so I'll stop there. No need for a "temp rise", here... http://css.nu/articles/typograph1-en.html -- Jan Roland Eriksson ---------------------- Alan J. Flavell wrote: > which does rather leave one wondering what these various non-white-space > white space characters are meant to be good for ;-) I haven't figured out why I'd ever use   or  , but   does have its uses (e.g., 98.6° F). But the advantage of being typographically correct on such a minor point doesn't outweigh the disadvantage of the current lack of browser support. -- Darin McGrew %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% >> All I can suggest is make sure you specify the colour in the right format: >> > > That's what's in there, and since I use wysiwyg editors, there couldn't be an > error there... ROTFL!! Clue: "#0099FF", like any other colour value, looks _very_ different on different platforms. That doesn't make one or another 'right' or 'wrong'. Just live with it. -- Nick Kew %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Panos Stokas wrote: > Published specifications do not render documents. Browsers do. Quite right. They do it according to the golden rules of client/server interworking: Be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept. The corollary of that is that you can't use a normal client agent as any test of correctness. Alan J. Flavell %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On Mon, 16 Nov 1998 09:17:37 -0600, Hon. usenaut Warren Steel wrote in message <36504211.3671@olemiss.edu>: > - - FONT is a text-level element. TD is a block-level >element. The opening implicitly closes any open FONT >elements. This is one thing that Netscape got right. In principle, omission of the tag is not allowed; the HTML 4.0 Transitional DTD says: So when there is an unclosed FONT element and a tag is encountered, there is a _syntax error_. Different browsers have different error recovery methods; some of them may imply a closing whereas others act as if it were allowed to have a TABLE element inside a FONT element. Jukka Korpela %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Aaron wrote: > Anyone know where I could download a WebTV simulator for use in > developing pages on a Win98 system? webtv, where else? Oh, you couldn't find your way through the maze? Well, go to http://developer.webtv.net/tools/viewer/license.html Even Lynx had no problems after that (in spite of all the earlier hassle with "your browser doesn't support frames" - of course it bloody does, stupid morons. It just doesn't display them as frames.) It's a fun viewer, once you get there. Much better than their thicko developer's web site... all the best Alan J. Flavell --------------------- On Tue, 17 Nov 1998 02:29:13 +0100, Alan J. Flavell saw fit to expound: > >Well, go to > http://developer.webtv.net/tools/viewer/license.html > >Even Lynx had no problems after that (in spite of all the earlier hassle >with "your browser doesn't support frames" - of course it bloody does, >stupid morons. It just doesn't display them as frames.) Web authors are going to have to get used to the fact that many browsers are now supporting frames in 'unorthodox' ways: that is, different to the way Netscape does it. Speaking browsers aside, platforms with little screen real estate (palmtops and smartphones) are being forced to adopt new ways of handling frames. One that I know of offers at least three: o The Netscape method (showing all frames on screen at once; virtually unusable with complex framesets) o The Lynx method (showing FRAME references as links) o Showing one frame at a time in the main window, with a side toolbar allowing you to switch frames This time it's no good 'commercial' web authors ducking the problem by saying they're simply not interested in the group of people concerned. After all, people with palmtop computers have money to burn and they're not likely to give it to you if they can't get past Page 1 of your web site. Jedi Master Yoda --------------------- Aaron wrote: > > Anyone know where I could download a WebTV simulator for use in > developing pages on a Win98 system? You can get it at: http://developer.webtv.net/ You can find links to this and other "non-big-two" browsers on my Brand X Browsers page at: http://www.softdisk.com/comp/dan/webtips/brand-x.html Daniel R. Tobias %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% As a recovering Front Page user, I would thoroughly recommend Dreamweaver 1.2..or 2... :-) David McDonald %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Lex Spoon schrieb: > It is commonly held that HTML is misused by the vast majority of web > sites: it is used as a graphical layout language, instead of as a > markup language. Purists argue that these sites are evil, and that's > the end of it. If they want layout, they should wait for style sheets > to get worked out, and only THEN use layout. > But these purists are quietly assuming that web pages MUST use HTML, > and furthermore that web pages MUST be content-oriented and in > particular should be readable by the blind and by the GUI-challenged. No, that is different HTML is (was intended to be) content-orientated and all of the above. I for example always recommended using PDF, whenever someone complained about the lack of control in HTML. > I think what the web really needs is a new hyperlinkable *graphical* > layout language. For example, why is the web not based on postscript? Postscript is far too complex and introduces many incompatibility problems -- and the files are just too big. PDF is fully webable, i.e. provides hyperlinks, #part addressing, forms, etc. With PDF, you get what you want: Full control over layout. But, are you sure this is what web authors and users really want? (Sometimes, sure, but always?) The problem is not HTML, it's the users and - even more - the autors. Joe Average User did not grow up with HTML and other structural languages. Maybe he started with a typewriter. He just hit the keys on the keyboard and the letters appeared whereever the carrige was. For underlining, he wrote the text and then went back and printed underscores over them. And all other effects (of a very limited set) were created similarily. Now, Joe gets his first computer. Unless he happens to be author for a magazine/newspaper, he probably starts with a WYSIWY(M)G word processor. Most people start with using word processors just as they used their typewriter (they even press Return at the end of each line!) If he wants to set some text in italics, he selects it and applies the style italics. He does not think: "Hm, I want this text to be emphasized, so I apply the style italics, which I use for emphasized text." The maximum the avgerage word processor user comes in contact with his document's structure are headings and the outline view most modern word processors offer. Word processors are truly light-weight DTP software, not structural document processors. Now, our Average User wants to make "Web pages". He expects his HTML editor to work just like his light-weight DTP software; which is the problem because HTML was not _meant_ to work that way. But, Everyone uses HTML, so he does, too, although he expects something he could only get from layout languages, such as PDF, Postscript, etc. But the _real_ advantage of HTML escapes him: By describing the structure and giving presentation _hints_ (pres. markup/CSS), HTML adapts to a wide variety of media and gets the best out of every medium, whereas layout languages such as PDF or Postscript always describe the layout on a particular medium - which can be _simulated_ on other media (i.e. you can view a paged PDF file on screen or you can fit an Letter PDF page on a A4 paper), but remains a siumlation. On the other hand, HTML is not fixed layout on a medium, but can be rendered - i.e. layouted - on any medium like screen windows of different sizes, a terminal, A4 paper, Letter paper ans so on... -- Claus Andre Faerber --------------------------- [WHY can't people learn to leave the attributions in place?!? (this discussion took place during a period of flaky news flow at my end...)] Anonymous 2 wrote: > Anonymous 1 wrote: > | Even with HTML's limitted graphical capabilities nowadays, it > | is a standard procedure for many sites to maintain a "graphical" > | version and a "textual" version of their pages. Making a single page > | that is viewable on both is usually considered more difficult than > | just making two separate pages. > > Because people are unwilling to *learn HTML* as opposed to just grab > the latest pseudo-HTML regurgitator like FP, even though there really > is no excuse to not know how to write at least basic HTML since the > basics are ridiculously simple. > ----------------------------- On 18 Nov 1998, Lex Spoon wrote: > Some font changes aren't just suggestions. If you're referring to HTML, you're mistaken. This is not a proprietary word-processor application. > A less-than-or-equal sign > from a symbols font just doesn't look the same as the equivalent > character in ASCII. That's why HTML defines a correct way of doing this, and that wasn't it. Don't confuse a font (cosmetic appearance) with a repertoire. > An author needs to do something completely > different here if the appropriate symbols font isn't available: Precisely. See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/sgml/entities.html#h-24.3 > cases. An HTML+CSS document that must display correctly on both kinds > of browsers would need some sort of HTML equivalent to C's #ifdef. I think it's time you learned how HTML does things, before you spread this kind of stuff. The character hexA3 (163 decimal) in HTML represents the pound sterling sign. If you put it inside FONT FACE=Symbol it may confuse people by looking like a less than or equal sign, but in HTML terms it is still a pound sterling