I (Veronica Karlsson, VK, vk@ludd.luth.se) made these pictures:


    'o `.
   /     \
  ( .-'   \
   '  |    `-

   ('  `.
   / @ ` `.
  //    `| `.
 (o .-'.  `| `--.______.-----._
  `'    \   `|`|               `.<-\
         \     `                 ||\\
         |                |      ||||
         /\    |          |     /||||
        /  |   ;-.______.-'\   / |||`
       / /.|  /             \  \\ \\\`
      (  ' ( ;               `. \) \\`
       \\\ | |              .'.;.)  ``
        \ \| |            .'.'/ /
 VK      | |_|           /_| / /
         ' /_|              /_|

and, of course, that irritating thing called "reality" stepped in once again
and said "that horse can't balance properly if it stands like that", so I
made this diddle:

   ('  `.
   / @ ` `.
  //    `| `.
 (o .-'.  `| `--.______.-----._
  `'    \   `|`|               `.<-\
         \     `                 ||\\
         |                |      ||||
         /\    |          |     /||||
        /  |   ;-.______.-'\   //|||`
       / /.|  /             \  \\ \\\`
      (  ' ( ;               `. )\ \\`
       \\\ | |              .'.' /  ``
        \ \| |            .'.'/ /
 VK      | |_|           /_| / /
         ' /_|              /_|

[pearls on a thread]

 VK  (_)
 _   _  (_)_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _
(_))(_)   (_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)@<

[chocolate bunnies]

     /   V   \
     |   |   |
     |   |   |
     |   |   |
     |   |   |
     /       \
    | (@) (@) |
    |>   O   <|
    |  _/|\_  |
     \ _`-'_ /
     |{ `-' }|
     /   o   \
    |    o    |
    | |  o  | |
    | |_ o _| |
    (___ \' __)
    | .'\/|/. |
    | |())()| |
    | |=====| |
    | `=====' |
    |    |    |
VK  (____X____)

     /   V   \
    |    |    |
    |    |    |
    |    |    |
    |    |    |
    )         (
    | (@) (@) |
    |>   O   <|
    |  _/|\_  |
    )\ _`-'_ /(
    | { `-' } |
    | {_.-._} |
    |'   o   `|
    |    o    |
    | |  o  | |
    | |_ o _| |
    (___ \' __)
    | .'\/|/. |
    | |())()| |
    | |=====| |
    | `=====' |
    |    |    |
VK  (____X____)

[gum ball machines]

Small, round model (as seen in American films):

        /         \
       |oo      oo8|
        |  | | |  |
jgs/VK  |  |(/)|  |
        |  |[_]|  |

Straight, double model (as seen outside Swedish shops):

         _________  _________
        |         ||         |
        |         ||        o|
        |o      oo||o   oOOOO|
        |  | | |  ||  | | |  |
jgs/VK  |  |(/)|  ||  |(/)|  |
        |         ||         |
        |   [_]   ||   [_]   |
        ||        ||        ||
        ||        ||        ||
        ||        ||        ||
        ||        ||        ||
        ||        ||        ||
        ||        ||        ||
        ||        ||        ||
        ||        ||        ||
        ||        ||        ||
        ||        ||        ||
        []        []        []


Veronica Karlsson wrote:
>Small, round model (as seen in American films):
>              o
>          .od888bo.
>         /         \
>        |oo      oo8|
>        |88888888888|
>         \888888888/
>          /`-----'\
>         |  | | |  |
> jgs/VK  |  |(/)|  |
>         |  |[_]|  |
>        (`--.___.--')
>         `-._____.-'

Hm, I don't like the look of the 'globe', what about

         .'     `.
        /   ..    \
         | | | | |
jgs/VK   | |(/)| |
         | |[_]| |

Well, what do we have here? A parking meter:
         .' ... `.
        / ,'.. /. \
       |o  '  /`  o|
         | | | | |
jgs/VK   | |(/)| |
a:f      | |[_]| |
            | |
            | |
            | |
            | |
            | |
            | |

Anyway ...



Veronica Karlsson wrote:
>Small, round model (as seen in American films):
>              o
>          .od888bo.
>         /         \
>        |oo      oo8|
>        |88888888888|
>         \888888888/
>          /`-----'\
>         |  | | |  |
> jgs/VK  |  |(/)|  |
>         |  |[_]|  |
>        (`--.___.--')
>         `-._____.-'

Are you sure this is a gumball machine? >;-)

         /         \
        |           |
        |           |
         \         /
          /       \
         |         |
         |         |  jgs/VK/JEZ
         |         |
         |         |
         |         |
         |         |
         |         |
         |         |
         |         |
         |         |
         |         |
         |         |
         |         |
         |         |
         |         |

[cats cats cats]

   (                                                        __
   |\                                   ?    ..            (  \
   | \                                   \   ||\            | |
   |  \                                     /   \           | |
   |   )                                   /|)   `._________| |
  |||  |   -  -   - >>>========>X>        ( <                 |
   |   )                                   `.__.              |
   |  /                                         \            /
   | /                                          || |-----(  (
   |/                                           || |     ))  )
   (               VK                          ((__/    ((__/

VK  __                  .-.                  __
   /\ )            ..  ( ? )  ..            (  \
   |-|            /||  /'-`\  ||\            | |
   |-|           /   \       /   \           | |
   |-|_________.'   (|\     /|)   `._________| |
   | | | | | | |     > )   ( <                 |
   | | | | | | `  .__.'     `.__.              |
    \ /  | | |   /               \            /
     )--)-----|-||               || |-----(  (
    (--((     |-||               || |     ))  )
     \__))    \__))             ((__/    ((__/

VK  __                _ _                __
   /\ )            ..( ' )..            (  \
   |-|            /|| \ / ||\            | |
   |-|           /   \ ' /   \           | |
   |-|_________.'    -\ /-    `._________| |
   | | | | | | |     > X <                 |
   | | | | | | `  .__.' `.__.              |
    \ /  | | |   /           \            /
     )--)-----|-||           || |-----(  (
    (--((     |-||           || |     ))  )
     \__))    \__))         ((__/    ((__/


 __                                                                 __
/\ )            .. uggc://jjj.yhqq.yhgu.fr/hfref/ix/ ..            (##\
|-|            /||                                   ||\            |#|
|-|           /   \        r93-ixa@fz.yhgu.fr       /###\           |#|
|-|_________.'   (|\                               /|)###`._________|#|
| | | | | | |     > )                             ( <#################|
| | | | | | `  .__.'                               `.__.##############|
 \ /  | | |   /    __   __                _             \############/
  )--)-----|-||    \ \ / /__ _ _ ___ _ _ (_)__ __ _     ||#|-----(##(
 (--((     |-||     \ V / -_) '_/ _ \ ' \| / _/ _` |    ||#|     ))##)
  \__))    \__))     \_/\___|_| \___/_||_|_\__\__,_|   ((__/    ((__/

    ..            (##\
    ||\            |#|
   /###\           |#|
 ( <#################|
       ||#|     ))##)
VK    ((__/    ((__/

[horse with automatic water cup]

             /||        |
VK          / //        |
          .(  )))       |
        .(  )    \      |
      .(  )'  @   \     |
    .(  )'         \    |
  .(  )'    |       \   |
.(  )'      /\__     \  |
  )'       /    \    O| |
)'        /      \_\_/  |
         /        ______o
         |       |  ___/|
         |       `.____.'


How to build a scratching post for your kitties

Text: Michael Doherty
Illustration: Veronica Karlsson

I built a good, durable post for my cats for $12.  All you need is a
square piece of plywood for the bottom.  Buy 2 feet (or taller if you
want it) of 4 x 4 posts used for fencing.  Buy a bolt to attach 4 x 4
to plywood through the bottom.  You now have a post.  Buy 100 feet of
1/4 inch twine.  This next part is hard to explain so I'll illustrate
with some pictures.  This is what you want to build:

                       /      /|
                      /______/ |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
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                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
              ________|      | |____________________
             /        |      | |                   /|
            /         |      | |                  / /
           /          |      | |                 / /
          /           |      | |                / /
         /            |      | /               / /
        /             |______|/               / /
       /                                     / /
VK    /                                     / /
     /                                     / /
    /                                     / /
   /_____________________________________/ /

"X-ray view" that shows the bolt:

                        /|    /|
                       /_____/ |
                      |      | |
                      |  |   | |
                      |      | |
                      |  |   | |
                      |      | |
                      |  |   | |
                      |      | |
                      |  |   | |
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                      |  |   | |
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                      |  |   | |
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                      |  |   | |
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                      |  |   | |
                      |      | |
                      |  |   | |
                      |      | |
                      |  |   | |
                      |      | |
              ________|  |   | |____________________
             /| _ _ _ |   _  | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /|
            / /       |  | | | |                  / /
           /          |  | | | |                 / /
          / /         |  | |_|_|                / /
         /            | '|_| | /               / /
VK      / /           |'_____|/               / /
       /                ||_||                / /
      / /                                   / /
     /                                     / /
    / /                                   / /
   /_____________________________________/ /

Drill a hole in the direction of the arrow all the way through the

Thread the sting through it and tie a knot at the end.  This gives
you one end that is attached.

