I (Veronica Karlsson, VK, vk@ludd.luth.se) made these pictures:

[hungry cat face]

     /       \
    / <|> <|> \
    \    "    /
VK    `-----'


      _/\_       __/\__
      ) . (_    _) .' (
      `) '.(   ) .'  (`
       `-._\(_ )/__(~`
           )             `-.______
  jgs/VK  /                       `---._
         ( ,// )                        \
          `''\/-.                        |
                 \                       |
 VK              |                       |

[sig sized batman symbol, bat]

(     )
 `'V`'   VK

[small frogs, sig]

              _         _
  __   ___.--'_`.     .'_`--.___   __
 ( _`.'. -   'o` )   ( 'o`   - .`.'_ )
 _\.'_'      _.-'     `-._      `_`./_
( \`. )    //\`         '/\\    ( .'/ )
 \_`-'`---'\\__,       ,__//`---'`-'_/
  \`        `-\   VK    /-'        '/
   `                               '

              _                                         _
  __   ___.--'_`.  __   __                _           .'_`--.___   __
 ( _`.'. -   'o` ) \ \ / /__ _ _ ___ _ _ (_)__ __ _  ( 'o`   - .`.'_ )
 _\.'_'      _.-'   \ V / -_) '_/ _ \ ' \| / _/ _` |  `-._      `_`./_
( \`. )    //\`      \_/\___|_| \___/_||_|_\__\__,_|    '/\\    ( .'/ )
 \_`-'`---'\\__,                                       ,__//`---'`-'_/
  \`        `-\    http://www.ludd.luth.se/users/vk/    /-'        '/
   `                       e93-vkn@sm.luth.se                      '

[An alternative interpretation of those frogs, from a thread in alt.ascii-art,
June 2001]

Christian 'CeeJay' Jensen wrote:
> > http://www.ascii-art.de/
> >               _         _
> >   __   ___.--'_`.     .'_`--.___   __
> >  ( _`.'. -   'o` )   ( 'o`   - .`.'_ )
> >  _\.'_'      _.-'     `-._      `_`./_
> > ( \`. )    //\`         '/\\    ( .'/ )
> >  \_`-'`---'\\__,       ,__//`---'`-'_/
> >   \`        `-\         /-'        '/
> >    `                               '   VK
> Thoose frogs are awesome .. great work VK!

They are good frogs, but if you look at them right they are also
something like a horse's head. The back legs make the eyes and
ears, the frog eye is a nostril.

Eli the Bearded


shedragon@lycos.com (ldb) wrote:

>I tried, but I don't see a horse's head. You're either very creative
>or very warped. ;)

  ( 'o`     ._`-.-"/       
  (`-._      O)  \'_,      
   `'-.'.  (   ,'-'.'      
       . ).    _ _/.       
       ;/       '/~.       
                           see it more now?



Stuart Moore wrote:
> Eli the Bearded wrote:
> > They are good frogs, but if you look at them right they are also
> > something like a horse's head. The back legs make the eyes and
> > ears, the frog eye is a nostril.

Aah! Well spotted. Never seen that horse in it before but clearly now!

> I see it = the horse is looking up in surprise. Front legs are open jaw.

Well, I'd say the eyes are closed and the front leg is just something
in the horse's mouth. What I see (without the "something") less froggish
and more horseish :

           ( 'o`     ._`-.-"/     
            `-._          \'_,
                \.     (,'-'.'
                  ).    _ _/
                 /       '/
                         '   VK

Still froggish too - I think.

