I (Veronica Karlsson, VK, vk@ludd.luth.se) made these pictures:


Diddle of somebody's conversion of a yoga picture
                                                        .-'  \
                               .dMMMMMP..: .:':::.d888888888888I:|
                             .dMMMMMM@b: ` ...:::d8888888888888::|
                            dMMMMMMMMNM.. ..:::d88888888888888P|||
                           dMMMMMMMMMMMboooodP" `?888888888P'``||
                         .dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMP'        `"""''  /  |`
                         dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMP'                .'   |
          .mggm..        MMMMMMMMMMMMMP'                .'     |
        .dMMMMMMMNNb,    ?MMMMMMMMMMMM|                 |:.. ` |
        .MMMMMMMMMMMMMb, .MMMMMMMMMMM(                  `-::   |
        .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmdMMMMMMMMMMM.                   \::  |
         ?MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMb                    |:..|
         `?MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMbo.,               .MMMMb.
             `?MMMMM     `?WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMbo,       .MMMMMMMM|
              `MMMMM.         `?MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMbo,.   .MMMMMMMMb
               ?MMMMb            `?MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMb, dMMMMMMMMM
               :::::|               `?MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMMMMMMMM
               ::::.|                 `?MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMN.
            .-:::::.\                    `?MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHM`
         _.:::::::   |                      `?MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
        (_.__________/                         `?MMMM#MMMMMMMMMMMP
                                                         `?MMMP     VK



A Christmas present (it's a woodworking tool, not a computer mouse).

            _/|| """""""""---.`--._
         .-|  ||                `-.`-.
       .' ||  \/                    `.\
      / | \|    ____                   \
     J /    .-'      `-           _  __|-.
     |/   .' .------.   _  _.-|||(_'/-'|  |-._
     |   / .'########\ | \/ |||||-))-' |  ||
     |  J J##########| |    ||\_/"`-'  |  ||__
     |  | |##########F | \/ `-'      .-|  |-'
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     J._`.   `####F'       _.--'    .-|
    .-\ `-._        __.--'      .-' | |
 .-' `.\    `""""""'          .'    | |
<`.   |`._  .-.__            / .----|_|
 `.`. \   `-._   `""--._    J / |
   `-.-.`._( BLACK---.__\__/_/  F
      `-._-.`--._&DECKER\     |J
VK             `""--.___----'.'



                       /  \
                      |    |
  (`----._____.-'"""`. \__/ .'"""`-._____.----')
   (____       .      `|  |'      .       ____)
     (___`----' .     _|  |_     . `----'___)
       (__`----'  _.-' |  | `-._  `----'__)
         `._____.'_    |  |    _`._____.'
                /o )-< |  | >-( o\
               / .'    |  |    `. \
              J J      |  |      L L
              | |      |  |      | |
              J J      |  |      F F
               \ \     |  |     / /
                \ `.   |  |   .' /
                 `. `-.|  |.-' .'
                   `-. |.-' .-'
                     .-' .-'.
                   .' .-' |. `.
                  / .' |  | `. \
                 / /   |  |   \ \
                J J    |  |    L L
                | |    |  |    | |
                J J    |  |    F F
                 \ `.  |  |  .' /
                  `. `-|  !-' .'
                    `-.!-' .-'
                     .' .-|`.
                    / .|  |. \
                   J J |  | L L
                   | | |  | | |
                   J J |  | F F
                    `.\|  |/.'
                      `|  |'
                       |  |
                       |  |
          VK           |  |

      _____  _  _____
     (___  \( )/  ___)
       (___ | | ___)
        /")`| |'("\
       | |  | |  | |
        \ \_| |_/ /
         `._!' _.'
           / .'\
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           \|/ /
           (| |)
  VK        | '
            | |

      _____  _  _____
     (___  \( )/  ___)
       (___ | | ___)
          /"| ("\
         ( (| |) )
          `.!' .'
           / .'\
           \|/ /
   VK      (| |)
            | '

      _____  _  _____
     (___  \( )/  ___)
          ( | | )
           \!' /
           / .'\
           \|/ /
    VK     (| |)


Tree wrote:
> I'm searching for sig of Tree.