                       /      /|
                      /______/ |
                      |      |O|
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
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                      |      | |
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                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |                      .-----.
                      |      | |                     (  (_)  )
                      |      | |                      `-----'
                      |      | |                       `==='
                      |      | |                       `==='
                      |      | |                 __.--'`==='
              ________|      | |______________.-'___  .`==='.
             /        |      | |         _.-'      /|( `===' )
            /         |      | |     _.-'         / / `-----'
           /          |      | |  .-'            / /
          /     `-@---|      |(--'              / /
         /            |      | /               / /
VK      /             |______|/               / /
       /                                     / /
      /                                     / /
     /                                     / /
    /                                     / /
   /_____________________________________/ /

Spread wood glue over entire post (Thin layer).

                       /      /|
                      /______/ |
                      |      |O|
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                      |      | |
                   _  |      | |
                  (_) |      | |
                   \\\|      | |
                    \\\      |%|
                    =\\)=    |%|
                    \    \   |%|
                     \____\  |%|
                      \\\\\\ |%|                      .-----.
                      |||||| |%|                     (  (_)  )
                      |%%%%% |%|                      `-----'
                      |%%%%% |%|                       `==='
                      |%%%%% |%|                       `==='
                      |%%%%% |%|                 __.--'`==='
              ________|%%%%%%|%|______________.-'___  .`==='.
             /        |%%%%%%|%|         _.-'      /|( `===' )
            /         |%%%%%%|%|     _.-'         / / `-----'
           /          |%%%%%%|%|  .-'            / /  ______
          /     `-@---|%%%%%%|(--'              / / .'      O.
         /            |%%%%%%| /               / /  |O-.__.-'|
        /             |______|/               / /   | \      |
 VK    /                                     / /    |  `-.__.'
      /                                     / /     |        |
     /                                     / /      |        |
    /                                     / /       |  GLUE  |
   /_____________________________________/ /        `-.____.-'

Then start tightly wrapping twine around post.  Wear gloves because
this part is a little tough.

                       /      /|
                      /______/ |
                      |      |O|
                      |%%%%%%|%|              /     /
                      |%%%%%%|%|             /     /
                      |%%%%%%|%|          .-'     (
                      |%%%%%%|%|         / _ _ _   )
                      |%%%%%%|%/        / /_)_)_) /
                      `----------------(_/ / / /_)-.
                      `------'//        (_/_/_/_/   `.
                      `------'//                      \   .-----.
                      `------'//                       \ (  (_)  )
                      `------'//                        \ `-----'
                      `------'//                         \ `==='
                      `------'//                          `-==='
                      `------'//                           `==='
              ________`------'//____________________      .`==='.
             /        `------'//                   /|    ( `===' )
            /         `------'//                  / /     `-----'
           /          `------'//                 / /
          /           `------'(/                / /
         /            |%%%%%%| /               / /
        /             |______|/               / /
 VK    /                                     / /
      /                                     / /
     /                                     / /
    /                                     / /
   /_____________________________________/ /

When you are near the top, again thread string through a predrilled
hole and tie a knot as close to the wood as possible.  Then what I did
is extend the string out another 8 inches...tie a knot....leave
another inch.  This gives them a toy.

                       /      /|
                      /______/ |
                      |      |(@-.
                      |%%%%%%|//  \
                      `------'//   \
                      `------'//    \
                      `------'//     \
                      `------'//      \
                      `------'//       \
                      `------'//        @
                      `------'//         )
             /        `------'//                   /|
            /         `------'//                  / /
           /          `------'//                 / /
          /           `------'(/                / /
         /            |%%%%%%| /               / /
 VK     /             |______|/               / /
       /                                     / /
      /                                     / /
     /                                     / /
    /                                     / /
   /_____________________________________/ /

I forgot....go to the carpet store and purchase one of their 2x2
samples for $2.00.  Cut a hole in the middle and place of post and
push down to base.  This prevents injuries from landing on plywood.

                       /      /|
                      /______/ |
                      |      |(@-.
                      |      |//  \
                      `------'//   \
                      `------'//    \
                      `------'//     \
                      `------'//      \
                      `------'//       \
                      `------'//        @
                      `------'//         )
            /@@@@@@@@@`------'//@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ /
           /@@@@@@@@@@`------'//@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ /
          /@@@@@@@@@@@`------'(/@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ /
         /@@@@@@@@@@@@|      | /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ /
        /@@@@@@@@@@@@@|______|/@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ /
 VK    /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ /
      /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ /
     /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ /
    /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ /
   /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ /

Hope this helped.


A comment from Susie B

Nice instructions. Could I suggest that you make it three feet high?
Two feet is kind of short to let  a full grown cat stretch as much as
it would like to. And for the base, a really wide square of plywood
would be good for stability. I found my cats were constantly knocking
over their original scratching post when they played chase and
ricocheted off it to change direction.


A second comment from Susie B

Make that 3 feet tall, so the cat can stretch. Sometimes cats won't
use a scratching post because it's too short. Also, make sure that the
base is extra wide, if the scratching post is unstable the cat won't
want to use it. Also, fasten two layers of plywood together so you can
countersink the bolts. This will contribute to its stability.


A comment from DJ

Here is the secret to the best scratchpost...make it big and heavy.
I have built a few scratchposts (the cats wear those things out..which
is good). I have found that the reason cats lose interest in those
little store bought posts and head for the couch is because those
little posts move around and the couch doesn't. My posts are about 1
foot square and 3 feet tall. They are covered with carpet and the
inside is filled with rocks. The post ways about 60 pounds (25kg) when
the rocks are in it so it won't move when my cats come up and attack
it..So remember, make it heavy enough to stay still and make it tall
enough so the can stand up and scratch up the post (just as if they
were scratching up a tree).


My answer to somebody's question, "Will my cat like my new lamb":

                                .------.                  __
 VK                            ( lunch! )  ..            (  \
                                `------'o  ||\            | |
          .-----.                        o/   \           | |
         ( baaa! )                       /|)   `._________| |
     , , /`-----'                       ( <                 |
     O@O                                 `9__.              |
 @   @@@                                      \            /
  @@@@@                                       || |-----(  (
  @@@@@                                       || |     ))  )
  || ||                                      ((__/    ((__/


A comment on the all-too-common html posts to newsgroups:

                         cellpadding = "20"
                     border = "20" width = "50%">
                  <tr><td bgcolor = "#FF00FF"><table
                cellpadding = "20"> <tr> <td bgcolor =
               "#000000"> <font color = "#FFFFFF"> <font
            size = "6"><font           color = "#FFFF00" >
           WHAT? </font>                     </font> <p> Are
         <b>you</b><i>                           saying </i>
        that <b>you                              </b> have <i>
       something                                  </i><font size
      = "+1" >                                   <font  color  =
     "#ffff99">                                 <b> against  </b>
    </font><font                              size   "+1"  >  <font
    color  =                                "#FF3333">H</font><font
   color  =                                "#99FF99">T   </font><font
  color  =                                "#9999FF">M     </font><font
  color  =                               "#FFFF99">L       </font><b>
 ???  </b>                             </font></font>        <p><blink>
 <font     aaa     aaa color="#FF3333">Whatever for?         </font  >
 </blink>  <p>     It  is<i> such</i>a <font color =         "#FF00FF" >
<blink     aaa     aaa     aa>     nice</b></blink>          <i>language
</i> and   <aa     aaa     aa>    gives you such <a>          <font color
=#00FFFF   aaa     aaa     aa>  fantastic</font  aa>          <font color
=#FF00FF   aaa     aaa     aa> creative  <blink  aa>          freedom
</blink>   </font><b>!     </b><p> <font     aaa aaa          color  =
#FF55FF>   <font  size     ="6">So what      <aa aa>          </font >
</font>    If      not     <i><b><font       aaa aaa          color  =
#999999    aaa     aa>   everybody <aa       aaa aa>          </font >
</b> </i>  can     <a>  read it?<p> If       <aa aa>         those <b>
<i>losers  <a>     </i> </b>  are  too       <i> <a>         <font color
 =CCCC00>  <a>     mean  </font>   <aa       aa> </i>to<i>   buy  </i>
 some<blink a>     <a><b> <font    aaa       aaa color  =   "00FFFF">
  decent          </font></b>                              </blink><i>
  equipment      </i> then                                 that   is
   <b><font    color    =                                 "#9999FF">
    their </font> </b> <i>                                problem,
    </i>not <blink>mine!                                 </blink><p>
     They can always                                   <b>   <font
      color = FF3333                                 >save</font>
       </b>the<font                                 size= "+1">
        <blink> <i>                              source  code
         </i></blink>                         </font> to a
           <b>file</b> and                  <i>open</i> it
            in <i> <b> <font           color = "00ff00">
               Netscape!</font></b></i><b><font color =
                "#ffff99">That </font></b> isn't so<i>
                  <font color = "#ff3333">difficult!
                        </td> </tr></table>
                           <!-- by VK -->


Some less successful attempts at drawing ascii Kliban cats:

     ._      _.
VK   |\`.  .'/|
    |> (.)(.) <|
  ===== |__| =====
     \ \HHHH/ /
  .--'`.    .'`--.
 /      \  /      \
|        \/        |

     ._      _.   .-'                     `--._
     |\`.  .'/| .'                             `-.
     |_\----/_|'                                  `.
    .'\|\/\/|/`.                                    \
    |> (.)(.) <|                                     \
  =====:|__|:=====                                    |
  =====::\/::=====                                    |
     \ \_/\_/ /
VK   '`     .'