Andreas Freise


>> >               _         _
>> >   __   ___.--'_`.     .'_`--.___   __
>> >  ( _`.'. -   'o` )   ( 'o`   - .`.'_ )
>> >  _\.'_'      _.-'     `-._      `_`./_
>> > ( \`. )    //\`         '/\\    ( .'/ )
>> >  \_`-'`---'\\__,       ,__//`---'`-'_/
>> >   \`        `-\         /-'        '/
>> >    `                   /         _,'   VK
                           /        ,'  ,--.   ,--.
                          (         `--'    '-'    '.
                          (                          \
                          \                          /  
                           `.    ,-._       ,-.    .'      
                             )  //   `"""""'   )  //       
                            (  ((             (  ((          
                             )_//              )_//
                            /_||              /_||

Screaming camel in comic style? (2min work *g*)

Marco Kirschke


Sara Wallen's contribution:

my aardvark eats aardvarko's ant

 __    __  o
/  \/\/  \/ 
 /\ . ./\  rdv 

    __.---._    /\\  __  ____  ____  _____
  .'        `--'\//  \ \/ / / / /  |/  / /
.'              o \   \  / /_/ / /|_/ /_/               .-----.
./\  )______   \__ \  /_/\____/_/  /_(_)  __    __  o  ( help! )
  / /\ \   | \ \  \ \                    /  \/\/  \/  -'`-----'
 / /  \ \  | |\ \  \7                    \__/\/\__/\o
  "     "    "  "              .    .  .  /\ . ./\

                      -     __.---._    /\\
                          .'        `--'\//
                   -    .'              o \
                       /.'\  )______   \__ \   __    __  o
                  -   .'  / /\ \   | \ \  \ \ /  \/\/  \/
                         / /  \ \  | |\ \  \7 \__/\/\__/\o
                    -     "     "    "  "      /\ . ./\

                                      _                   _
                                   __| |_  ___ _ __  _ __| |
                                  / _| ' \/ _ \ '  \| '_ \_|
                                  \__|_||_\___/_|_|_| .__(_)

                                         __.---._    /\\
                                       .'        `--'\//
                                     .'              o \
                                    /.'\  )______   (   \  o
                                   .'  / /\ \   | \ \`.  \/
                                      / /  \ \  | |\ \ \C/\o
                                       "     "    "  "

    _ _ _________________
   / | |__ _  _ _ _ _ _  \    //\    _.---.__
  |  | '_ \ || | '_| '_ \ |   \\/`--'        `.
  |  |_.__/\_,_|_| | .__/ |   / o              `.
   \_______________|_|__ /   / __/   ______(  /`.\
                       ((   / /  / / |   / /\ \  `.
                        `-  9/  / /| |  / /  \ \
                                "  "    "     "

      //\    _.---.__
      \\/`--'        `.
      / o              `.
     / __/   ______(  /`.\
    / /  / / |   / /\ \  `.
VK  9/  / /| |  / /  \ \
        "  "    "     "

 VK      __.---._    /\\
       .'        `--'\//
     .'              o \
    /.'\  )______   \__ \
   .'  / /\ \   | \ \  \ \
      / /  \ \  | |\ \  \7
       "     "    "  "

[stick horses]


          .         .         .         .   
    _____/\\  _____/\\  _____/\\  _____/\\  
  ((_____)  ((_____)  ((_____)  ((_____)    
  '|\   \|  ' \|  |\  '|\   \|  ' \|  |\    
   |/   /|    /|  |/   |/   /|    /|  |/      VK


          .            .            .
    _____/\\     _____/\\     _____/\\
  /(_____)     /(_____)     /(_____)
 ' |\    \\   '  \|  |\    '  \\  \|
   |/    //      /|  |/       //  /|       VK


          .            .            .             .
 __ _____/\\  __ _____/\\  __ _____/\\   __ _____/\\
   (_____)      (_____)      (_____)       (_____)
   |\    \\      \\  \|       \|  \\        \\  |\
   |/    //      //  /|       /|  //        //  |/      VK

[hand saying "stop", waving hand]
       _/ \_
     _/ | | \
    / | | | |
    | | | | |
    | | | | |
    | | | | |   _
    | |     |  / /
    |       | / /
    |       |/ /
    |         /
    |        /
    \      .'
 VK  |     |