sign. So don't do that. A pedantically implemented browser would tell the reader that the symbol font doesn't have a pound sterling sign in it and so this character cannot be displayed. Of course, not all client agents implement HTML4.0, but that's a different problem from the one that you have invented. (and please, read that materials that have been provided for you on news.announce.newusers about the proper way to quote. Hanging the whole previous discussion on the end of your f'ups is rude.) Alan J. Flavell -------------------------------- Lex Spoon schrieb: > Darin McGrew writes: > > > Lex Spoon wrote: > > > Let me put it one more way. Imagine if all the magazines in the world > > > suddenly switched to strict HTML-based layout. No more font changes, > > > > Why not? When the document structure calls for it, and the style sheet > > suggests it, and the browser configuration allows it, the fonts could > > change as much as the magazine designers wanted them to. (Although I'd > > still select the "Ignore font styles specified on Web pages" option to > > guarantee legibility.) > > > Some font changes aren't just suggestions. A less-than-or-equal sign > from a symbols font just doesn't look the same as the equivalent > character in ASCII. There is no equivalent character in ASCII. A "Symbol" font just contains another character repertiore that a font that contains Latin characters. Yes, in many word processors, you have to change the font and type some other characters to get the character you want, but this is not how HTML (or a modern word processor) works. In HTML, you use Unicode characters and the browser is responsible for finding that character in the fonts you specified. In no case should you for example tell the browser to use the character "F" in the font "Symbol" when you actually mean the Greek characther "Phi". Instead, you would write "Φ" and let the browser find the appropraite font. You could also specify a font list like "Times, Symbol", which means: try to find the characters in "Times", but if you don't saerch for them in "Symbol" and if they aren't there either, use the default font. > An author needs to do something completely > different here if the appropriate symbols font isn't available: they > need to use two characters "<=". No, the author uses the character LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO (U+2264) and it's the browsers task to transcribe that to "<=" if it can't find any font which contains this character. > The model of style sheets just giving hints breaks down in these > cases. An HTML+CSS document that must display correctly on both kinds > of browsers would need some sort of HTML equivalent to C's #ifdef. No. It needs (partialy language-dependent) translation tables for unavailable characters to available characters. Examples: ࣘ <= ä[lang=de] ae © (C) > In many cases, though, layout *is* content. Geerheads often forget, > there really are other things than dictionaries and technical papers > that people would like to put on the web. > > For an extreme example, consider a person who writes a poem on top of > a drawing of a rose, in such a way that the text and the drawing > interact in subtle ways. There is no real text mode equivalent > here--the visual relations are critical to the message. To the message - yes. To the content - no. Even although layout often (always?) is part of the message, you can still devide content (the words of the text) and appearance (the layout). The question is: If someone can't see the layout, would you want him/her to experience the text anyway? Usually, the answer is yes. It is however important that you get enough > Should this artiste be forced to package up the whole thing as a big > GIF, simply because some purists believe that authors only write out > data and cannot be allowed to do layout? Who said authors should not be able to specidy layout? Why is there the possibility of !important rules? Why the term "author stylesheet" anyway? > Or for a less extreme example, how about an author who uses italics to > specify what a character is thinking? On a plain-text browser which > simply drops the italics, the text becomes almost unreadable; This a perfectly valid argument -- for using structural markup, such as and @media rules ... > to make the document displayable on a text-mode browser will take > concious changes by the author. ... and you won't have to do that. Is that an advantage of structural markup + style sheet vs. different versions? Another advantage is the machine-processibility of structural markup (vs. layout languages). Just write a programme that extracts all headlines of (a) an HTML file that uses , (b) an HTML file that uses and (c) a Postscript file -- it gets more and more difficult from (a) to (c). > Or, less extreme yet, consider inlining an image into a page. Yeah, > pretty far out, huh? But really, inline images are an effect specific > to visual browsers. And whenever an author puts in an inline image, > they must also put an explicit alt in the HTML. They are explicitly > specifying how the document will show up on a visual vs. a non-visual > browser. Yes. Did someone claim IMaGes (or more general: OBJECTs) would be structural? -- Claus Andre Faerber %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On Tue, 17 Nov 1998 18:00:59 +0100, "Alan J. Flavell" wrote: | They just _have_ to believe it. They don't want it any other way. | Actually trying out Lynx themselves would spoil their fun. Maybe not. It could confirm their beliefs, in a funny sort of way: "That's not what I expected. Therefore, it's bad." This is similar to the "ugly duckling" syndrome used to explain the religious wars over programs like editors: your first exposure "impresses" you and makes you resistant to change and/or difference. Not to mention facts and logic. Arjun Ray %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Alan J. Flavell wrote: > [...] Do you know how long it takes to > download netploder over a cellphone? I've never tried that one, but it seems to me that it would be silly to point out that the software is free. :-) Same goes for anyone using a dial-up connection from a hotel room. Anyway, be advisded that a large number of users pay for local calls and they're easily offended by huge downloads. A number of US companies doesn't understand this until their products and services fail in the european market. When designing a web site, please note that the US term "patience" becomes "cost" for dial-up users in many countries. -- Håkon Styri %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% > out. I'm not sure about the counter problem, (will counters like that > ever validate?), When you need an "&" character in a URL, and you want to reference it in an A HREF, then the rules of HTML call for you to express the "&" as "&" - that's all there is to it. If you want a counter-example (!), then try mocking-up a URL that contains, say, ?print=yes©=5 Well, you could try mine (compare strike1 with strike2): http://ppewww.ph.gla.ac.uk/~flavell/tests/amp.html Both MSIE and Netscape behave as if they've seen a copyright sign in there, although they handle it differently. Some other browsers produce the effect that the author presumably intended, though I can't say I think the author has any right to expect that. Alan J. Flavell %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On 20 Nov 1998, Neil wrote: > I am looking for suggestions on the color of a link and a link once it has > been hit (the vlink tag). I recommend you read Jakob Nielsen's articles. All of them. For now, you want http://www.useit.com/alertbox/9712a.html and http://www.useit.com/alertbox/9611.html Some people say that WWW users are now much more sophisticated, and don't need links to be in the expected colours. Other people say that WWW users are on average more stupid than they used to be, and getting increasingly more stupid as more and more newcomers arrive. It's your job to take a design decision, based on your assessment of these factors. Me, I'd generally take Nielsen's advice, unless I had a _very_ good reason for doing otherwise in a specific case. Alan J. Flavell ------------------------------- Leslie wrote: > The whole discussion of what color links should be reminds me of the famous > Henry Ford quote about his brand new cars, "You can have any color you > want, as long as it's black." Can you imagine the the chaos that would ensue if automobiles changed color based upon which parking lot they were parked in? It's a lot easier to find your car (or your web links) when colors remain consistent. And yes, it's nicer if the user can choose the colors for his/her own car (or web browser). -- Darin McGrew %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% You might want to go to the Faq-O-Matic at http://www.dartmouth.edu/~jonh/ff-cache/1.html and visit the playground. Alan J. Flavell %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Alan J. Flavell" wrote: >Have we considered how useful _any_ kind of HTML link is on a >printed copy, if the client agent doesn't summarise the links and >their URLs somewhere on the printout? I think I see your point - it would be the printing user agent's (such as the print function of a browser, or a separate program for printing HTML documents, such as html2ps) responsibility to present links meaningfully, so authors shouldn't need to consider what the page looks like when printed in a simplistic way which ignores that responsibility. I have a practical remark on that, and a more fundamental one. Current browsers do a lousy job in printing documents, in general. They break tables horribly, put a page break between a heading and the following paragraph, and worse, get rather wild if you have nontrivial style sheets enabled, etc. Moreover, current users aren't even well