     ._      _.   .-'                     `--._
     |\`.  .'/| .'                             `-.
     |_\----/_|'                                  `.
    .'\|\/\/|/`.                                    \
    |>        <|                      /              \
   /|> `-'`-' <|                     |                \
  =====:|__|:=====     \             |                 \
  =====::\/::=====)     |            |             \    |
  |  \>\_/\_/</         |             \             |   |
  \   `      '|         /              \           /    |
   \_______/  \________/________________>        .'|    |
                                      .'       .'  |    |
VK                                  .'       .'    |    |
                                   /       .'      |    |
                                  |      .'        |    |
                                  \    .'          |    |
                                   `--'            |    |
                                                   |    |
                                                   |    |
                                                   |    |
                                                   |    |
                                                   |    |
                                                   \    /

     ._      _.   .d8888888888888888888888boo.
     |\`.__.'/| .d8888P A888A888A8888A888888888bo.
     |.\'88`/.|d888888   888 888 888P 88P  Y888888b.
    .'\|\/\/|/`.8P'`Y8b  Y8P Y8P Y8P  8P   88P Y8888b
    |>        <|8b.  `Yb  8   8   8   /   d8P  d88888b
   /|> `-'`-' <|888b.  `  V   V   V  |  .dP .od8888888b
 ======:|__|:====== ____\____________|___________`Y8888b
 ======::\/::======d8888888888888b   db   db   db  Y8888
  |dP\>\_/\_/</8  8888888888888888b d88b d88b d888bd8888
  YP 8`.____.'|8  8888888888888888888888888888888888888P
   \d8b_d88/ \d8b_>Y8VK8888888888888888888888888888888P


>                     __.ooooooooooooo.___
>     ._      _.   .d8888888888888888888888boo.
>     |\`.__.'/| .d8888P A888A888A8888A888888888bo.
>     |.\'88`/.|d888888   888 888 888P 88P  Y888888b.
>    .'\|\/\/|/`.8P'`Y8b  Y8P Y8P Y8P  8P   88P Y8888b
>    |>        <|8b.  `Yb  8   8   8   /   d8P  d88888b
>   /|> `-'`-' <|888b.  `  V   V   V  |  .dP .od8888888b
> ======:|__|:====== ____\____________|___________`Y8888b
> ======::\/::======d8888888888888b   db   db   db  Y8888
>  |dP\>\_/\_/</8  8888888888888888b d88b d88b d888bd8888
>  YP 8`.____.'|8  8888888888888888888888888888888888888P
>   \d8b_d88/ \d8b_>Y8VK8888888888888888888888888888888P

            _//|       Hey tiger! Wanna breed?
           /'  =`-,    We could share cat's box for starters...
          '     .\'


[shitting cats]

Walter wrote (in alt.animals.felines):
> how big should a litter box be?...

Something like this:

          | -.-|
           \ ^/
          /   |
   (\    /    |
    \\  /   |||
   |              |
VK  \____________/

Or maybe like this:

                     ( *Nnggg!* )
                    O `--------'
            | `.'|
             \ ^/
            /   |
     (\    /    |
      \\  /   |||
   |                     |
VK  \___________________/

Can't get too big...
                                |          \
                                |  CAIRO 3  >
                                |__________/   ______
           /|_/|                _.--'||
  `--.__  | o.o|          __.--'     ||
        `--\ ^/       _.-'           ||
          /   |`-._.-'
   (\    /    |    `-.   VK
    \\  /   |||       `-._
     \\/   \|||
      `-.  /|||
     ooo `._) ))

[lion or cat]

                   n n
 VK     ===((((((((^.^)
            ""   ""


               .' /  /   )
              /  /##/   /|
             /  `--'   / |
            /__ __ __ /  |
           //_//_//_//  / __
          //_//_//_//  /  \`.___ Listening end
         //_//_//_//  /
        //_//_//_//  /__
 VK    /         /  / \`.___ Buttons
      /   .-.   /  /
     /   /#/   /  /
    /   `-'   /  /__
   / .====.  /  / \`.___ Speaking end
  |`--------'  /
   \   ,     .'__
    `-//----'  \`.___ Disconnect button
   (()) __
   (()) \`.___ The usual messy stuff (much longer IRL)
   (())             |
   (())             |
   (())            /|
   (())        .--.||
   (())        |  ||| __
   (())       .|  ||| \`.___ Wall
   (())     .'.|  |||
   (())___.'.' `--'||
    `------'       \|

[more sigs for my mother, cat sigs, figlet sigs, accordion sigs]

 ___  __ __  _ __  .---------------------.   ))\.-------------.
| . ||  \  \| / /  | anna.maria.karlsson |  / o           (    `.
|   ||     ||  \   | @mailbox.swipnet.se |  \._.-__.  )_.--`-  ) `.___
|_|_||_|_|_||_\_\  `---------------------'   (___(__.' (_(___.' `.____)

 _____ _____ _____                           ))\.-------------.
|  _  |     |  |  |   anna.maria.karlsson   / o           (    `.
|     | | | |    -|   @mailbox.swipnet.se   \._.-__.  )_.--`-  ) `.___
|__|__|_|_|_|__|__|                          (___(__.' (_(___.' `.____)

   \    \  | |  /  anna.maria.karlsson@mailbox.swipnet.se
  _ \  |\/ | . <  "Some Cats is blind, and stone-deaf some,
_/  _\_|  _|_|\_\  but ain't no Cat wuz ever dumb."  A. H. Euwer

_____________  ________ __                        ___              ___
___    |__   |/  /__  //_/  anna.maria.karlsson  |888VVVVVVVVVVVVVV888|
__  /| |_  /|_/ /__  ,<     @mailbox.swipnet.se  |888||||||||||||||888|
_  ___ |  /  / / _  /| |                         |888||||||||||||||888|
/_/  |_/_/  /_/  /_/ |_|    http://kom.igen.se/  |888VVVVVVVVVVVVVV888|


Cat with a mouse in its mouth:

        / o           (    `.
      <3_)_.-__.  )_.--`-  ) `.___
VK       (___(__.' (_(___.' `.____)


Some thoughts related to travelling with cats

Then of course there is the "carrier". I think it's important how it is
constructed, for safety and for making the cat as little uncomfortable
(and scared) as possible.

When I was _very_ young we had a basket made of very thin wood. The
material and technique was the same as in these:


This basket was completely dark inside with no possibility to see out.
The material was also thin enough for an energetic cat to claw through,
and it had been used for transporting cats for many years... It had been
"repaired" by putting newspaper as "wall paper" on the inside
(especially the corners, which is where the cats "attacked" most

It looked like this, closed:

                / /|
               / / |
 VK           /_/| |
       ______| |_|_|_________
      /|/|/|/| |///|/|/|/|/|/|
     /|/|/|/|| |//|/|/|/===.\|
    /|/|/|/|/| |/|/|/|/|/./|/|
   |/\/\/\/\/| |/\/\/\/\/|\|\|
   |\/\/\/\/\| |\/\/\/\/\|/\/|
   |/\/\/\/\/| |/\/\/\/\/|\/\|
   |\/\/\/\/\| |\/\/\/\/\|/\/|
   |/\/\/\/\/| |/\/\/\/\/|\/\|
   |\/\/\/\/\| |\/\/\/\/\|/\/
   |/\/\/\/\/| |/\/\/\/\/|\/
   |\/\/\/\/\| |\/\/\/\/\|/

and open:

                 / |
             ---/  |
               /   |
 VK           /|   |
       ______| |   |_________
      /|/|/|/| |  /         /|
     /|/|/|/|| | /         /\|
    /|/|/|/|/| |/________./|/|
   |/\/\/\/\/| |/\/\/\/\/|\|\|
   |\/\/\/\/\| |\/\/\/\/\|/\/|
   |/\/\/\/\/| |/\/\/\/\/|\/\|
   |\/\/\/\/\| |\/\/\/\/\|/\/|
   |/\/\/\/\/| |/\/\/\/\/|\/\|
   |\/\/\/\/\| |\/\/\/\/\|/\/
   |/\/\/\/\/| |/\/\/\/\/|\/
   |\/\/\/\/\| |\/\/\/\/\|/

Of course, the cats *HATED* it! And the construction of the lid didn't
exactly make it any easier to get them _into_ it to begin with (imagine
the fun with two half-grown kittens who had to go to the vet at the same
time and had to travel in this thing...).

Later on we got a more cat friendly basket, of the same kind of material
as the ones in these pictures:


It had a narrow "window" near the top where the cats could get a 360
degree view of the world. It was not very deep (the cat could not "sit
up" comfortably in it) and the "lock" was _very_ poor, the "hinges",
like the "lock" could only be described as a joke. The shape of the lid
in combination with the flexibility of the material made it possible for
a cat to squeeze through at the front corners of the lid.