[children playing in snow]

                                                     ) /  /        _.-----
                                        .-------.   /\        / .-'
                                       ( wheeee! )  ||//   /  .'
                                        `-------'`. )')\     /
                                                     `  /\  /
                                                     ( /  |/
                                                    ( /  //
                                                    (/  //
 VK                                                /
       _.--._                                    /
    .-'      `--.__                            .'
   /               `----.___                .-'
  /                         `----.____.----'

                                                     *   ,,,
                                                    / \ ///   |    _.-----
                                                  * | |///    ,/.-'
                                                 / \)' )/___/).'
                                                 | | `'   __|/
                                                 )' )_\ _\ |/
                                                  `'  \( )//
                                                  /| \ \=//
                                                 /_ \/_///
                                               ((__/  /
 VK                                                /
       _.--._                                    /
    .-'      `--.__                            .'
   /               `----.___                .-'
  /                         `----.____.----'

[VK waving flag, VK making speech]

           ( Sweden is not an American state! )
     ||||| /`-----/\-------------------------'
    ||. .||      // \
   |||\=/|||    //\X/\
   |.-- --.|   //\//\ \
   /(.) (.)\  //  \ \\/
   \ ) . ( \\//    \ /
   '(  v  ) \)      '
     \ | /
 VK  ( | )
     '- -`

      _ _  ( Dear ANSI artists... )
     (%()) /`--------------------'
    ((. .))  /\
     `\=/'  /  \
    .-- --. \  /
   \\)   ( \/
   '(     )
    | |   |
    | |   |
 VK | |   |

[snow man]

      |   |
  \  ( @ @ )
  /\  >---<
    \/  :  \_____
    (   :   )  \
     \  :  /    \_
      >-:-<      \
 VK  /  :  \
    /   :   \
   (    :    )    _.--'
-.__\   :   /.-.-'


This one looks a bit insecure:

     \ _/\\
    \  _ _\)
      ( /./
       `. |.
 VK      `._)

This one is better:

     \    //\_
    \  _ (/
      ( /.\
       `. |.
 VK      `._)

Kicking up some snow:

             _/\ \
            __ _)
      ` ` .'_.'_
 VK  `  ` `.____)

Leaning a lot:

 VK        `=( '

Jumping, holding on to the board with one hand:

     ( `/(/_
      `. `./
 VK     `._)

 VK  ._/|__|__.

Mad guy jumping upside-down:

     ' \   / `
        | |
     ___| |___
 VK       `-( whee! )

A portrait of me:

      \   ( ouch! )
    \    '
      \_O_/  __
        \\ _(__)
 VK      \//

Jumping, holding on to the end of the board with one hand:

      (  \.
 VK    //

     /_ \\
 VK        `.)
Jumping, holding on to the board with one hand:

     / |
 VK    \)

     ||\  _
     || \/ )
     ||_/ /
      \/ /
 VK   / /

Joan as Lucia

       ()  ()  () ()
       ||  ||  || ||
       ||  ||  || ||
     }}}}} _   _ {{{{{
     }}}}  6   6  {{{{
   {{{{{{\ `._.' /}}}}}}
    {{{{{{{)   (}}}}}}}'
     `""'"':   :'"'"'`
   jgs/VK   `@`

       ()  ()  ()
       ||  ||  ||    ()
       ||  ||  ||   //
       ||{{||}}||. //
     }}}}} _   _ {{{{{
     }}}}  O   O  {{{{
    {{{{{    ^    }}}}}
   {{{{{{\ ----- /}}}}}}
    {{{{{{{)   (}}}}}}}'
     `""'"':   :'"'"'`
   jgs/VK   `@`

       ()  ()  ()
       ||  ||  ||
       ||  ||  ||
     }}}}} _   _ {{{{{
     }}}}  @   @  {{{{  )
    {{{{{    ^    }}}})(
   {{{{{{\  <_>  /}}}}( )
    {{{{{{{)   (}}}}}}}'
     `""'"':   :'"'"'` ______()
   jgs/VK   `@`        ------'