aware of the possibilities, such as requested link targets to be presented as footnotes (or whatever the browser's print function is able to do). Even educated users may print pages without touching the settings, so later on they'll see printed pages where links are indicated with underlining only if at all. The more fundamental, or theoretical, point is that a hypertext document should degrade gracefully into normal text, if possible. It should be possible to read hypertext, on screen or on paper or aloud, ignoring the hypertext features. In such a mode, words like "send a mail" don't even suggest anything about a particular destination for mail. And with hypertextuality "turned on", hypertext links should appear as meaningful items of information, rather than random words ("click here!" or "here") with no association with the content. In my opinion, a good printing user agent would have two different print functions, such as "print as text" (formatted text, not plain text, but without any hypertextuality) and "print as hypertext" (or "simulated hypertext"), effectively forcing the user to decide which of them he wants. The latter would normally indicate link texts visually (underline and/or different color, for example) and include footnotes which specify the _titles_ (TITLE attribute values) of the links, and optionally including other information like HREF and HREFLANG values. But as we know, current browsers are simple-minded in this area, so it seems that authors must pay some attention to the fact that their pages will actually be printed using a print function which is somewhere in-between, and which often does not provide any real information about links (except underlining the link text, which per se isn't that helpful). Jukka Korpela %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Pete Cooper wrote: > We've just got a client and I'm in the throes of producing design > proofs for them (as well as for our own site) and after a small > display of ideas most practical ideas were immediately turned down > (despite being the most usable and 'user-friendly') in favour of > whizzy graphic based ideas using graphic-rendered text and large > animated GIFs. After proclaiming the bandwidth and usability > problems, my 'task' has become to make a highly bloated and slow > page become 'ultra-usable', a challenge I'm trying to plod through. My sympathies. The WWW is a very different medium than either print or TV, despite the possibility of using attractive graphics. I'm sure you know this, but your colleagues are graphic designers who are not experienced "web guys". You can talk about bandwidth till you're blue in the face, but it probably won't faze them. Maybe the best thing to do is make two or three mock-ups (varying levels of graphics, Java, frames, and tables) and throw a little demo. Last I read in the GVU's semi-annual WWW User Surveys, average modem speed is somewhere between 28.8 and 33.6. Also, the number one complaint, according to the GVU Survey, is that the web is _too slow_. Jakob Nielsen's column, already mentioned, can give you hints on how long people are willing to wait. Clear your cache. Have the pages up at a real (remote) server. Use an ordinary modem. Time the pages. Don't say anything while you're waiting. Maybe even _they_ will get impatient if their all-singing, all-dancing design takes 3 minutes to appear in normal conditions. Then you drop the other shoe and say, "You know, I read that 85% of people on the web will give up in disgust and leave if they can't see *something* in 20 seconds." (Or whatever the statistics you could track down.) Also remind them that the web is not like print or TV: if someone visits, you already _have_ their interest, but you won't hold them if you try their patience, let alone if you insinuate that the visitor's browsing situation is not good enough. Elizabeth T. Knuth %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Lynn Alford wrote: | jm9998@my-dejanews.com writes: | >Sorry, no idea what Scooter is. x | | My, I can't remember the last time I saw someone miss a clue *that* | thoroughly. Quite normal on Usenet: the phenomenon is usually known as Invincible Ignorance. The HEP people recently got to the bottom of this when they managed to isolate the mozon. A mozon, they found, is a cluster of bogons surrounded by a cloud of anti-cluons to annihilate any clues in the vicinity. HTH. Arjun Ray %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On Wed, 2 Dec 1998, JSC wrote: > I just read Warren Steele's excellent page, and now the Eternal Question > comes to mind again: Is it now acceptable to use style sheets? I'd say it always was acceptable. > My > understanding is that browsers prior to version 4 (Netscape/IE) do not > support them. Style sheets are designed that way. So if you use them right, it doesn't matter. And the audio style sheet does no harm on a visual browser, nor vice versa, if you've done your job right. And the reader who has a brailler still gets your content, irrespective of the fact that it can honour neither the audio stylesheet nor the visual one. I'm not clear why this has to be repeated so often. It isn't exactly secret lore. > If one is trying to design for the most possible people, and using the > FONT FACE attribute is not acceptable, how would style sheets be > preferable? Look, "design" of a web page comprises many things, of which visual appearance is just one component. The ability of a page to calmly and automatically adapt itself to a good range of viewing situations is another aspect of web design, and in my opinion the more interesting and challenging part of the WWW. The only thing you can successfully do on the WWW with font control is to select some boring mass-market font out of a small repertoire that you can rely on everyone having. This means that for those who cared enough to shell out for a really good specialist font, every time your FONT FACE is successful you're degrading their browsing experience. This is not just "authoring for the lowest common denominator": you're forcing the lowest common denominator down everyone's throat. (Fortunately they can turn that off, at least to some extent in most browsers). Speaking in more general terms, rather than focussing on FONT FACE... Style sheets do no harm at all in browsers that don't support them, and don't get in the way when a reader, for whatever good reason, has to turn them off because they're causing a problem. And they don't clog up 7kB of content with 35kb of idiotic markup, like some wannabeWYSIWYG tools I could think of. Admittedly there are problems with Win MSIE3 and Mac MSIE3 (careful: these are two different browsers, with different behaviours), that implement some kind of partial prototype of CSS1. If you're interested, you study the various workarounds that are discussed on the stylesheets group and via the resource at http://css.nu Alan J. Flavell %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On 4 Dec 1998, Didier Godefroy wrote: > What bothers me is that to comply with these validation rules, there are things > that won't work right with the browsers, I don't think it's very productive to make blanket allegations like that. If you encounter a specific problem, then I suggest you raise it here: for many of the alleged problems with validation, there are well known and respectable solutions, for others there are serviceable workarounds, and if you've found one of the rare cases when there really isn't a solution then I, for one, wouldn't be too proud to concede the point. The benefits of validation for programmatically locating real errors are just too great, in my experience, to want to pass them up because of some IMO "rare" anomalies. > and what's important is that these > browsers get the job done right, That depends on your definition of the job. "Writing broken HTML to get the job done on the browsers one's familiar with" translates into "taking risks with browsers one's not familiar with". While I'll certainly avoid writing a bit of valid HTML knowing that it can cause problems, I'll only very rarely admit to writing invalid HTML to get the effect I want; and in the classic case, my carefully tested bit of invalid HTML did finally stop working when a new browser version came out. > they don't comply with the rules, so why should we? Because of the first rule of client/server interworking. Alan J. Flavell %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On Fri, 4 Dec 1998, Panos Stokas wrote: > The accessibility of your document depends on what your readers use. > Thus, if your logical markup is OK and your document works in Lynx, > Opera, Netscape and IE -- then I don't think you need to bother. You know, people said that about Netscape version 1, and then they had to scurry around fixing some well-known defects when they found that version 2 had tightened up the syntax. And much the same happened with version 3. And along came version 4, and surprise, surprise, they had to fix some more. Those who had written valid HTML were busy making new documents, amd smirking at those who had to go back and repair the problems that they had created for themselves. I never claimed that mere HTML syntax validation was a complete recipe for success; there is no such guarantee. However, when there's a right and a wrong way of doing something, I'm going to choose the right way. I've seen a page, some years back (amusingly, it was the CERN home page, but I'm glad to say the fault was soon repaired) that was completely empty when viewed on a conforming browser. It was only visible due to the then-current version of Netscape incorrectly parsing comments. (I'm only a user here, I have nothing to do or say in the design of CERN's official pages). MSIE was originally designed to be bug compatible with Netscape. Well, OK, this