It looked like this, closed:

 VK   ///////.====.//////////|

and open:

 VK    |=====================|

This was not much more popular than the first one, and it was way too
easy to break out of. It now serves some useful time holding accordion
notes, and for that purpose it is just excellent.

We now have a modern miracle. A small, white wire cage with free sight
in every direction except down and a construction that not even a feline
Houdini would be able to break out of.

This is my first attempt at drawing it:

 VK          .===.

And the second:

 VK  /_/_/_/'------`_/_/===./|

(I'm not happy with either. The cage is a little bit rounded to the top
and not quite as square as it looks in my pictures, it's wider at the
base than at the top, but that kind of line is very hard (impossible) to
do in ascii)


 VK   /_/_/_/.====._/_/_/_/_/|
   |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| //_/_/_/_/_/_/

Note the tray at the bottom.

 VK   /_/_/_/.====._/_/_/_/_/|
   |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|         //_/_/

You can pull it out completely! Because of this there is no need to try
to force the cat into the box, you just put the cat on the tray and
push. The cat sits still on a comfortable cushion while the tray slides
into the cage. The only problem then is to keep the tail from getting
squished when you close the lid. This one *works*!  :)


          ( <'  )
           ) )_(
         /(____. \
        /  _ | _  \
       |    \|/    |
       \ (  /_\  ) /
        \ `._)_.' /
         `.`. .'.'
 VK        ( + )
            ' `

(it's a cat hug... its original context was a "cat fight" in a
cat-related newsgroup...)


 VK               o-.
                   ) )
`\\|\||/          / /
====` =<         / .-.
====/ _/----.   / /   \./|
/=///    } .))-'.'  /`._/
 ///| ._}_//'      /

(Rolling On The Floor, In The Nude, Laughing)


Just a couple of cats (which turned out to look like Kliban cats):

                               |        |
                               |\      /|
                               | \____/ |
                               |        |
                              .'___  ___`.
 VK                          /  \|/  \|/  \
            _.--------------( ____ __ _____)
         .-'    -.           \ ----\/---- /
       .'         \           `.  -'`-  .'
      /            \            `------'\
     /   `-------.  `-----.       -----. `---.
    (             )        )            )     )

                               |        |
                               |\      /|
 VK                            | \____/ |
                               |  /\/\  |
                              .'___  ___`.
                             /  \|/  \|/  \
            _.--------------( ____ __ _____)
         .-' \  -. | | | | | \ ----\/---- /
       .'\  | | / \` | | | |  `.  -'`-  .'
      /`  ` ` '/ / \ | | | | \  `------'\
     /-  `-------.' `-----.       -----. `---.
    (  / | | | |  )/ | | | )/ | | | | | ) | | )

[sig sized elephant]

                               /    ( o \
                              '|  __ ` ||
                        VK     |||  ||| -'

[yet another sitting cat]

                             (O O )
                             > o <
                             |    \
                             |||   \ _____
                      VK     ((____ )_____)

[boy meets girl on the Internet while sitting in the same room (true story!)]

  ()))))    |`-._                _.-'|      ,,,,
  ||| .\    |    `-._        _.-'    |     /. \\\
  ||C   )   |        |      |        |    (    ?||
   \  -/    |        |      |        |     \=  |||
    |_|     |        |      |        |      |_||||
   /   \    |        |      |        |     /   |||
   |   |    |________| VK   |________|    /    |||

[VK in hell?]

                   ( Does anybody else think )
            |||||  /\ it's hot in here?     /
           ||. .||   `---------------------'
          |.-- --.|
          /(.) (.)\
 VK       \ ) . ( /
      .   '(  v  )`         .
  (  /(  )\ \ | /(\.  ,   ( )\
.)\)( \/( ( ( | ) ))\(\./)\)( \
(\/_\__)_\_\'- -`/_\/)')(\/_\__)

[VK the mermaid]

           ||. .||
          |.-- --.|
          /(.) (.)\
          \ ) . ( /
      _.--'(     \`-._
    .'      `.    )   `.
 .-'         /  .'      \
' VK     _.-'  (         `-._
\_)\_)\_)`._..  \ )\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_\_)\_)\_
)\_)\_)\_ )\_)`--`_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)

[dancing couple]


    ___   \
   /   `.  |
  | |   |  |--._______
  | \   | '    / ______
 /   ) '     .' /
( . ,-------' ./
  | |   ____.'/
  | \  /  )  /
  \   /  |  /        _
   )     | '    _.--'
      )  `-----'
     /     __
    (        `--.__
   / \    _________>=-
.-'   ` .'
 VK        `-._

      _J_   \
     /   `.  |
    |     |  |.-----.
    | |   |-'    /3)_)
   /  )  '   |  / /-'
  ( .(.--------' /
   )| |   _____.'
    | \  /  )| Y
    \   /  Y | |       _
     )     | | |  _.--'
        )  `-----'
       /     __
      (        `--.__
     / \    _________>=-
  .-'   ` .'
 VK          `-._

[surprisingly detailed picture of a certain house]

                   T T
                .'.' `.`.
  %%          .'.' ___ `.`.
 %%%%       .'.'  |_|_|  `.`.
%%%%%%    .'.'    |_|_|    `.`.
%%%%%__.--`'|     |_|_|     |`'---.
%%%%|------||               |||||||
 %%%|    _&||      ___      ||===='
  H | j |  ||     |_|_|     ||    |
  H%|   |- ||     |_|_|     ||____|
  H |   |  ||     |_|_|     ||  TT|       .
  H |======||               ||====|  "==='

                                   T T
                                .'.' `.`.
                  %%          .'.' ___ `.`.
                 %%%%       .'.'  |_|_|  `.`.
                %%%%%%    .'.'    |_|_|    `.`.
                %%%%%__.--`'| []  |_|_|  [] |`'---.
__              %%%%|------||               |||||||
 /\     =========%%%|    _&||      ___      ||===='
/  \   ///////////H/| j |  ||     |_|_|     ||    |
||||  ////////////H%|   |- ||     |_|_|     ||____|
|||| /////////////H/|   |  ||     |_|_|     ||  TT|       .   &
|||| @@@@@@@@@@@@@H@|======||               ||====|  "==='   (f


Viking Veronica

     /_ _\        ,
    ||.V.||      //
    ||\=/||     //
    .-- --.    //
   /(8)8(8)\  //
   \ )888(  \//
   '(88888) //`
    |88888| '
VK   (x|x)
     '- -`


Viking Krogg

       /_ _\   /\
      |/.U.\|  \/
      |\(-)/|  ||
      ||)'(||  ||
   .-/888o888\ ||
  / |8\88888/8|||
 J  (8|88888A8|||
 |  |8|OOOO=O8\||
 J  (/|88888H\/_)
  \   |88888H  ||
   `--|88888H  ||
      |><|><V  ||
 VK   |><|><|  ||
      (__I__)  ||

[viking faces (with Historically Correct helmets!)]

           .' | | `.
          /   | |   \
         |    | |    |
         /|(o)| |(o)|\
        / |   | |   | \
        \ |  (|_|)  | /
         | \/     \/ |
         / /  ___  \ \
  VK    (             )
 After   \           /
  jim     `._______.'

           .' | | `.
          /   | |   \
         |    | |    |
         /|(o)| |(o)|\
        //|   | |   |\\
        '/|  (|_|)  |\`
  VK     ////|||||\\\\
 After   '//|||||||\\`
  jim      '|||||||`


Self portrait:

          .' -|  -   . `.
         / '.' `-. `     \
        /  /      `.  ` \ \
       |  /         `.  \  |
       |  |           `.   |
       |  |.---.   .---.\  |
       | ||><@> ) ( <@><|` |
       |  |     / \     || |
       |  |    ((_))    |  |
       | `|`  /     \  '|  |
       |  |   _.---._   |  |
       /  \    `---'    /  |
 VK   /    `.    "    .'   \
     / / | | `-.___.-' ||   \
    /     '|           |  \  \
   /'  /   |           |\   ` \
  /  _.  /<'           `>--.__ \
 /.-' | |`.`-._______.-'.'    `-.
//   / /   `-----------'         \
|   | |                           |

A bigger version for Colin to put clothes on:

                           .' -|  -   . `.
                          / '.' `-. `     \
                         /  /      `.  ` \ \
                        |  /         `.  \  |
                        |  |           `.   |
                        |  |.---.   .---.\  |
                        | ||><@> ) ( <@><|` |
                        |  |     / \     || |
                        |  |    ((_))    |  |
                        | `|`  /     \  '|  |
                        |  |   _.---._   |  |
                        /  \    `---'    /  |
                       /    `.    "    .'   \
                      / / | | `-.___.-' ||   \
                     /     '|           |  \  \
                    /'  /   |           |\   ` \
                   /   .  /-'           `--.__ \\
                  / .-'| |                    `-.\
                 /.'  / /                        `.
                .'   | |                           `.
              .'                                     `.
            .'                                         `.
          .'                                             `.
        .'                                                 `.
       /            /                           \            \
     .'            J                             F            `.
    /            .'|                             |`.            \
  .'           .'  F   .-.                .-.    J  `.           `.
 /           .'    |  ( @ )              ( @ )   |    `.           \
(          .'      J   `-'                `-'    F      `.          )
 \       .'         \         /       \         /         `.       /
  \      \           `._____.'         `._____.'           /      /
   \      \          F                         J          /      /
    \      \         |                         |         /      /
     \      \        |                         |        /      /
      \      \       |                         |       /      /
       \      \      |                         |      /      /
        \      `._   F                         J   _.'      /
         \        \  F                         J  /        /
          \        \J            (@)            F/        /
           F      ./                             \.      J
           |     ./                               \.     |
            \   ./                                 \.   /
             \_./                                   \._/
                J                                   F
                |                                   |
                |            @@@@@@@@@@@            |
                |             @@@@@@@@@             |
                |              @@@@@@@              |
                |               @@@@@               |
                J                @@@                F
                J                 @                 F
                 F                |                J
                 F                |                J
                 |                |                |
                 J                |                F
                 J                |                F
                  F               |               J
                  F               |               J
                  |               ^               |
                  J              J F              F
                  J              | |              F
                   F             | |             J
                   F             | |             J
                   |             | |             |
                   |             | |             |
                   J             F J             F
                   J             F J             F
                    F           J   F           J
                    F  /      \ J   F /      \  J
                    |           |   |           |
                    |           |   |           |
                    |           |   |           |
                    J  \      / F   J \      /  F
                    J           F   J           F
                     F         J     F         J
                     F         J     F         J
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     J         F     J         F
                     J         F     J         F
                      F       J       F       J
                      F       J       F       J
                      |       |       |       |
                      |       |       |       |
                      |       |       |       |
                      |       |       |       |
 VK                   (       |       |       )
                      F       J       F       J
                     J       _ F     J _       F
                    / _ _ _ /  \\   //  \ _ _ _ \
                   (_(_(_(_)\__//   \\__/(_)_)_)_)

llizard gave me a pair of sandals:

                           .' -|  -   . `.
                          / '.' `-. `     \
                         /  /      `.  ` \ \
                        |  /         `.  \  |
                        |  |           `.   |
                        |  |.---.   .---.\  |
                        | ||><@> ) ( <@><|` |
                        |  |     / \     || |
                        |  |    ((_))    |  |
                        | `|`  /     \  '|  |
                        |  |   _.---._   |  |
                        /  \    `---'    /  |
                       /    `.    "    .'   \
                      / / | | `-.___.-' ||   \
                     /     '|           |  \  \
                    /'  /   |           |\   ` \
                   /   .  /-'           `--.__ \\
                  / .-'| |                    `-.\
                 /.'  / /                        `.
                .'   | |                           `.
              .'                                     `.
            .'                                         `.
          .'                                             `.
        .'                                                 `.
       /            /                           \            \
     .'            J                             F            `.
    /            .'|                             |`.            \
  .'           .'  F   .-.                .-.    J  `.           `.
 /           .'    |  ( @ )              ( @ )   |    `.           \
(          .'      J   `-'                `-'    F      `.          )
 \       .'         \         /       \         /         `.       /
  \      \           `._____.'         `._____.'           /      /
   \      \          F                         J          /      /
    \      \         |                         |         /      /
     \      \        |                         |        /      /
      \      \       |                         |       /      /
       \      \      |                         |      /      /
        \      `._   F                         J   _.'      /
         \        \  F                         J  /        /
          \        \J            (@)            F/        /
           F      ./                             \.      J
           |     ./                               \.     |
            \   ./                                 \.   /
             \_./                                   \._/
                J                                   F
                |                                   |
                |            @@@@@@@@@@@            |
                |             @@@@@@@@@             |
                |              @@@@@@@              |
                |               @@@@@               |
                J                @@@                F
                J                 @                 F
                 F                |                J
                 F                |                J
                 |                |                |
                 J                |                F
                 J                |                F
                  F               |               J
                  F               |               J
                  |               ^               |
                  J              J F              F
                  J              | |              F
                   F             | |             J
                   F             | |             J
                   |             | |             |
                   |             | |             |
                   J             F J             F
                   J             F J             F
                    F           J   F           J
                    F  /      \ J   F /      \  J
                    |           |   |           |
                    |           |   |           |
                    |           |   |           |
                    J  \      / F   J \      /  F
                    J           F   J           F
                     F         J     F         J
                     F         J     F         J
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
  VK                 J         F     J         F
                     J         F     J         F
                      F       J       F       J
                      F       J       F       J
                      |       |       |       |
                      |       |       |       |
                      |       |       |       |
                      |       |       |       |
                      (       |       |       )
                      F`.    _J       F_    .'J
                     J `.`. /_ F     J _\ .'.' F
                    / _ _`.V/  \\   //  \V.'_ _ \
                   (_(_(_(_)\__//   \\__/(_)_)_)_)
                    ============     ============

                      (       |       |       )
                      F`.    _J       F_    .'J
                     J `.`. /_ F     J _\ .'.' F
                    /    `.V/  \\   //  \V.'     \
                   ()()()()+\__//   \\__/+()()()()
                    ============     ============


Beach Veronica (by Krogg):

                            .'          `.
                           /              \
                          /                \
               (        |  /         `.  \  |        ) Llizards hat
                ` .     |  |           `.   |    . '
                    ` . |  |.---.   .---.\  |. '
                        | |( //% )=(///% )` | <---reflective shades
                        |  |`---'/ \`---'|| |
                        |  |    ((_))    |  |
                        | `|`  /__ __\  '|  |
                        |  |   <--=-->   |  | <---kissy lips
                        /  /    `---'    |  |
                       /   |`.    "    .'/  \
                      / / | | `-.___.-' ||   \
                     /     '|           |  \  \
                    /'  /   |           |\   ` \
                   /   .  /-'           `-n.__ \\
                  / .-'| |H      l_       H   `-.\
                 /.'  / / H               H      `.
                .'   | |  H               H        `.
              .'          H               H        o `.  <---Mermaid tatoo
            .'            F\             /R         %_,`.
          .'             /  \           /  \             `.
        .'             ./    `.       ,'    \,             `.
       /            /,'/       \.   ./       \`,\            \
     .'            J: /         \`.'/         \ :F            `.
    /            .'|l/           \"/           \;|`.            \
  .'           .'  `(            {=}            )'  `.           `.
 /           .'     (     ()     {=}     ()     )     `.           \
(          .'       (            /:\            ) <-----`.          )------bikini top
 \       .'         J\          /,".\          /F         `.       /
  \      \           F`.______,''   ``.______,'J           /      /
   \      \    ___   F                         J          /      /
    \      \,-'   \  |                         |         /      /
     \     / ====  \ |                         |        /      /
      \   /   === \ \|                         |       /      /
       \ // //.'___ \|                         |      (      /
        / /// %`._\  F                         J   _.' `.   /
       / //  %    \\,F                         J  /      `./:  <--Bracelet with key
      / /   %      \/`.          (@)          ,'\/        /`Y
     /  /  %      ./`. ',                   ,' ,'\.      J  F
    // /  %|     ./   `. \                 / ,'   \.     |
   J  (   F \   ./      \ \               / /      \.   /
   J   |  F  \_./        \ \             / /        \._/
   J |||  F     J         \ `.         ,' /         F
   J  |   F     |          \  `._____,'  /          |
   J  |   F     |           \           /           |
   J  |  \\\    |            \         /            |<--lil shave and a bikini
   J,:;.,.;.:   |             \       /             |
                |              \     /              |
       A        J               `._,'               F
       |        J                 Y                F
       `--towel  F                |                J
                 F                |                J
                 |                |                |
                 J                |                F
                 J                |                F
                  F               |               J
                  F               |               J
                  |               ^               |
                  J              J F              F
                  J              | |              F
                   F             | |             J
                   F             | |             J
                   |             | |             |
                   |             | |             |
                   J             F J             F
                   J             F J             F
                    F           J   F           J
                    F  /      \ J   F /      \  J
                    |           |   |           |
                    |           |   |           |
                    |           |   |           |
                    J  \      / F   J \      /  F
                    J           F   J           F
                     F         J     F         J
                     F         J     F         J
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     |         |     |         |
                     J         F     J         F
                     J         F     J         F
                      F       J       F       J
                      F       J       F       J
                      |       |       |       |
                      |       |       |       |
                      |       |       |       |
 VK/Krogg/ejm         |       |       :.     .: <--anklet
                      (       |       |`:::::')
                      F`.    _J       F_    .'J
                     J `.`. /_ F     J _\ .'.' F <--Llizard's sandles
                    / _ _`.V/==\\   //==\V.'_ _ \
                   (_(_(_(_)\__//   \\__/(_)_)_)_)
                    ============     ============


Another attempt at a big self portrait (using a Figlet-like method on an old,
small picture):

12'- -`

.    _    ..    __   ..   __    ..       __..__       ..         .
.   | |   ..   / /   ..   \ \   ..      / /..\ \      ..         .
.   | |   ..  | |    ..    | |  ..     / / .. \ \     ..         .
.   | |   ..  | |    ..    | |  ..    / /  ..  \ \    .. _______ .
.   | |   ..  | |    ..    | |  ..   / /   ..   \ \   ..|_______|.
.   | |   ..  | |    ..    | |  ..  / /    ..    \ \  ..         .
.   | |   ..  | |    ..    | |  .. / /     ..     \ \ ..         .
.   |_|   ..   \_\   ..   /_/   ../_/      ..      \_\..         .
.         ..         ..    _    ..    _    ..         ..         .
.         ..         ..   ( )   ..   ( )   ..         ..         .
. _______ ..         ..   |/    ..    \|   ..         ..         .
.|_______|..         ..         ..         .. __   __ ..         .
. _______ ..         ..         ..         .. \ \ / / ..         .
.|_______|..    _    ..         ..         ..  \ V /  ..         .
.         ..   (_)   ..         ..         ..   \_/   ..         .
.         ..         ..         ..         ..         ..         .