       ()  ()  ()
       ||  ||  ||
       ||  ||  ||   (
       ||{{||}}||. ( )  )
       ||{{||}}||( )  )(
      {...........( )(  )
     }}}}} _   _ ( )( )(  )
     }}}} (@) (@) {( )( )(
    {{{{{   _^_   ( ( )( )
   {{{{{{\ (___) /}( )( )
   {{{{{{{;.___.;}( )( )
    {{{{{{{)   (}( )( )'
     `""'"':   :'"'"'` ______()
   jgs/VK   `@`        ------'

         /       \
        |         |
        |  _   _  |
        |  o   o  |
        (    ^    )
         \   -   /
           )   (
     `""'"':   :'"'"'`
   jgs/VK   `@`

[punk Joan]

here is a new look for Joan:

           _./ \._
          /  <.>  \
         |   <.>   |
         |  _   _  |
         |  o   o  |
         (    ^    )
          \   -   /
        __  )   (  __
      '|  \"     "/  |`
jgs/VK |   \     /   | |
     | |    \   /    | |

          \   |   /
     .     \  |  /    .
    .__  \ /     `./
       `-</        \
    ----<|         _|
     _.-<|    _    o(
    '    /   (.      >
      .-'`.   `     -
     '     `     __.'
          //    \\
jgs/VK   | |    | \
         | |    |  \


         ___     !/\                 gasp!!
       _/   | ---%^^^,       And what do I see???
      |_____|   / \/ >     Is that really you, Joan?
        ---  ==     >
      [_____]    __>,^
ejm97  |   |    //| |

      _/   |     ,^@@---        _         |
     |_____|   __<   \  \    / / \ \    / |
       ---  == -- >      \/\/  \_/  \/\/  .
     [_____]    __>,^
ejm97 |   |    //| |

Allright, Joan! But I see that Veronica forgot to add the nifty new
jewellery and tattoo you got:

          \   |   /
     .     \  |  /    .
    .__  \ /     `./
       `-</        \
    ----<|        c_|
     _.-<|   c_    o(
    '    /  c(.     @>
      .-'`.  !!     -
     '     `  !  __.'
jgs/VK    / ____ \
with     | /  _ \ \
further  | |(\o/)| \
meddling | | /_\ |  )
by ejm   | |     | /


This is **SO** me!
I love it!  You should see how I'll light up the 'do'
for the holidays...  a string of lights should wrap
nicely around the spikes!  Thank you ladies!  :)

(I guess the Santa hat won't fit anymore...)
       .'`    `"-,
     .'           `\
     | /.-.---.-.---)         joan stark  spunk1111@juno.com
     \ (_._.__.__.__)
      )/{{ _   _ }}}}               ASCII Art Gallery:
     (__)  6   6  {{{{    <http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/>
    {{{{{    ^    }}}}}
   {{{{{{\ '-=-' /}}}}}}
    {{{{{{{)   (}}}}}}}'
     `""'"':   :'"'"'`
   jgs      `@`


Nonsense! It looks stunning with your spikes.

          .'    `"-,
        .'\     /  `\
        (.-\   /-.---)
    .__ (__.\ /.__.__)
       `-</ \(      \
    ----<| (__)   c_|
     _.-<|   c_    o(
    '    /  c(.     @>
      .-'`.  !!     -
     '     `  !  __.'
jgs/VK    / ____ \
with     | /  _ \ \
further  | |(\o/)| \
meddling | | /_\ |  )
by ejm   | |     | /

          _    @
          \   / \
          ,^^,mmm     ha
         < \_ ^^%--- ha
         < __    \ ha
       ^^ \ /
ejm97     /

[The Swedish word is "huvudfoting"]