will be less of an issue nowadays, but I still say it's more reliable to use progammatical validators and checkers than to mess around previewing content on several browsers and hoping to spot some maybe inconspicuous but potentially significant problem. Previewing on browsers is useful, which is why I keep as many as I reasonably can (pity that Win MSIE is so wilful in this regard); but I'm not previewing in order to catch HTML syntax errors, but for quite other reasons. Alan J. Flavell ------------------------- > >You know, people said that about Netscape version 1, and then they had >to scurry around fixing some well-known defects when they found that >version 2 had tightened up the syntax. [etc. with later versions] For a brief story of this with some illustrating details, see http://www.htmlhelp.com/tools/validator/reasons.html Jukka Korpela %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On 2 Dec 1998, Didier Godefroy wrote: > Jukka Korpela wrote: > > > Interestingly, you are using the icon for validated HTML 3.2, despite > > still having difficulties in trying to make the page comply even with > > HTML 4.0 Transitional. (reformatted to usenet conventions:) > I had the doctype set to 3.2 before, but errors were showing up > anyway, I tried several doctypes, including the netscape specific one, > and I gave up on that, I ended up with 4.0 transitional and I fixed > many things to comply with it, there are only few of them left, and > these won't go away, one deals with the NAME in an IMG tag, I use it > with Javascript, so I can't take it out, one is a BORDER also in an > IMG tag associated with a Submit button, same problem there, it won't > go away as if I remove it, Browsers display a border around that > button picture, so there's no way this BORDER is getting removed. etc. Look, it's entirely your decision how far you're going to go with validation. I'd recommend it, and some of the problems you mentioned can clearly be solved in the terms of one of the available public DTDs. But there's a different point being made: that it can be seen as dishonest, as well as misleading, to include a specific HTML checked icon when you haven't earned it. Considering that this is right alongside an offer to design web sites for customers, this comes very close to fraud. If I hadn't already been in favour of writing correct syntax, then I feel sure that experiences with CSS would have convinced me. I do urge you to take this on board; but in the final analysis it's your choice, all that anyone else can do is present you with considerations that you should take into account. > Lastly, errors show up also on every one of my
and I want to keep > them too, unless you know of something to replace them with... You did the validation; if you want an answer, why not show us what the validator told you? There are people around here who are still trying to help, in spite of the way that this thread seems to be stubbornly going on and on. Btw if you want more easily understandable reports, I recommend using the online validator at www.htmlhelp.org instead. It applies the same rules (of course; it wouldn't be a validator if it didn't), but its diagnostics are less cryptic: Line 140, character 22:
^ Error: element HR not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element And indeed you have a structure like this ...
which is trivial to fix. (Get rid of that SIZE="-2" nonsense while you're about it. TWO sizes smaller than for normal reading? That would be fine for, say, a detailed copyright notice, and such stuff as your business register number whatever, that the lawyers told you to put there although normal mortals wouldn't be interested in it; but it's absurd for conveying your real message.) You might suppose that the site was "optimised" for the Big Two, but apart from some slightly weird choices of ALT text, frankly this site was easier to read with Lynx than with either of the Big Two as I normally use them. And just bear in mind that readers who have gained a little experience with using the web have probably learned to translate "Optimised for the Big Two" into "This author doesn't know how to design for the WWW". What are they paying you for advertising them, anyway? Alan J. Flavell %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On Fri, 4 Dec 1998 11:03:06 +0100, Alan J. Flavell wrote: >On Fri, 4 Dec 1998, Eric Bohlman wrote: >> I have seen mention of programs that take a plain text file and guess at >> the markup needed to do a useful HTML conversion, e.g. identify >> paragraphs, headings, lists. > >I've used a perl script called (not surprisingly) txt2html, which is >nowadays found at http://www.thehouse.org/txt2html/ I'm quite impressed with this particular implementation: it correctly auto-recognized almost everything I threw at it, and generated valid markup to boot. I may eventually set up a CGI gateway for this fine tool, unless someone else beats me to it... -- Gerald Oskoboiny %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Reverend Iyengar (keeda@worldnet.att.net) wrote: : font-size:8pt ; You shouldn't really use points as font size units--they are practically unsuitable for screen display. See http://www.verso.com/agitprop/points/font_wars.GIF for a nice example complete with explanations. Use em's, ex's or %'s instead--or pixels, if you *really* think you must specify absolute sizes. Antti Nayha ---------------------------- On 7 Dec 1998, Antti Nayha wrote: > : font-size:8pt ; > > You shouldn't really use points as font size units --they are > practically unsuitable for screen display. agreed > See > http://www.verso.com/agitprop/points/font_wars.GIF for a > nice example complete with explanations. So we're in good company... > Use em's, ex's or %'s instead--or pixels, if you *really* think > you must specify absolute sizes. Some absolutes are less absolute than others, it seems. I wouldn't call em, ex or % an "absolute" size. There's one case where stylesheets can address a real problem: persuading images and text to be sized together (e.g when using images of characters that aren't supported as text - latex2html is the classic case in my field). But I haven't made up my mind yet whether I prefer to do that by sizing the images in ems to match the font, or sizing the text in pixels to match the images. Alan J. Flavell ------------------------------ > On 7 Dec 1998, Antti Nayha wrote: > > http://www.verso.com/agitprop/points/font_wars.GIF for a > > nice example complete with explanations. The problem with GIFs is that they don't have links, but I went walkabout, and he has more about this at http://www.verso.com/agitprop/points/dump.html I strongly recommending reading this page. I feel that I've learned a lot from Todd Fahrner; this is no exception. Alan J. Flavell %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Pablo Gutierrez Torrero wrote: > in which browsers work ccs? According to (the CSS Pointers Group's answers to general questions), Amaya, Emacs-w3, Internet Explorer 3x+, Netscape Navigator 4x+, and Opera 3.5+. > how i can make the links not underlined? The answer to this FAQ is at or . comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets is a better place to discuss CSS. -- Darin McGrew %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (Patrick J McDonough) writes: > Anybody want to chime in on which fonts they think look best? Which fonts > appear most often in fontsets on most machines? Can anyone point me to > examples of a particularly great-looking font layout? Courier is the only font I have on all four of my computer systems. And it's not a nice web font for general text. On each system I'm using a different font -- because for different monitors, resolutions, windowing systems, font sets, I have a different favorite. It's unlikely that a person writing a web page can figure out what fonts look good on my system, so it's probably better to use the user's default. Amit J Patel %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MPCM wrote: : Showing them the progress of the site can help a great deal. It allows : you to show off what you know and lets them know your ability in : genuine. Even more important, it gives the customer a chance to make sure that what they want and what they've asked for are the same. In development projects of all sorts, it's often very hard to fully specify what you want until you have something concrete to compare it to. If you build the whole thing in a closet and don't unveil it until it's complete, you run a good risk of discovering that you've built the right solution to the wrong problem. Another point related to the speed with which sites (or any development projects) can be created: in all but the most trivial cases, you're going to be dealing with multiple "constituencies." Different departments within a company that's getting a site designed for them are likely to have different ideas of what the site should do for them. And you're going to have to rely on different people within the organization to provide you with different peices of information that you need. Coordinating all this takes time. It's very rare that you can get precise specifications handed to you through a single contact point. IMHO, in any non-trivial project things like coding and graphic design are going to take up the *smallest* portion of your total time. Basic requirements analysis, which includes time spent coming up with compromises when there are conflicting needs, is likely to be the biggest chunk of time. And a good chunk of that time is going to be spent waiting: waiting for people to get back from trips, waiting for people to hash out conflicts among themselves, waiting for people to return your calls. Eric Bohlman %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [ 8< ] Oh, and one last complaint. I