Subject: HTML FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) List -- read before posting! Date: 20 Dec 1999 00:39:03 GMT From: Boris Ammerlaan Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html This notice is posted about two times a week. I'll endeavor to use the same subject line so that those of you who have seen it can kill-file the subject; additionally, Supersedes: headers are used to ensure that only one copy resides on a given news server. This notice was last updated on July 26th, 1999, and is available (with a complete revision history) on the World Wide Web at Most of it was written by Stan Brown. Covered subjects 1. What may I ask about here? 2. What and where is the FAQ list? 3. What should I ask elsewhere? 4. What HTML tutorials and references are available? 5. What is usenet? What is netiquette? 1. WHAT MAY I ASK ABOUT HERE? In general, HTML. This is (or is supposed to be) a narrowly focused newsgroup that covers just one of the facets of Web authorship. For related areas, see number 3 below. (Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet) quotes the complete charter of c.i.w.a.h as follows: This newsgroup covers discussion of HyperText Markup Language (HTML) as it relates to web page authoring. Possible subjects include HTML editors, formatting tricks, and current and proposed HTML standards. The charter may be retrieved from * g.html * horing.html.Z 2. WHAT AND WHERE IS THE FAQ LIST? The FAQ list for any newsgroup is the distilled wisdom of experts in the subject area of that newsgroup, who have more or less agreed on a set of answers to the questions that are frequently asked there. FAQ Frequently Asked Question(s) FAQ List list of FAQs. Before you post a question, please read the nearest thing we've got to a newsgroup FAQ, which is the Web Design Group's Web Authoring FAQ: * at + (HTML version) + (HTML version, single file) + (plain text version, single file) * posted every 14 days with Subject: "comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html FAQ -- [date]" along with the Frequently Encountered Problems list at * and the WDG's separate Frames FAQ at * If you do that, you may find that you've answered your question with no need to post (and no confusion from well-meaning wrong answers). If the main site (either "" or "") is down, you migh consider using the mirrors at "" and "".) 3. WHAT SHOULD I ASK ELSEWHERE? * General Web questions or questions about CGI and images: post in one of the groups + comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi + comp.infosystems.www.authoring.images + + comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets + + comp.infosystems.www.authoring.misc + microsoft.public.inetserver.iis.activeserverpages (Look for an FAQ list before posting.) * Questions about JavaScript: post in comp.lang.javascript. Java questions can go in one of the many* newsgroups. (Look for an FAQ list before posting.) * Questions about operation of your favorite browser: post in the browser group for your operating system: + comp.infosystems.www.browsers.mac + + comp.infosystems.www.browsers.x + comp.infosystems.www.browsers.misc (Look for an FAQ list before posting.) 4. WHAT HTML TUTORIALS AND REFERENCES ARE AVAILABLE? Many people maintain links to helpful resources for HTML authors. You'll find my list (originally by Stan Brown) at 5. WHAT IS USENET? WHAT IS NETIQUETTE? Please subscribe to news.announce.newusers for a month or so. It's a low-volume newsgroup, but will well repay your time. The articles there explain how to get the best use out of Usenet news, how to post, rules of "netiquette", and so on. Questions about your particular newsreader software should be posted to or alt.usenet.offline-reader. Questions about Usenet, newsgroups, and netiquette can be posted to news.newusers.questions after you read the material in news.announce.newusers. _________________________________________________________________ -- Boris Ammerlaan , * HTML FAQ: posted bi-weekly & * c.i.w.a.h. FAQ List Pointer: posted twice a week &