       .'       `.
      /  -     -  \
     |   O     o   |
     |      O      |
 VK   \  \     /  /
   .---`. `---' .'---.
  (      `-...-'      )


      -. -. `.  / .-' _.'  _
     .--`. `. `| / __.-- _' `
    '.-.  \  \ |  /   _.' `_
    .-. \  `  || |  .' _.-' `.
  .' _ \ '  -    -'  - ` _.-.
   .' `. %%%%%   | %%%%% _.-.`-
 .' .-. ><(@)> ) ( <(@)>< .-.`.
   (("`(   -   | |   -   )'"))
  / \\#)\    (.(_).)    /(#//\
 ' / ) ((  /   | |   \  )) (`.`.
 .'  (.) \ .md88o88bm. / (.) \)
   / /| / \ `Y88888Y' / \ | \ \
 .' / O  / `.   -   .' \  O \ \\
  / /(O)/ /| `.___.' | \\(O) \
   / / / / |  |   |  |\  \  \ \
   / / // /|  |   |  |  \  \ \  VK
 _.--/--/'( ) ) ( ) ) )`\-\-\-._
( ( ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ) ( ) ) ) ( ) )

[evil mouths]

                _._     _._
       .':::::.-'   \      /-.::::`.
     .'::::.-'_______\    /__ `-.:::`.
   .'::::.'--'/\    /\\  //\ `--.`.:::`.
 .'::::.'@\  /@@\  /@@\\//@@\  /@`-`.:::`.
   `.:::::`-.\@@/  \@@/  \@@/  \-'::::.'
 VK        `-.:::::::::::::::.-'

                _._    _._
   .':::.---' /\    /\    /\ `---.:::`.
 .':::.'@@\  /@@\  /@@\  /@@\  /@@`.:::`.
   `.::::`-. \@@/  \@@/  \@@/ .-'::::.'
 VK        `-.::::::::::::::.-'

Rock, paper, scissors

---'   ____)

---'   ____)____

---'   ____)____


[first snow 1997]

   *              17 October 1997, 02:30 AM         *
           *                                                  *
                 ______  _____  _____  ______
                /      \/    /  \    \/      \   *
     *         /  \    / ___/    \___ \    /  \
              /    \  / /            \ \  /    \           *
             _\____ \ \ \     /\     / / / ____/_
            /   __ \ \ \ \    \/*   / / / / __   \
           /   /  \ \ \ \ \        / / / / /  \   \      *
     *    /___/    \ \ \ \ \______/ / / / /    \___\
                    \ \ \ \        / / / /
 *      /\    __     \ \ \ \______/ / / /     __    /\
       /  \   \_\    /  \ \        / /  \    /_/   /  \     *
      /   /         /   /  \      /  \   \         \   \
     _\  /         /   /    \    /    \   \         \  /_
    /  \ \--------/   /      \__/      \   \--------/ /  \
   /    \------------/       /  \       \------------/    \
  < ------------------------<    >------------------------ >
   \    /------------\       \__/       /------------\    /
    \__/ /--------\ * \      /  \      /   /--------\ \__/
      /  \         \   \    /    \    /   /         /  \
      \   \    __   \   \  /      \  /   /   __    /   /
       \  /   /_/    \  / / ______ \ \  /    \_\   \  /
 *      \/           / / / /      \ \ \ \           \/     *
           ___      / / / / ______ \ \ \ \       ___
          \   \    / / / / /      \ \ \ \ \    /   /
           \   \__/ / / / /        \ \ \ \ \__/   /  *
            \_ ____/ / / /    /\    \ \ \ \____ _/
 VK           /     / / /     \/     \ \ \     \
              \    /  \ \___      ___/ /  \    /
               \  /    \    \    /    / *  \  /        *
    *           \______/\____\  /____/\______/
           *                              *