                      _        _        _        _        _
                     | |      | |      | |      | |      | |
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             _        _                                   _        _
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            | |      | |       _                 _       | |      | |
            | |      | |      (_)               (_)      | |      | |
            |_|      |_|                                 |_|      |_|
    _        _        _    __                       __    _        _        _
   | |      | |      | |   \ \                     / /   | |      | |      | |
   | |      | |      | |    \ \      _______      / /    | |      | |      | |
   | |      | |      | |     \ \    |_______|    / /     | |      | |      | |
   | |      | |      | |      \ \    _______    / /      | |      | |      | |
   | |      | |      | |       \ \  |_______|  / /       | |      | |      | |
   | |      | |      | |        \ \           / /        | |      | |      | |
   |_|      |_|      |_|         \_\         /_/         |_|      |_|      |_|
    _                                                                       _
   | |                                                                     | |
   | |                                                                     | |
   | |             _______  _______           _______  _______             | |
   | |            |_______||_______|         |_______||_______|            | |
   | |       _                                                     _       | |
   | |      (_)                                                   (_)      | |
   |_|                                                                     |_|
       __    __               __                 __               __    __
      / /   / /               \ \               / /               \ \   \ \
     / /   | |                 | |             | |                 | |   \ \
    / /    | |                 | |             | |                 | |    \ \
   / /     | |                 | |             | |                 | |     \ \
  / /      | |        _        | |             | |        _        | |      \ \
 / /       | |       (_)       | |             | |       (_)       | |       \ \
/_/         \_\               /_/               \_\               /_/         \_\
__                   __                                   __                   __
\ \                  \ \                                 / /                  / /
 \ \                  | |                               | |                  / /
  \ \                 | |                               | |                 / /
   \ \                | |                               | |                / /
    \ \               | |               _               | |               / /
     \ \              | |              (_)              | |              / /
      \_\            /_/                                 \_\            /_/
    _        __                                                   __        _
   ( )      / /                                                   \ \      ( )
   |/      | |                                                     | |      \|
           | |                       __   __                       | |
           | |                       \ \ / /                       | |
           | |                        \ V /                        | |
           | |                         \_/                         | |
            \_\                                                   /_/
                  __                    _                    __
                  \ \                  | |                  / /
                   \ \                 | |                 / /
                    \ \                | |                / /
                     \ \               | |               / /
                      \ \              | |              / /
                       \ \             | |             / /
                        \_\            |_|            /_/
                      __                _                __
                     / /               | |               \ \
                    | |                | |                | |
                    | |                | |                | |
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                    | |                | |                | |
                    | |                | |                | |
                     \_\               |_|               /_/
                      _                                   _
                     ( )                                 ( )
                     |/                                   \|
                            _______           _______
                           |_______|         |_______|

[I printed the following one on a t-shirt! (close-up)]

                                _        _        _
                               | |      | |      | |
                       _       | |      | |      | |       _
                      | |      | |      | |      | |      | |
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              _       | |                                 | |       _
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             | |      | |       _                 _       | |      | |
             | |      | |      (_)               (_)      | |      | |
             | |      | |                                 | |      | |
             | |      | |   __                       __   | |      | |
             | |      | |   \ \                     / /   | |      | |
     _       | |      | |    \ \      _______      / /    | |      | |       _
    | |      | |      | |     \ \    |_______|    / /     | |      | |      | |
    | |      | |      | |      \ \    _______    / /      | |      | |      | |
    | |      | |      | |       \ \  |_______|  / /       | |      | |      | |
    | |      | |      | |        \ \           / /        | |      | |      | |
    | |      | |      | |         \ `--.___.--' /         | |      | |      | |
    | |      | |      | |          `--._____.--'          | |      | |      | |
    | |      | |      | |          | |       | |          | |      | |      | |
    | |      | |      | |          | |       | |          | |      | |      | |
    | |      | |  ____|_|_________.' |       | `._________|_|___   | |      | |
    | |      | |-'_________________.'         `.________________`-.| |      | |
    | |      |'.-'                                              `-.`.|      | |
    | |    .'.'                                                    `.`.     | |
    | |  .'.'                                                        `.`.   | |
    | | / /   __               __                 __               __  `.`. | |
    | |/ /   / /               \ \               / /               \ \   \ \| |
    | / /   | |                 | |             | |                 | |   \ \ |
    |/ /    | |                 | |             | |                 | |    \ \|
    / /     | |                 | |             | |                 | |     \ \
   / /      | |        _        | |             | |        _        | |      \ \
  / /       | |       (_)       | |             | |       (_)       | |       \ \
 / /        `. `-.            .' /               \ `.            .-' .'        \ \
( (           `-. `---.___.--' .'                 `. `--.___.---' .-'           ) )
 \ \             `----.   .---'                     `---.   .----'             / /
  \ \                  | |                               | |                  / /
   \ \                 | |                               | |                 / /
    \ \                | |                               | |                / /
     \ \               | |               _               | |               / /
      \ \              | |              (_)              | |              / /
       \ \       ____.'.'                                 `.`.____       / /
      .'  )    .'____.'                                     `.____`.    (  `.
    .' .-'   .'.'                                                 `.`.   `-. `.
   (_.'     | |                                                     | |     `._)
            | |                       __   __                       | |
            | |                       \ \ / /                       | |
            | |                        \ V /                        | |
            | |                         \ /                         | |
             `.`.                       | |                       .'.'
               `.`.                     | |                     .'.'
                 `.`.                   | |                   .'.'
                   `.`.                 | |                 .'.'
                     \ \                | |                / /
                      \ \               | |               / /
                       \ \              | |              / /
                        \ \             | |             / /
                         ) )            | |            ( (
                       .'.'             | |             `.`.
                      / /               | |               \ \
                     | |                | |                | |
                     | |                | |                | |
                     | |                | |                | |
                     | |                | |                | |
                     | |                | |                | |
                      \ \               | |               / /
                       ) )              | |              ( (
                      / /               | |               \ \
                      | |               | |               | |
                      | |______________ | | ______________| |
  VK                  |_________________| |_________________|

[Colin's diddle of one of my self portraits]

         |||       |||
        |||  a   a  |||
       ||||    o    ||||
      |||||\   _   /|||||
     ||||||||)   (||||||||
    |||||.--'  _  `--.|||||
    |||.'             `.|||
    ||/  /   \   /   \  \||
    |/  (     ) (     )  \|
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     \ \|||)       (|||/ /
      \ \|/    *    \|/ /
       ) /           \ (
      ''|    .   .    |``
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          \    |    /
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            )  |  (
           / `'|`' \
           |   |   |
 -cfbd-    \   |   /
   VK       \  |  /
             ) | (
           .'  |  `.

[big hand]

                        | |     | |
                 ______ | |     | |
                /|____|\| \_____/ | ______
               | |    | |         |/|____|\
               | |    | |   _____ | |    | |
               | \____/ | -----   | |    | |
               |        | ------- | \____/ |
               |  ----  |         |        |
               |        |         |   ---  |
               |        |         | ------ |
               |        |         |        |
               |        |  _____  |        | _____
               |  ----- | ------- |        |/|---|\
               | ----  -| ----    |        | |   | |
               |  ----- |  ------ |  ___   | `---' |
               |   --   |   ---   |------  | ----- |
               |        |         |  ----- |       |
               |        |         |        |       |
    ______     |        |         |        |       |
   /.---. `.   |        |         |        |  ___  |
   \\----\  \  |        |         |        | ----- |
    \\    \  \ |        |         |        |   --  |
     \\___/   || .  .  / \   . .   \       |       |
      \       ||   . .      . . .      .   |        \
      |       |/    .        . .      . .   \       |
      |_.- .' /                 .      .     \      |
      |_.-'   |                               `.    |
      |       |                                   . |
      |       |                                  .  |
      |       |                                   . |
      |       |                                     |
      |       |                                     |
      |       |                                     |
      |       '                                     |
      |   |                                         |
       \   \                                        /
        \                                          |
         \                                         |
          \                                        |
           \                                      /
            \                                     |
             \                _                   |
              `.    _.-  '                       /
                \                                |
                 |                              /
                 |                              |
                 |                            \ |
                 |  `- ._   _                .  |
                 |                        . . . |
                 |                         . .  |
                 |                              |
                 |                              |
                 |                              |
                 |                              |
  VK             |                              |
                 |                              |