hate homepage links on a home page. They remind me of the old joke about how to keep a moron (or JavaScript) busy for hours, you remember, the one about the piece of paper with "The statement on the other side of this paper is true!" on one side and "The statement on the other side of this paper is false!" on the other. Jim Hollomon %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Patrick J McDonough wrote: > Okay, someone got on my case for having a dark blue new link color on this > pink-to-red gradient fade background. This is a practical human-factors issue. Blue and red are at opposite ends of the spectrum, and it strains the eye to keep such different wavelengths in focus simultaneously. Or so I hear. > Anybody want to recommend a good color scheme, or recommend some general > good practices in finding colors that work? I want to keep the regular > text black, but I'm flexible in most other respects. The client also > likes the gradient. Assuming that you won't take the "specify no colors, use the reader's default colors" approach-- On the web, most readers expect blue links and purple visited links. If you use any other colors, your readers will need a moment to figure out your color scheme. Confusion (however brief) regarding basic site navigation is a bad thing. It's better for unvisited links to be more prominant than visited links, so choose a more subdued purple and a more vibrant blue. Do not make links and visited links the same color as each other, and do not make either the same color as normal text. The above is all basic interface-usability stuff. If you want to go beyond that, I know just a few basics of visual design: Keep it simple. Limit yourself to three basic colors--foreground, background, and emphasis. Usually, two of these colors should be black and white, and usually black and white should be your foreground and background colors. Be very careful adding more colors to your palette. On the web, you've already got two colors for links, and links form a natural emphasis. You need to be very careful with adding colors to your palette. Reusing the link colors invites confusion (and confusion over site navigation is a bad thing), and adding a third color can make things too busy. -- Darin McGrew %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% d-con wrote: > In almost 4 years I've had very few (hardly >any, actually) complaints from either site owners or from site >visitors. Getting no complaints is rather serious. It typically means nobody is interested enough, or perhaps unable to complain since the page lacks a feedback address, or has it misspelled. :-) There is nothing perfect on the earth, so any really good site will inevitably cause some "complaints". Jukka Korpela %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% WYSIATI (What You See Is All There Is) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Roberta and Craig Becker wrote: > > nYcHen (nychen@hotmail.com) wrote: > : Please critique the site design for > : http://www.parkers-place.net/nychen/wop > > The graphics are very nice, and everything loaded quickly for me > over a 33K modem connection. My one criticism is that it's not > obvious just what the site is all about--a pet peeve of mine, I > guess, but I hate visiting a site, even a nice-looking site, and > having to wander all over it just to figure out what it _is_. It's apparently an X-Files fan page, judging from the titles of the "fanfic" items. But your criticism is on-target; every site whose purpose is not immediately obvious (and not just to a limited in-group) ought to have an "About Us" section linked prominently from the front page to provide explanations as to the purpose, contents, and intended audience of the site. -- --Daniel R. Tobias %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Some general tips on how to "surf" the web more efficiently: * Turn off Java and Javascript (and only turn them on when you really want to see a web page that doesn't work without them). You will find that this makes many pages load much faster and causes your browser to crash less. * Turn off image loading (and load those images you want to see, after the page has already loaded). This will make the page load faster. Often the only pictures people have on pages with mostly text are just decorations, that don't really add anything to the content. This way you don't have to see those decorations.) Some general tips on how to make fast web sites: * Don't use _unnecessary_ graphics, sound, Javascript and Java. * Reduce the file size of the pictures you do use. Most photographs will have a smaller file size (and better visual quality) in the JPG format. Most drawings will have a smaller file size (and better visual quality!) in the GIF format. * Make sure to add WIDTH and HEIGHT to *all* "IMG" tags! (especially those at the top of a page and those inside tables) This can make a page appear to load *much* faster (the user will _experience_ that the page is faster, even though it _really_ takes just as long to load as before, but in this situation it is what the user experiences that matters). * Make sure to add good ALT text to all your images (for images that are only decorative you use ALT="" to tell the reader that the image is decoration and not content). This helps the reader to see which images are interesting enough to download, and he/she will then experience a faster page. * If you are going to put a sound file on a web site, don't make it so that it loads automatically. Instead, make an ordinairy link to the sound file. Example: My cat can sing!. This way the reader has a choice to load or not load (remember, many sound files are HUGE, i.e. they will take long to download). * Don't use tables or frames unless it is really necessary. It is often better to "hand code" a page than to use "WYSIWYG" HTML editors, since that gives you "cleaner" and "leaner" code, that often loads faster (depending somewhat on the author's skills, of course). * Write correct html. Incorrect html will make the browser work harder, which will make the page feel slower. A "validator" (like a "spell checker" for html) can be very useful. You can find one here: http://validator.w3.org/ -- :) Irebavpn Xneyffba \ /_ _ _ _ . _ _ Zl bgure fvt vf n Cbefpur ( r93-ixa@fz.yhgu.fr \/(-| (_)| )|(_(_| uggc://jjj.yhqq.yhgu.fr/~ix/ ) If you have a question about html, read the FAQ before asking it to the group: http://www.htmlhelp.com/faq/wdgfaq.htm (No? Read it anyway!) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VK [email] [home] 12 Dec. 22:02, from:, red [Correct way to do it: CSS ] FS 12 Dec. 22:04, from:, turquoise [Redundant garbage: CSS] VK [email] [home] 12 Dec. 22:06, from:, red FS >> Exactly! Use CSS for "redundant garbage"! (that's what it's for...) :) FS 12 Dec. 22:09, from:, turquoise VK >> Use CSS and people with Real Computers (Amigas) won't see colour for at least a year from now. VK [email] [home] 12 Dec. 22:10, from:, red FS >> So? The pages should still be _useful_... (which they won't be in some browsers if you use and things like that...) FS 12 Dec. 22:21, from:, turquoise _ _(_)_ ( ) \___/ ______(_|_)______ _____/ U \_____ .---. |CSS| `---' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subject: Re: What are the design software for web design? A) Notepad, and B) a Browser. A comes with the computer, B comes with the ISP software. (ie you already got it) Learn HTML, practice, invest in a coffee percolator (you're gonna need it, bub), practice some more, go into therapy, face up to a life of caffeine addiction (and probably nicotine addiction). That's how the REAL designers do it, without none o' this fancy-ancy FrontPage Publisher HotDog+Onions DeBabylon5 schmeer. 1. "Necessity is the Mother of Invention." (or should that be "Mutha"?) 2. "Form follows Function." P.S. And always run the Spell Checker. Always. One thing guaranteed to make me hit "Back" is bad spelling. There is no excuse. As we speak, Satan is decorating the bad Spellers Room in Hell () Sarah E Edgson %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, PJ Browning used up another spare apostrophe to say: > It's not how you get the code written that counts, it's how you lay out > the site and it's pages. Who ever said that you couldn't do both: write some valid HTML, that in a certain range of browsing situations gets rendered in the way that you had in mind (and, it's hoped, in situations outside of that range still makes its content accessible to readers). > I can hand code a valid page that still > doesn't work because I did a poor job with the 'design'. Nobody ever said that valid HTML syntax was all that it took to achieve a good WWW page. "Design", to my way of thinking, encompasses the selection and marshalling of content, working out how best to divide it up into reader-friendly chunks ("web pages"), which formats (HTML, with or without i18n, object, etc; GIF, JPEG, PDF, TeX, whatever) to use to achieve an appropriate compromise between functionality and acessibility, and all that. If you think that the word "design" in relation to the WWW means nothing more than creating a specific visual effect in one narrow range (albeit rather common) of browsing situations, then we have a serious language problem. To quite a degree, I'd say that "form follows function", so that a well-organised page has a tendency to look good simply by virtue of its having been well-organised, and the cosmetics can make it look even better; whereas a disorganised page can't be made to look good by any amount of mere cosmetic attention. But either way, given a choice of doing it with syntactically valid or invalid HTML, I would choose the valid option. I doubt if a fraction of one percent of the HTML syntax errors I've seen in web pages have brought any benefit to the page, and in most cases seemed to be there only to give the author an excuse to advertise the Big Two web-salad tossers. Alan J. Flavell %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Troels Tolstrup - u972757@daimi.aau.dk Computer Science student at the university of Aarhus. Real men dont comment their programs. It was hard to write, It should be impossible to understand. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I use the Web primarily for my work doing supercomputer software support, a bit now for finding out what my running club's plans are and a distant third for part of the process of acquiring some desired good or service . For my work, I want sites that load very fast and use virtually no graphics unless the topic of interest is supercomputer graphics -- then I expect and want graphics. Unfortunately I see too many such professionally oriented sites that are now loaded up with things like useless backgrounds, pointless graphics and general flash that actively obstruct my goal. Sometimes these sites take a long time to load, even over a T3. When I use the Web for personal reasons, I have a far slower connection -- a 33.6 Kbaud modem. By the time I've decided to check a site, I'm well past the introductory phase of the sales process. A visually striking image is fine, perhaps even necessary, in a television commercial or print advertisement. I'll pause in what I'm doing and pay attention to the new stimulus. To me, however, when I go to the Web, I'm already a bit interested. What I want at this point is more information (and possibly an easy way to purchase). If this means more graphics, so be it. But I don't want the design of these kinds of sites to interfere with my ultimate goal, either. Remember, before I've even reached your site, I've had to turn on my PC, connect to the Web (multiple steps) and then go to your site. I don't want to sit there and wait, wait, wait. I've been known to put down a selected purchase and leave the KMart (US bargain chain) across the street because I've waited too long in the checkout line. In short, I have two objections -- closely related -- to some sites designed for a high visual impact. In one part of my life, these ideas are actively obstructing my work in totally pointless ways. These ideas are not staying where they belong. Outside of work, I want a commercial Web site to be like a helpful salesperson, not a flashy magician. With sites oriented to my personal enjoyment, I'm looking for something more like a letter from a friend or a note from a social organization that will enable me to do something. The design of high visual impact sites frequently works against these goals. -- Chuck Divine ------------------------- I've sometimes wondered if some Web marketroids have decided that if e-commerce is to take off, the online shopping experience has to be made as close to the the "real-world" experience as possible, complete with checkout lines and music-on-hold. You touch on a point that I've frequently written about (that Web sites need to *maintain*, rather than *attract* attention, and you've inspired me to repeat an analogy I used some time ago. If you're in a ballpark, you expect to hear vendors yelling "Hot Dogs! Get your Hot Dogs!" at the top of their lungs. But if you want a hot dog and approach a vendor, you expect him to communicate with you by asking "what do you want on them?" in a conversational tone, rather than yelling "Hot Dogs! Get your Hot Dogs!" in your ear. By the time you access a commercial Web site, you're at the stage where you already know you want hot dogs; you're past the stage where you "need" to be convinced to buy some. But all too many sites pretend that they're part of the initial "attention grabbing" phase of the pre-sales process, and turn off potential customers who are already past that phase. Quite a pity, because while the latter are a *smaller* group than the former, they're much more likely to buy. Somebody else used the analogy that if they want to buy a car, they want to go into a dealer and look at the models for sale and start negotiating without having to first sit down and watch the manufacturer's promotional video before a salesperson will talk to them. Eric Bohlman ---------------------------- There's a theory that contemporary American businesspeople really only understand a few aspects of running a business. This leads them to make major blunders once they leave their areas of knowledge. I wonder if the annoying, rather than helpful, Web site might be a consequence of this shortcoming. For people interested in reading more about this idea, I recommend Byrne's "The Whiz Kids." The book came out in the early 90s . It examined the careers of the team (Thornton, McNamara, others) who joined Ford Motor Company in 1946 both individually, collectively and their impact on American business. Some of the thinking in this book might also apply to other nations as well. Chuck Divine %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 01:48:49 GMT] Braden N. McDaniel wrote: >On the contrary, Mozilla is changing rapidly and NGLayout (read "Gecko" if >you prefer) edges closer to conformance each day. But don't take my word for >it. Go to mozilla.org and check the statistics in Bugzilla, and download a >binary to put through its paces. Indeed. Gecko is looking more like Opera in green scaly clothing every day... 8^) -- Dan McGarry %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Pete Cooper wrote: > I tend to agree with you in that pages should be as compliant as possible, > and more importantly to myself, usable and efficient. However.. your comment > above seems to project the image that you think pages should just be long > text files with links and the odd image. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is > this really your opinion? See http://ppewww.ph.gla.ac.uk/~flavell/www/html-smac.html Most of this has been repeatedly discussed in this newsgroup, and is archived at dejanews.com. > Does anyone else here think that way? I'm personally between the two > extremes, but I still see columned layout etc as being useful to improve the > layout of a site.. HTML is too unreliable a means of creating "layout." That's an opinion, of course, but it's the conclusion that thousands of authors draw after months of trying to fight it. If you use frames or tables for layout, you immensely decrease the speed and efficiency of rendering, and you increase the likelihood of illegibility or serious inconvenience on systems with configurations the author has not foreseen, including screen readers, palmtop devices, or even untypical font sizes (for viewers with impaired vision). If you use layout gimmicks, they will become obstacles to getting your message across. If you use honest markup, it will always represent your message in a way that suits the medium. Style sheets, used properly (which currently means lots of extra work to coddle broken implementations), offer a means of suggesting _optional_ visual information, including fonts and layout, without interfering with accessibility. Author A: content is king, and might as well be seen in whatever fonts, colors, and styles the reader is comfortable and familiar with. Solution A: use HTML, with few presentational elements and attributes. This solution does not, however, rule out generous use of images and multimedia to illustrate the author's points. Without speaking for Jukka, of course, I'd venture a guess that this comes pretty close to his needs--he has a record as a skeptic on style sheets. Author B: content is of primary importance, but "it would be nice" if the reader can see the text in an attractive presentation designed by the author or his agents. Solution B: HTML with style sheets. Not everyone can or will see the styles, but at least the content will not be compromised. Author C: content is of primary importance, but it contains layouts, mathematical formulae, or other material that cannot be entrusted to a simple markup language. Specialist readers may be expected to have, or to download, appropriate software. Solution C: use PDF or another sophisticated page description format, with instructions for obtaining readers or plugins. Author D: Content? what content? content is of secondary importance, presentation is everything. Viewers? who needs 'em? if they haven't got setups that are just like mine, they can take a hike. Solution: any old thing, from broken HTML, stupid frames, inefficient tables, to Flash and Java. Doesn't really matter to anyone but the author. >(as well as make it more original) What's original about it--so many people are doing it... -- Warren Steel ----------------------- Pete Cooper wrote: >In a recent posting by Jukka Karpala (sp?): > >>Yes. Write your page using device-independent markup. Refrain from >>attempts to do "layout", especially things like trying to force some >>particular text width, multi-column presentation, etc. > >I tend to agree with you in that pages should be as compliant as possible, >and more importantly to myself, usable and efficient. However.. your comment >above seems to project the image that you think pages should just be long >text files with links and the odd image. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is >this really your opinion? I don't really advocate long files, although I may have the tendency of writing long documents, but that's a separate issue. (Ideally, and quite often in practice, one should provide material in several formats, including one large file and a hyperlinked hierarchic set of pages. But I don't think this was what you were asking about.) There's very little I can add to the idea of having text, images, and hyperlinks, except headings, phrase level markup (like emphasis, via EM or STRONG), and tables for tabular material. Then there are forms and some other ingredients. In fact, HTML is quite a lot richer than plain text, yet simple. It's sad if browsers present HTML documents poorly despite adequate markup. But authors' efforts to improve the presentation are mostly wasted efforts. If you marginally improve the presentation on some browsers by using presentational markup, there's high risk of messing things up in other browsing situations. Ultimately, you would be trying to do what browsers should handle, and it's not very productive. Adding presentational suggestions to that might often be interesting, but the fact is that there is rather little to be gained in practice at present. If popular browsers supported style sheets more robustly and if users were generally educated enough to turn style sheets off when needed, it might be a different story. >Does anyone else here think that way? I'm personally between the two >extremes, but I still see columned layout etc as being useful to improve the >layout of a site.. (as well as make it more original) Originality is an interesting point. If all authors used simple structural markup and all users had browsers set to display the markup according to the user's preferences--headings the way I like, fonts according to my taste, elements colored to please my eye, etc--things might get slightly boring. My solution to that would be to add some randomness to browser settings, variating details which don't matter too much. :-) But seriously, I don't think there's much risk of that. The avantgardistic layout schemes and fancy color combinations which are so widespread make "puristic" page look something extraordinary. The specific problem with multi-column layout is that it restricts the browsing possibilities. And I don't see why it would be particularly useful even when it works, i.e. when the user can afford a wide window. We don't actually _read_ in a multicolumnar way. Consider the way we read a newspaper. I open it, I scan thru the headlines and images, and I decide to read some of the articles (and I usually quit reading an article before reaching its end). To simulate that on the Web would require a rather wide screen devoted entirely to a Web browser. But there is no need to simulate. You can construct a page with a few key sentences and images, and the reader can follow the links. There is little reason to scatter those little pieces of information around the screen. There is no reason whatsoever to make the texts screaming big. When all of your text is headlines, there is no reason to indicate them as headlines; they would _best_ be viewed as normal text, since there is nothing they should be distinguished from. So the document can be, roughly speaking, a text file "with links and the odd image". If you think this is too Laconic, there is nothing to prevent you from trying various methods of suggesting presentational features. Multicolumnar presentation is, however, especially problematic. If it's just the popular design with a "navigational column" and a column with content, it could be relatively harmless if the former is narrow. But real newspaper-look causes confusion. A typical presentation of a Web page as displayed by browsers resembles a scroll more than a newspager page. Jukka Korpela --------------------------------- > Luck for >them they don't have to market their web design skills to demanding >net-commerce customers. Oh I definately agree with that one. The thing I hear most is "So how can you put across a full corporate image using plain HTML?". >There are more than 60 million people reading the WWW now. To see >which side is winning, visit any major commercial site like >www.microsoft.com, www.netscape.com, www.amazon.com or any of hundreds >more. See what you find. All text and tables applied to tabular >information only? Hardly. Although, that does bring up an interesting point.. Netscape.Com, Amazon.Com and Microsoft.Com are all very plain sites (from an initial presentation point of view), they all contain regular text, with a few images, and table layout. Compare those to sites such as www.thedogs.co.uk or www.jbwhisky.com , which focus nearly primarily on visual design.. those are the sites that seem to win awards in magazines and are most initially liked by their respective companies. However, when the site fails to get sufficient returns due to being too bloated, they soon become disheartened with the web and think it's a waste of money. It seems to me that larger companies with hordes of graphics designers seem to pull the large contracts for websites, but the websites produced by these companies are the ones you read about once, and then never hear of again! This is entirely a British spin, I wouldn't know if this goes in the States. >My vote goes for sites that succeed in using a limited set of >extensions to present material in a highly pleasing but very widely >accessible form. Agreed. Pete Cooper --------------------------- "Pete Cooper" wrote: >Netscape.Com, Amazon.Com >and Microsoft.Com are all very plain sites (from an initial presentation >point of view), they all contain regular text, with a few images, and table >layout. I listed only those three precisely because of that. These sites use tables to achieve pleasing presentation, not just to present tabular information. However, they go a long way toward making their presentation viewable for the wide audience that they wish to reach. They are examples of what I think a reasonable design vs. rigid HTML compromise should be. Jim Hollomon -------------------------- >It seems to me that larger companies with hordes of graphics designers seem >to pull the large contracts for websites, but the websites produced by these >companies are the ones you read about once, and then never hear of again! This isn't new. In the advertising world, the award winning "designs" never account for, nor corralate to "success". REBUS -------------------------- On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, Jim wrote: > you are spot on when you note that there are some posting > regularly here who favor plain-vanilla HTML and nothing more. Please identify one for us. > There are more than 60 million people reading the WWW now. To see > which side is winning, visit any major commercial site like > www.microsoft.com, www.netscape.com, www.amazon.com http://www.useit.com/alertbox/9706a.html The Fallacy of Atypical Web Examples >or any of hundreds more. There aren't "hundreds more" like microsoft.com, netscape.com and amazon.com. You chose them because they were atypical, but somehow you don't seem to have realised that. > See what you find. Well, for example a site that my colleague said he only visited reluctantly, and only when he had no alternative. Finally he lost his cool and ordered the CDs, so as not to have to struggle with the web site. Is that an advertisement for a web site? Alan J. Flavell %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% > From: RacerX@Mach5.com (Richard) > Date: 13 Dec 1998 14:01:04 -0600 > > How come the most arrogant and judgemental bastards in the field of > web site authoring are the ones who believe in creating web sites with > very minimal graphics and technology? I hate these people. (Geez, who pissed in your Corn Flakes this morning?) You're not saying that every minimalist is an arrogant bastard, are you? I'll take your minimalist label and leave the rest for someone else. I suspect that the more gracious minimalists think that the People of the Cluttered Sites are merely ignorant. So you know, we could as easily rant against arrogant maximalists. What makes them think we want to see their animated clip-art gifs, squint at their text-on-background-images, see how many people accessed their page, click every link to find what we're looking for, wait for java to initialize just to see an animated image, download special plugins, ad nauseum? In short, what makes them think their site is worth the effort needed to read it? I hate those people. Err, I'm not sounding arrogant and judgemental, am I? ken mohnkern %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Dave Updike wrote: >I've been given a task of figuring out how to view Excel and PowerPoint >files on our intranet. In principle, you just need to make them available on a Web server which sends adequate media type information about them. It is then up to users how they have configured their browsers. It shouldn't be too difficult, since a browser, upon encountering an unknown media type for the first time, will ask the user what to do, and the processing specified thereby will usually become part of the browser settings. Sometimes things get more complicated, of course. But basically, that's it. See http://www.hut.fi/u/jkorpela/HTML3.2/4.7.html#links2bin which actually discusses how to _link_ to such resources in HTML. You need not do even that. But of course, things might become easier if you used HTML as "hyperglue" (to use Alan Flavell's nice word), i.e. you could for instance write an HTML document which just contains a list of links to Excel and PowerPoint files, with verbal explanations or even with some images if desired, to make it easier to users to access them. In practice, if you use IE, you need to take care of that browser's peculiarities by naming the files the way it likes to have them named (e.g. name.xls and name.ppt), but probably you'll use such names anyway since they are so commonly used. Jukka Korpela %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Stewart Dean wrote: > At the end of the day an interactive designer (not graphic designer or > computer programmer) can create a better interface than the user in > the vast majority of cases, I don't think that was ever in dispute. But many WWW authors seem to think they have to create their own user interfaces, to hide or eliminate the ones provided