I just looked out through the window and saw that the world is
     *                   *
           *                       *                      *
 ____    __    ____  __    __   __  .___________. _______  __
 \   \  /  \  /   / |  |  |  | |  | |   *       ||   ____||  |
  \   \/    \/   /  |  |__|  | |  | `---|  |----`|  |__   |  |
   \            /   |   __   | |  |     |  |     |   __|  |  |
    \    /\    /    |  |  |  | |  |     |  |     |  |____ |__|
     \__/  \__/     |__|  |__| |__|     |__|     |_______|(__)
                      *                         *

  *                       with
             *                              *             *
        _______..__   __.   ______   ____    __    ____  __
       /       ||  \ |  |  /  __  \  \   \  /  \  /   / |  |
      |   (----`|   \|  | |  |  |  |  \   \/    \/   /  |  |   *
       \   \    |  . `  | |  |  |  |   \            /   |  |
   .----)   |   |  |\   | |  `--'  |    \    /\    /    |__|
   |_______/    |__| \__|  \______/      \__/  \__/     (__)

                          *                                  *
                __  __  __  __ __  __  __  __
    *          /  \/  \ \ \ \   / / / /  \/  \
              _\      / / / / X \ \ \ \      /_        *
             /       / / / / / \ \ \ \ \       \
             \____   \  / / '---` \ \  /   ____/            *
      *    /\____ \   \ \ \_______/ * /   / ____/\
           \______ \   \ \         / /   / ______/
         /\______ \ \   \ \_______/ /   / / ______/\
        _\ ___   \ \ \   \         /   / / /   ___ /_
       /_ \  /   /  \ \   \_______/   / /  \   \  / _\     *
 *    __ \ \/   /   /  \             /  \   \   \/ / __
     /_ \ \    /   /   /   _______   \   \   \    / / _\
    __ \ \ \--/   /   /   /\     /\   \   \   \--/ / / __
   /  \ \ \------/   /   /  \___/  \   \   \------/ / /  \
 .-\   \------------/   /   /   \   \   \------------/   /-.
<    *                 <---<  *  >--->                      >
 `-/   /------------\   \   \___/   /   /------------\   \-'
   \__/ / /------\   \   \  /   \  /   /   /------\ \ \__/
     __/ / /--\   \   \   \/_____\/   /   /   /--\ \ \__
     \__/ /    \   \   \             /   /   /    \ \__/
  *    __/ /\   \   \  /   _____*_   \  /   /   /\ \__   *
       \__/__\   \  / /   /       \   \ \  /   /__\__/
         / ______/ / /   / _______ \   \ \ \______ \
         \/ ______/ /   / /       \ \   \ \______ \/
      *    / ____  /   / / _______ \ \   \  ____ \
 VK        \/ ____/   / / /       \ \ \   \____ \/   *
             /       /  \ \ .---. /*/  \       \
  *          \__     \ \ \ \ \ / / / / /     __/          *
               /      \ \ \ \ X / / / /      \
               \__/\__/ /_/ /_ _\ \_\ \__/\__/      *
        *               *

[world globe, orange, knife]

Without peace the world will go to pieces

       ,'  / / %%%%%`.
      /%  / |   % %%%%\
     |%% |  | %%%%%%%%%|
    |%% |   |  % % % %%%|
    |   |   |  %%%% % %%|
     |%  |  | %%%%%%   |
      \%  \ |  % %%%  /
 VK    `.  \ \    % ,'

  (   _   _   _   _  |                          \

[male and female symbols, male-female, female-female, male-male]

   /     \
  |       |
   \     /
 VK   |

   /     \
  |       |
   \     /
 VK `---'

    .---. ,---.'
   /     \     \
  |     | |     |
   \     \     /
    `---' `---'
 VK   |

    .---. ,---.
   /     \     \
  |     | |     |
   \     \     /
    `---' `---'
      |     |
    --+-- --+--
 VK   |     |

           _.    _.
          .'|   .'|
   /     \     \
  |     | |     |
   \     \     /
 VK `---' `---'

[hungry llizard hunting for FOOD!]