With amputated fingertips (I made this one for a specific purpose):

                 ______  /       \
                /      \|         |
               |        |         | ______
               |        |         |/      \
               |        |  _____  |        |
               |  ----- | ------- |        |
               | ----  -| ----    |        |
               |  ----- |  ------ |  ___   |
               |   --   |   ---   |------  | _____
               |        |         |  ----- |/     \
               |        |         |        |       |
               |        |         |        |       |
               |        |         |        |  ___  |
               |        |         |        | ----- |
               |        |         |        |   --  |
               | .  .  / \   . .   \       |       |
               |   . .      . . .      .   |        \
               /    .        . .      . .   \       |
              /                 .      .     \      |
        _____ |                               `.    |
       /     \|                                   . |
      |       |                                  .  |
      |       |                                   . |
      |       |                                     |
      |       |                                     |
      |       |                                     |
      |       '                                     |
      |   |                                         |
       \   \                                        /
        \                                          |
         \                                         |
          \                                        |
           \                                      /
            \                                     |
             \                _                   |
              `.    _.-  '                       /
                \                                |
                 |                              /
                 |                              |
                 |                            \ |
                 |  `- ._   _                .  |
                 |                        . . . |
                 |                         . .  |
                 |                              |
                 |                              |
                 |                              |
                 |                              |
  VK             |                              |
                 |                              |

[sig sized ice cream]

VK    V


           ..-'  ________|____ ||
         .<'  .-'  `-.        `-'
        //  .<-""-._  `.
       JF  //       `.  \
       H  FF          \  L
      J| JJ            L J
 VK   || ||            | J
      FL J|            F J
     J J  L           J  F
     |-.L  \         /  /
     F-._\  `.____.-'  /
    J     `.         .'
    F       >-.___.-'
   J         L
  /           \
.'             `.


 _.-'|     ||
|    |     ||
|    |     ||
|    |     ||
 `-._|     ||
 VK    ||


The Punisher

  \ ".........\MMMMMMM-"|
   ) ".. ___..   \MM/..||
   . _./||||      \\.I.|:\
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              |"-MMMMMMM/........." /
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 /::######:::::######################'         ####|||
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 |\####:::::|VK|  `########'       #.|##     ##|\:\###`###\
 |#\####:::#|\|||.                 ##|###   ###| \:\#/#####\
 ########::#|:\||:#.       \###    ###\##.  `|#| |::::#####|
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    \|#:\# ##|    |::.-'\\\XXXXX-'\\\\\XXXX\\\\\-'###|
     \|#:\#::#    .-'\\\\\\\XXXX\\\\\\\\XXXX\-'######|

[first snow 1998]

_\/_  _\/_ *_\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_* _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_ *_\/_
 /\ *  /\    /\    /\ *  /\    /\    /\    /\ *  /\  * /\    /\    /\
      *      *                    *                           *
_\/_      *         Luleå, Sweden, 15 October 1998       *        _\/_
 /\     __.__                                 *                    /\
*  * .-'     `-.      *                   *
_\/.'           `.             *                      *         * _\/_
 //     _.--._    \                                                /\*
 |     /      \    |  *           *                         *
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 |     \                                                 *         /\
  \     `-._   *    ____       ___*    __.__     ___             ___
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_\/_        `.      \      \ *|   |  / *     \    | |    ___    |   |_
 /\   *     * \      | \    \ |   | |         |   | |   |   |   |   |
 _____         |     | |\    \|   | |      *  |   | |  *|   |   |   |
|     |  *     |     | | \    \   |  \       /    | \   /   \ * /   |_
|      `.____.'      | |  \       |   `-._.-'    /   `-'  _  `-'   /\
 \                  /  | * \      |.           .' \      / \      /
_\`.              .'___|    \_____| `-._____.-'    `.__.'   `.__.'_\/_
 /\ `-.________.-'  *         *       *        *      *            /\
*     *                *           *                          *
_\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_ *_\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_  _\/_
 /\    /\ VK /\  * /\    /\   */\    /\    /\    /\  * /\    /\   */\


[VK in cold weather sig]

     .-' /
.-- (___/ --- .--------. ------------------------------------------.
|  (). .()   ( *brrrrr* )             uggc://jjj.yhqq.yhgu.fr/~ix/ |
| |||\-/||| -'`--------'                        r93-ixa@fz.yhgu.fr |
| |.(_v_).|             __   __                _                   |
| /( |:  )\             \ \ / /__ _ _ ___ _ _ (_)__ __ _           |
||_| |:  |_|             \ V / -_) '_/ _ \ ' \| / _/ _` |          |
|(\| |:  |/)              \_/\___|_| \___/_||_|_\__\__,_|          |
|  |_|___|  .-ascii---------------------------------------------.  |
|   {_|_}   | art                                               |  |
`-- (_|_) - `-chat: http://www.ludd.luth.se/~vk/cgi/asciichat/ -' -'


winter clothes


       .-'     `-.
      /           \
     |-.           |
     |  \          |
 VK  [__|__________|_______

       .-'    `-.
      /          \
     |            |
     |            |
     |    _______ |
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     |  |         |
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     (___________)  |||


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 VK   __(_____  <|
     (____ / <| <|
     (___ /  <| L`-------.
     (__ /   L`--------.  \
     /  `.    ^^^^^ |   \  |
    |     \---------'    |/

[electric plug]

      ____|    \
     (____|     `._____
      ____|       _|___
     (____|     .'
 VK       |____/

[ice cube thingies]

 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\
   \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\
 VK  \`--------------------------------'

 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\
   \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\
 VK  \`--------------------------------'

[Mumin trolls, Mumintrollet, Snorkfröken, Muminmamma, Muminpappa, Lilla My]

                 /|  /|
               /    _  `_
              J    ' _ ' \
              F     (.) (.)--._
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              |     '_ ' \
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 \W|      J         ```    F
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          /   .'      `.   `' /
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            `._|          `-'    TJ/mh/TVK

          / ._)
 VK      J _=\=
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    3._.' |_|_

          / ._)
 VK      J _=\=
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          / ._)
 VK     @J _=\=
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          (oo\   /
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    3._.' |_|_

      | `_   _' |
     || (o) (o) ||
     `|   /_\   |'
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       /   o   \
      |    o    |
      |    o    |
      |    o    |
      |    o    |
      |    o    |
 VK   |    o    |

[some guy, some guy with glasses]

      |O O ||
      |/   @|
      __| |__
    .'       `.
    |         |
    | |     | |
    | |     | |
    | |     | |
    |_|     |_|
      |  |  |
      |  |  |
      |  |  |
      |  |  |
      |  |  |
 VK   |  |  |

      |/   @|
       \-  /
      __| |__
    .'       `.
    |         |
    | |     | |
    | |     | |
    | |     | |
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      |  |  |
      |  |  |
      |  |  |
      |  |  |
      |  |  |
 VK   |  |  |



     | L    )|
     | _    /
     ___| |___
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   |           |
   | |      |  |
   | |      |  |
   | |      |  |
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   |_|      |__|
      |     |
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      |  |  |
      |  |  |
      |  |  |
      |  |  |
      |  |  |
 VK   |  |  |

[male version of old underwear picture, by Colin]

       |% % % % % % % %|||% % % % % ||| % % % % % % % |
       | % % % % % % % ||| % % % % %|||% % % % % % % %|
       |%_%_%_% % % % %|||% % % % % ||| % %% % %_%_%_%|
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       |       (% % % /// % % % % % % \\\ % % %)      |
       |        (% % /// % % % % % % % \\\ % %)       |
        \        (% /// % % % % % % % % \\\ %)        /
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          \        (/ % % % % % % % % % % \)        /
           |        (% % % % % % % % % % %)        |
            \        (% % % % % % % % % %)        /
 -VK/cfbd-   |        (% % % % % % % % %)        |
              \        (% % % % % % % %)        /
               \        |- - - - - - -|        /

[Plain VK self portrait sig]

.-- ||||| --- .---------------. -----------------------------------.
|  ||. .||   ( I'm no fantasy! )      uggc://jjj.yhqq.yhgu.fr/~ix/ |
| |||\=/||| -'`---------------'                 r93-ixa@fz.yhgu.fr |
| |.-- --.|             __   __                _                   |
| /(.) (.)\             \ \ / /__ _ _ ___ _ _ (_)__ __ _           |
| \ ) . ( /              \ V / -_) '_/ _ \ ' \| / _/ _` |          |
| '(  v  )`               \_/\___|_| \___/_||_|_\__\__,_|          |
|   \ | /   .-ascii---------------------------------------------.  |
|   ( | )   | art                                               |  |
`-- '- -` - `-chat: http://www.ludd.luth.se/~vk/cgi/asciichat/ -' -'

[small house]

   ///////////  \
   |    _    |  |
   |[] | | []|[]|  -VK-
   |   | |   |  |


   || .   . ||
   ||   ^   ||
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     ( )|( )
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     \  |  /
 VK   ) | (

[An attempt at an ascii font (AFAIK not figletized yet)]

Somebody made this:

    .sS$$$s.    .sS$$$s.    .sS$$$s.    $$$$$ .sS$$$s.       .s$$$S$$$s
    $$$$$$$$Ss. $$$$$$$$Ss. $$$$$$$$Ss. $$$$$ $$$$$$$$Ss. .sS$$$$$$$$$$$
    $ $$$ $$$ý' $ $$$ $$$$$ $ $$$ $$$$$ $ $$$ $ $$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $ $$$ $$$
    $  $$       $  $$ $$$ý' $  $$ $$$ý' $  $$ $  $$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $  $$ $$$
    `$$$$s$$$a. $..$$       $..$$s$$$a. $..$$ $..$$ $$$$$ `ý$$$ $..$$ $$'
    .,s$$ $$$$$ $:::$ $$$$$ $:::$ $$$$$ $:::$ $:::$s$$$$ý     ` $:::$
    $;;;$ $$$$$ $;;;$ $$$$$ $;;;$ $$$$$ $;;;$ $;;;$             $;;;$
    $%%%$ $$$$$ $%%%$ $$$$$ $%%%$ $$$$$ $%%%$ $%%%$             $%%%$
    ý$$$$s$$$$ý ý$$$$s$$$$ý ý$$$$ $$$$ý $$$$$ ý$$$$             ý$$$$

which inspired some diddles:

      ____        ____        ____       ___    ____           ______
    .'    `.    .'    `.    .'    `.    |   | .'    `.       .'      `.
    |\   _  `-. |\   _  `-. |\   _  `-. |\  | |\   _  `-. .-'  _ \   _ \
    | \ | \__.' | \ | \   | | \ | |   | | \ | | \ | |   | |   | | \ | | .
    |  \\  __   |  \| |__.' |  \| |  .' |  \| |  \| |   | |   | |  \| | |
    `____`'  `. |   |  ___  |   |<   `. |   | |   |_|   | `.__| |   | |_'
    .--'|`.   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |    ___.-'       |   |
    |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   |             |   |
    |   |_|   | |   |_|   | |   | |   | |   | |   |             |   |
    `-._____.-' `-._____.-' |___| |___| |___| |___|    VK       |___|

      ____        ____        ____       ___    ____           ______
    .d8888b.    .d8888b.    .d8888b.    |888| .d8888b.       .d888888b.
    |Y888888bo. |Y888888bo. |Y888888bo. |Y88| |Y888888bo. .od8888Y88888\
    | Y8P \88P' | Y8P Y888| | Y8P Y888| | Y8| | Y8| |888| |888| | Y8| |8.
    |  Yb____   |  Y| |88P' |  Y| |88P' |  Y| |  Y| |888| |888| |  Y| |8|
    `____Y888b. |   |  ___  |   |<888b. |   | |   |_|888| `Y88| |   | |8'
    .--'|`Y888| |...| |888| |...| |888| |...| |... 888P-'       |...|
    |:::| |888| |:::| |888| |:::| |888| |:::| |:::|             |:::|
    |%%%|_|888| |%%%|_|888| |%%%| |888| |%%%| |%%%|             |%%%|
    `-Y88888P-' `-Y88888P-' |888| |888| |888| |888|   VK        |888|

      ____        ____        ____       ___    ____           ______
    .AMMMMA.    .AMMMMA.    .AMMMMA.    |MMM| .AMMMMA.       .AMMMMMMA.
    |  VA____   |  V| |MMV' |  V| )MMV' |  V| |  V| |MMM| |MMM| |  V| |M|
    `___`VMMMA. |  `|  ___  |  `|<MMMA. |  `| |  `|_|MMM| `VMM| |  `| |M'
    .--'|`VMMM| |...| |MMM| |...| |MMM| |...| |... MMMV-'       |...|
    |:::| |MMM| |:::| |MMM| |:::| |MMM| |:::| |:::|             |:::|
    |III|_|MMM| |III|_|MMM| |III| |MMM| |III| |III|             |III|

      ____        ____        ____       ___    ____           ______
    .'    `.    .'    `.    .'    `.    |   | .'    `.       .'      `.
    |\   _  `-. |\   _  `-. |\   _  `-. |\  | |\   _  `-. .-'  _ \   _ \
    | \ | \__.' | \ | \   | | \ | |   | | \ | | \ | |   | |   | | \ | | .
    |  \\  __   |  \| |__.' |  \| |  .' |  \| |  \| |   | |   | |  \| | |
    `____`'  `. |   |  ___  |   |<   `. |   | |   |_|   | `.__| |   | |_'
    .--'|`.   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |    ___.-'       |   |
    |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   |             |   |
    |   |_|   | |   |_|   | |   | |   | |   | |   |             |   |
    `-._____.-' `-._____.-' |___| |___| |___| |___|    VK       |___|

and a whole alphabet:

  ____        ____        ____       _____       ________   ________
.'    `.    .'    `.    .'    `.    |     `.    |        | |        |
|    _  `-. |    _  `-. |    _  `-. |    _  `-. |    ____| |    ____|
|   | \   | |   | \   | |   | \   | |   | \   | |   |      |   |
|   |_|   | |   | |  .' |   | |__.' |   | |   | |   |__    |   |__
|    _    | |   |<   `. |   |  ___  |   | |   | |    __|   |    __|
|   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   |      |   |
|   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   |      |   |
|   | |   | |   |_/   | |   |_/   | |   |_/   | |   |____  |   |
|___| |___| |_______.-' `-._____.-' |_______.-' |________| |___|
  ____       ___   ___   ___         ___   ___   ___   ___
.'    `.    |   | |   | |   |       |   | |   | |   | |   |
|    _  `-. |   | |   | |   |  VK   |   | |   | |   | |   |
|   | \   | |   | |   | |   |       |   | |   | |   | |   |
|   | |__.' |   |_|   | |   |       |   | |   |_/  .' |   |
|   |  ___  |    _    | |   |  ___  |   | |    _   `. |   |
|   | |_  | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | \   | |   |
|   |  |  | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   |
|   |_/   | |   | |   | |   | |   \_|   | |   | |   | |   |____
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 ______   ______   ____  ___    ____        ____        ____
|      \ /      | |    \|   | .'    `.    .'    `.    .'    `.
|       '       | |         | |    _  `-. |    _  `-. |    _  `-.
|   |\     /|   | |         | |   | \   | |   | \   | |   | \   |
|   | |   | |   | |   |\    | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   |
|   | |___| |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   |_/   | |   | |   |
|   |       |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |    ___.-' |   | |   |
|   |       |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   |       |   | |   |
|   |       |   | |   | |   | |   |_/   | |   |       |   |_/   \_
|___|       |___| |___| |___| `-._____.-' |___|       `-._____._.'
  ____        ____       _________   ___   ___   ___   ___
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|   | \   | |   | \__.'    |   |    |   | |   | |   | |   |
|   | |  .' |   \  __      |   |    |   | |   | |   | |   |
|   |<   `. `____`'  `.    |   |    |   | |   | |   | |   |
|   | |   | .--'|`.   |    |   |    |   | |   | |   | |   |
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|   | |   | |   | |   | |   |  |   | |   |  |        |
|   | |   | |   | |   | |   |  |   | |   |  |_____   |
|   | |   | |   | |   | |   |  |   | |   |       /  /
|   | |   | |   | `.  \_/  .'  `.  \_/  .'      /  /
|   | |   | |   | .'   _   `.    \     /       /  /
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|   | |   | |   | |   | |   |     |   |      /  /____
|   |_/   |_/  .' |   | |   |     |   |     |        |
|_____.-'-__.-'   |___| |___|     |___|     |________|


|               d b                       b     b               |
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                                 P' `Y88b.P

|               A A                       A     A               |
|             .AM MA.                     MA.   MA.             .
|           MMMMM MMMMA             .AMMAmMMMMM MMMMM         .'
|         .AMMMMM MMMMM           .AMM'  `MMMMM MMMMMA.     .' .'
|   .AMM'   MMV'V.MMMMM    MMMMM AMMMM    MMMMM MMMMM   .' .'   |
`. .AMMM   .V' .  `VMMM    MMMMM MMMMM    MMMV' MMMMM .' .'     |
  \AMMMM .' .AMMM`A. `M.   MMMMM MMMMM    MV'   MMMMM' .'MA.    |
`. `MMMV' .'MMMMM MMMA. `-.MMMMM VMMMM.   '  .A MMM' .'  MMMMM  |
| \ `M'  '  MMMMM MMMMM`-.  `VMM .`VMMMMAmmmAMM M' ,M    MMMMM  |
| `A. .A    MMMMM MMMMM   `Am. `-A:.     `MMMMM' ,MMM    MMMMM  |
|   VMMM.  .MV'`V V'`VM.  .MMMMV Mm. `._ .M' .V V'`VM.  .MMMMV  |
`----`VMAmmV'---------`VmmAMMV'--MMMMm. `V'.V'------`VmmAMMV'---'
                                 V' `VMMA.V

Author:      Veronica Karlsson
Email:       vk@ludd.luth.se (alt. comment form)
Main page:   http://www.ludd.luth.se/users/vk/
Sections:   [misc.] [ascii art] [chat] [links] [news]