Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 00:39:42 -0500 From: Krogg To: Subject: editing *.html in win95 VK,I think from the posts that i have seen that you want to be able to edit an html file with win95 but the default app for *.html is not note pad or a text editor,likely netscape or MSIE. I will assume that you do not know anything about win95 for the explination of this so as not to leave out any details. First,You need to use "Explorer" and know about it some to get full advantage of win95 and to set up needed file extentions to be opened like you want instead of defaultly.... click on the [Start] button and click the [run] option very close to the bottom of the menu.a dialog box will open, type "explorer" there without the quotes.a nice program will pop up,You will probly reconize the paradigm that is presented by the gui.If Explorer is running in default configuration then things will be "idiot proof" you arent an idiot so you will want to change some things to make things easier for the expert you are. click on the menu titled "view" at the top and make sure that the items "Toolbar" and "Status bar" and "Details" are "checked". then go back to that same menu and click on options at the bottom of the list. you will see some check boxes,they need to look like this --------------------------------------------------------------------- [x] show all files [ ] Hide files of these types ,---------------------. |Hidden Files | |.dll | |.sys | |bla | |bla | |bla | |bla | `---------------------' [x] Display the full MS-DOS path in the title bar [ ] Hide MS-DOS file extentions for filetypes that are registered [x] Include description bar for right and left panes --------------------------------------------------------------------- when you make it look like this look near the top of the options dialog and see the tabs,you are on the [View] tab now click on the [File Types] tab. you should see a listing of the file types reconised by your system...titled "Resistered file types",you will want to look through the list and find the one for html documents. it will likely be labeled something like "Hypertext Document" or something of that nature,It will have an icon beside it that looks like the icon for the Html file that you are wanting to edit. Anyway,when you find it,click on it and click on the [Edit] button to the right of the listing.Another box will appear that will allow you to make cool stuff happen. at the bottom you will see a list titled "Actions".You will see one action in bold,that means that if you double click on that type of file this action will be done by default, it will probly be the action [OPEN] and you could edit that action to open the html document with a text editor but thats not really using this to your real advantage. You could have done that in another easier way,but you are a expert and you want power,so click on the [NEW] button at the bottom. yet another box will appear, In the top text box labled "Action:" type "Edit" without the quotes and in the bottom box labled "applicaton used to perform action:" type "C:\windows\notepad.exe" with quotes and click [OK] then click [CLose] then click [Close] now find your file that you want to "edit" and all you ever have to do is _Right_click on the file and chose edit from the menu and you are there.... Be cool. Krogg. -- |"""""<`.THE PRINCE ,'>"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""| | `.`/""""""\,',' my sig is too big, | |SEE HIS ( / \ \' SEE HIS but its really cool. | | FACE \/<> <>\/ SMILE | | / W \ Visit my ascii art site: | | ,'\_|||||_/`. | | ,',' ||| `.`. | |____<,' TIME TO DIE `.>____Remove to reply____|