                                   -----------.____        \
                                   `--------.____  `----.__ \
                                  __________     `----._
                -----============<__________`------._   `-.
                                            `----.__ `-.___L__
    @@@                                                \
   @@@@@@                                               |
 `(((())))'              (mmmm! food!)                  |
===============         /                               |
 |           |     \   /                                |
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[electronic components]

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  | >=1 |--

=[ >=1 ]-                   VK

--|     |
  |  &  |--

=[ & ]-                    VK

  |     |
--|  1  |O-

-[ 1 ]o-                      VK

--|     |
  | =1  |--

=[ =1 ]-                      VK

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=[ & ]o-                  VK

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=[ >=1 ]o-                 VK



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--|______|--                  VK

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  | |
  | |
   |                         VK

   ||                        VK

   |                         VK

-.  () () ()  .---
  `-'`-'`-'`-'               VK

  C<                      VK

\             /
 \           /
  X\       /X                VK
  \ \     / /
   \ \   / /
    \X   X/
      \ /
      | |
      | |
      | |

  \             /
   \           /            VK
    X\       /X
    \ \     / /
     \ \   / /
      \X   X/
        \ /

Rabbit condom

     ( )
     | |
     | |
VK   | |

[wheel chair]

VK   o()


           @  |
        @  |  |
     @  |  |  |
     |  |  |  |
 VK \__________/

                                          .                    ___
                                         /*\       .--.       |   |
  @ @ @                             .   / * \     /__, \_     |   |
  |.|.|      ...     ...     ...  _/ \_ |_*_|    (___)`(_)   -------
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 ||. .||   {{. .}} {{. .}} {{. .}}|/|\| \ o /    { o }        \ o /
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 |     |   |     | |     | |     |     |     |   | | |(    )  | | |
 |_____|   |_____| |_____| |_____| VK  |_____|  (__|__)(____)(__|__)

[file tree, file symbol, directory symbol]

                             | `--------+
                             | Homepage |
                             .-'  |  `-._
                          .-'     |      `-._
                       .-'        |          `-._
                _   .-'           |             _`-.
               | `-'--+     +-----+------+     | `--`-+
               | docs |     | index.html |     | pics |
               +------+     +------------+     +------+
              _.-' | `.                       .-'    \
          _.-'     |   `.                  .-'        \
      _.-'         |     `.        _    .-'         _  \
+----'-------+-----+----+--`----+ | `--'--+        | `--`-+
|friends.html|links.html|me.html| | icons |        | misc |
+------------+----------+-------+ +-------+        +------+
                                _.-'.'/ \             | \
                            _.-'  .' /   \            |  \
                        _.-'   .-'  /     \           |   \
 VK                 _.-'    .-'    /       \          |    \
                _.-'     .-'      /         \         |     \
            _.-'      .-'        /           \        |      \

| `---+
|     |  directory

|     |  html document

|     |  image


  \+/    \^/   (V)   ("\   [-]    _
  ) (    ) (   ) (   ) '   | |   ( )
 /___\  /___\ /___\ /___\ /___\ /___\  VK

  \+/    \^/   (V)   ("\   [-]    _
  )#(    )#(   )#(   )#'   |#|   (#)
 /###\  /###\ /###\ /###\ /###\ /###\  VK

  \+/    \^/   (V)   ("\   [-]    _
  )8(    )8(   )8(   )8'   |8|   (8)
 /888\  /888\ /888\ /888\ /888\ /888\  VK

  VV    vv   ()   (\   []
  )(    )(   )(   )'   ||   ()
 /__\  /__\ /__\ /__\ /__\ /__\  VK

  VV    vv   ()   (\   []
  )(    )(   )(   )'   ||   ()
 /##\  /##\ /##\ /##\ /##\ /##\  VK

[time table]