by the browser developers. I don't think they're doing a particularly good job of it - and for the most part, I just wish they wouldn't try it, and get on and provide the content that I'm seeking, instead. Nothing wrong with video games, in their place, but that isn't usually what I'm looking for on the WWW. > I'll repeat for those who may not agree that > interface design is less about 'common sense' than you may think. OK then, I'll repeat that, for me, that was never in dispute. I don't claim to be good at it myself, but I think I can recognise a bad one when I meet one. (Did someome mention frames?). Alan J. Flavell %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Martín Capón Borrego wrote: >I used... > >style="display='none' ...and... >style="display='' > >in order to show and hide a submenu. > >In IE it is okey, but in Netscape it fails. U know an alternative in >Netscape so I can hide a submenu in this browser. I didn't find a >solution!! You may want to start by reading up on the CSS specs in the first place. I'm moved into one of my "rare" angry modes by posts like this one, and I just want to say that "Your Use Of CSS Stinks" (got that?) (if it's of any comfort to you, you just happened to be the one that triggered this response, following a lot of others doin the same stupid thing) But I still get damned angry when I see people that does not even try to find out a single detail about what they are trying to do. 1) MSIE _is_not_a_reference_browser_ for Cascading Stylesheets (in fact MSIE stinks totally in this area) 2) The correct info about CSS1 is here... http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS1 ...it does, among a lot of other things, say that style rules should be written like this (your examples used) style="display:none" style="display:''" ...please note the definite distinction between '=' and ':' Then if you can make that "work" inside the browser of your choise, that's still a big question, but if nothing else it should give you "fodder" for a few bug reports to "well known" browser vendors. P.S. Don't rely on scripting languages to do anything of real value for you. There are thousands and more thousands of people sitting behind proxies/firewalls that don't let that type of crap-info through to their browsers. DHTML is equal to a "dead end" for pro's. D.S. -- Jan Roland Eriksson .. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Stewart Eastham (sme@planetpod.com) wrote on MCMXXXIV September MCMXCIII in : ++ We are creating a database driven website using HTML templates, PERL and ++ mySQL. The content for many pages does not physically live on any ++ particular page, and is filled in by a PERL script upon request. What is It's either Perl, the language, or perl, the binary. But not PERL. ++ the process for ensuring that sites like this get indexed in search ++ engines, if at all possible? Do you really think a search engine would care how your web pages are generated? You would use exactly the same process as for every other way to create web pages. ++ Additionally, we recently reorganized our ++ site's structure and many search engines on the net have the links wrong, ++ and we'd like to reindex. Is there an easy way to do this, like a meta ++ index which reindexes many (or all) other engines? Or is there something ++ like a script which we may install on our server which can broadcasting to ++ search engines when our site's content or structure changes? No. They'll find out. Eventually. Abigail %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "[T]he ability to write well is the most powerful weapon you can wield in cyberspace." -- Jay Conrad Levinson %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Stephen Foster" wrote: > [ 8< ] >Thank you I am aware that HTML is a language. Is it not a language used to >program Web pages? I hear this usage all the time online and my brother, who >is a programmer, concurs with it. Html is a mark up language, like rtf etc so the correct phrase is probably authored. Javascript, java, C++ etc are programming languages so you program those. Now I'm just off to program a magazine article :) Stewart Dean %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Penfold wrote: >Can someone tell me the IE equivilent of that I used with >Netscape? Andrew McCormick %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% >Marc Kleiman wrote: >> >> I made a website on Fronpage '98. I've viewed it on many different >> computers, but my customer who has a Mac tells me that one of the pages >> doesn't show any text till you scroll down a ways. Can I offer some unsolicited advice which is heard so often here that it doesn't bear repeating, but apparently nobody's said it to you yet? D O N 'T USE F R O N T P A G E ! ! ! It is evil. It is legendary for producing code worse than... worse than... WORD'S "save as html" function! (which, I'm ashamed to say, I actually used once, to save typing. STUPID, STUPID. I had to delete about a thousand " "s by hand, and eventually ended up re-doing it the right way myself anyway). If you really don't want to use straight html, use a better html editor. Dreamweaver is pretty good. Or, if you don't want to pay anything -- do they still make HoTMetaL? Paul Gowder %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% >Why would yahoo never add you because of frames? It seems that Yahoo >has stopped adding people to their directory in general. I've >submitted my site many times and so have other people without results. >I looked at a particular category and no new sites have been added to >that category in nearly one year. In addition, some of the sites >listed in that category are really bad or are down. That strikes me as a really good thing. Now there is "newhoo" also known as "The Open Directory Project", which is running like Yahoo, minus the ads, and plus "editiors" from all over the net. http://directory.mozilla.org. Paul Gowder %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Panos Stokas writes: > My first experience with HTML was a shock when I discovered that I > couldn't indent paragrphs for literature. Had I been using a previewing > editor I would have missed this useful experience. What does "indent" mean? That's not a rhetorical question. HTML is about semantic markup, not presentation. If an indented paragraph is indented because it's a block-quote, then call it
. And HTML/4.0 is still shy a few semantic tags for most people's tastes. But for things that require a richer set of meanings, you've got XML-enabled browsers just around the corner. Of course, I can see people abusing that already: paragraph to be indented #include "sigh.h" -- Randal L. Schwartz %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [...] > There's really no simple rule that's always best. One rule that I'd say _is_ always best, is that you can't have too many subdirectories. Always start with a rich directory structure, no matter if there's only one document in each directory. You're sure to add more as time goes by, and if you allow a relatively flat web site to creep up on you, with lots of only vaguely-related documents sharing a subdirectory, then reorganising that into a hierarchical structure is a nightmare. And never allow a URL to go invalid if you can possibly help it. Create redirections from obsoleted URLs. Help to avoid web-rot. Alan J. Flavell %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Me thinks that splash screens where invented by marketing people who spent too much time with slide show presentations, REBUS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Roy Lane wrote: >With deprecated in 4.0 how do you handle 'code=whatever.class'? In principle, the APPLET element has been deprecated in favor of the OBJECT element (which has a rather complex definition, largely due to the attempt to incorporate things for which applets have been used, and many others). But as http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/special/applet.html says: "However, since the few browsers that support OBJECT do so with significant bugs, APPLET is currently a more reliable method of embedding Java applets." Jukka Korpela %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Tara & Guy wrote: >So, I started a page with FrontPage, realized quickly nothing worked on >MAC, and switched to HTML. Slightly of-topic, but couldn't help but note that this sentence speaks volumes.... Dan McGarry %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hi, In the odd intervals between trying to get my head round implementing the CSS text flow model, I've been writing a little (ahem) essay about the beliefs of what might be called the 'HTML purists' of this group (of which I consider myself one), to point people at when they flame about the Stalinist HTML Thought Police or somesuch: http://www.sysmag.com/web/html-purity.html (it's far too long to post, sorry) [ 8< ] Paul Clark ---------------------- http://www.sysmag.com/web/html-style.html %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On Mon, 28 Dec 1998 16:06:27 -0500, Hon. usenaut "Laney Computer Programming" wrote in message : >> But only if the viewer has enabled javascript. [spelling corrected to >relieve embarassment] >You mean it won't work if the user has disabled javascript. By default >javascript is on. The average user woudn't know how to turn it off, or >wouldn't know enough about what it is to want think about turning it off. So you mean average users should be assumed to remain ignorant of the serious security problems - about which even the mass-market browser vendors have been worried about - and of the fact that most use of JavaScript on Web pages is between uselessness and annoyance? Cf. to http://www.hut.fi/u/jkorpela/forms/javascript.html Jukka Korpela %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%