        Monday      Tuesday     Wednesday   Thursday    Friday
09:00 |           |           |           |           |           |
10:00 |           |           |           |           |           |
11:00 |           |           |           |           |           |
12:00 |           |           |           |           |           |
13:00 |           |           |           |           |           |
14:00 |           |           |           |           |           |
15:00 |           |           |           |           |           |
16:00 |           |           |           |           |           |
17:00 |           |           |           |           |           |
      +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+  VK


My suggestion for a Swedish Dvorak keyboard layout

    |  ____                                                                      |
    | [____] [_]   [_][_][_][_] [_][_][_][_] [_][_][_][_] [_][_][_] [_][_][_][_] |
    |                                                ___                         |
    | [_][_] [§][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][0][+]['][___] [_][_][_] [_][_][_][_] |
    | [_][_] [__][q][å][ä][p][y][f][g][c][r][l][x][@][  | [_][_][_] [_][_][_][ | |
    | [_][_] [___][a][o][e][u][i][d][h][t][n][s][j][-][_|           [_][_][_][_| |
    | [_][_] [_][<]['][,][.][k][ö][b][m][w][v][z][______]    [_]    [_][_][_][ | |
VK  | [_][_] [__][_][__][_____________________][__][_][_] [_][_][_] [____][_][_| |
das |____________________________________________________________________________|


This vehicle is called "spark" (which means "kick" in Swedish). It
could be described as "a chair on skates".

VK       /|
 ( `.____||_______________

      _ _________ _
        ||     ||
        ||     ||
        ||     ||
       //|     |\\
     .'/||     ||\`.
 VK  `. ||/    || .'
       `-'     `-'

      _ __________ _ /       /
     (_X__________X_)       /
        ||      || /       /
        ||      ||/       /
        |========|       /
        ||      ||      /
        |+------+|     /
        /_______/|    /
       //|   ///||   /
     .'/||  .'/ ||  /
    (--------(  || /
 VK  `. ||/   \ ||/
       `-'     `-'

       __ ________ __  /       /
      (__X___VK___X__)/       /
         ||      ||  /       /
         ||      || /       /
         |+-====-+|/       /
         ||      ||       /
         ||      ||      /
         ||_____/||     /
         /       /|    /
        /_______/||   /
       //||  /// ||  /
     .'/ || /'/  || /
    (--------(   ||/
     `.  |/   \  |/
       `-'     `-'

        __ ________ __  /       /
       (__X___VK___X__)/       /
          ||      ||  /       /
          ||      || /       /
          |+-====-+|/       /
          ||      ||       /
          ||      ||      /
          ||_____/||     /
          /       /|    /
         /_______/||   /
        //||  /// ||  /
       // || ///  || /
      //  ||///   ||/
    .'/   |/'/    |/
   (--------(     /
    `.   /   \   /
      `-'     `-'

Instructions for my colour mixer

|                     |
|      [RRGGBB]       |  <--- THE RESULTING COLOUR
|                     |
| [RR] | [GG] |  [BB] |  <--- The colours that are being mixed
|  +33 |  +33 |  +33  |
|  +10 |  +10 |  +10  |  <--- Add colour
|   +1 |   +1 |   +1  |
|   RR |   GG |   BB  |  <--- Hexadecimal codes for the colours that are
+------+------+-------+       being mixed (this goes into your html files)
|   -1 |   -1 |   -1  |
|  -10 |  -10 |  -10  |  <--- Remove colour
|  -33 |  -33 |  -33  |
| black, grey, white, |
|  red, green, blue,  |  <--- Predefined colours
|yellow, cyan, magenta|

(see also test version 1, which colours the background of the browser and
test version 2, in which you can set text colour as well as background colour)

Author:      Veronica Karlsson
Email:       vk@ludd.luth.se (alt. comment form)
Main page:   http://www.ludd.luth.se/users/vk/
Sections:   [misc.] [ascii art] [chat] [links] [news]