1  (())))       ____   __    ___   ___        (()()))
2 ()()))()       ||   ||_)  ||__  ||__       (())))())
3   `||''        ||   ||\\  ||__  ||__         ()||'
4____||________ Tree@tree.gdynia.mm.pl __________||____


some spammer wrote:
> * Find out about the "Penis Enhancement" plan rated #1 by Health Web
> 2000. *

     OK, and then what?
 | @        .-.
 \_c       /   )
   \_ ____/   /
    \`-._/   /
     \  /`- /
      \/   /
       \  /
       | \
      /   |
VK   /_)  |_)


It was later UN-fartified:  http://www.asciiartfarts.com/20030109.html


FS designed a new logo for me. It's my initials, VK, written like the
Sun logo (i.e. it's readable in four directions, and very difficult to
get to look right with ascii):

*     * *      *
 *   *  *    **
 *   *  *  **
  * *   ***
  * *   *  **
   *    *    **
   *    *      *
*      *    *
 **    *    *
   **  *   * *
     ***   * *
   **  *  *   *
 **    *  *   *
*      * *     *

.              .          .-'
 \            /|       .-'
  \          / |    .-'
   \        /  | .-'
    \      /   |<
     \    /    | `-.
      \  /     |    `-.
       \/      |       `-.
-`-.----------- ----------`-.-
    `-.        |      /\
       `-.     |     /  \
          `-.  |    /    \
             > |   /      \
          .-'  |  /        \
       .-'     | /          \
    .-'        |/            \

.              .          .-'
 \            /|       .-'
  \          / |    .-'
   \        /  | .-'
    \      /   |<
     \    /    | `-.
      \  /     |    `-.
_______\/______|       `-.
  `-.          |__________`-._
     `-.       |      /\
        `-.    |     /  \
           `-. |    /    \
              >|   /      \
           .-' |  /        \
        .-'    | /          \
     .-'       |/            \
 _.-'          '              `

|\            /|       .-'    |
| \          / |    .-'       |
|  \        /  | .-'          |
|   \      /   |<             |
|    \    /    | `-.          |
|     \  /     |    `-.       |
|      \/      |       `-.    |
|    `-.       |      /\      |
|       `-.    |     /  \     |
|          `-. |    /    \    |
|             >|   /      \   |
|          .-' |  /        \  |
|       .-'    | /          \ |
|    .-'       |/            \|

|Y888888888888P 88888888888P'  |
| Y8888888888P  8888888P'      |
|  Y88888888P   888P'          |
|   Y888888P    8b.            |
|    Y8888P     88888b.        |
|     Y88P      88888888b.     |
|      YP       88888888888b.  |
|  `Y88888888888       db      |
|      `Y8888888      d88b     |
|          `Y888     d8888b    |
|            .d8    d888888b   |
|         .d8888   d88888888b  |
|      .d8888888  d8888888888b |
|   .d8888888888 d888888888888b|


Obascii VK the dragon fighter:
             _                                .-.
            _)`-.__,                         /_  \
           )_`-.__,|                \        ).\_|
   `.      ' )_   |F               _.-'      \_ \\\
    \>       ' )  F  .--._.-'/ / .-'  \    .-' `-.\\
     \>        '//  < o  __'_  ( _.-   X__/ ( (   \\
      \`^^^^^^^' `^^   ______\    `-.\  `    )  ( /
       `-.  ______  .-'                     (____)`
        ) ) )    )) )__                     | | /
VK     <.<.-.>    \\__(                     | \ )
                                           '-' -'

That's a fire-breathing she-dragon, not an IPOS!

This is an IPOS:


   `.                     /F  Ha
    \>               .--./F
     \>             (o\o vvvv.  Ha
      \`^^^^^^^^^^^^   _.----'
       `-.  ______  .-'
        ) ) )    )) )__
VK     <.<.-.>    \\__(


Fun with Figlet:

          _   _   _
      _  / \ / \ / \
     / \ | | | | | |
     | | | | | | | |
     | | | | | | | |
     | | \_/ \_/ \_/
  _  | |
 / \ | |     ____
 | | | |     \/\/
 | | | |
 | | | |
 | | \_/
 | |   ____   ____
 | |  /  __\ /  __\
 | | /|  \/| |  \/|\
 | |//|  __/ |  __/\\
 | << \ \    \ /    >>
 \_/\\_\ \    \ \ _//
     \// /     \ \\/
      ( (       ) )
       \ \     / /
        \ \   / /
         \ \ / /
VK        \ Y /

  __ __ __ __ __
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
 __ __
|  |  |
|  |  |    __ __
|  |  |   |__|__|
 __    ______ ______
|  | /|   __ \   __ \
|  |/ |    __/    __/\
|  | _|   |  |   |  _ \
|__|__/  .'  `.  \ |__|
     /  /      \  \
    |  |        |  |
     \  \      /  /
      `. `.  ,' ,'
        \  \/  /
VK      /______\

            _   _
_____   _  | | | |  _   ______
     | | | | | | | | | |
     | | | | | | | | | |
   __| | | | | | | | | |
__/ _  |_| |_| |_| |_| |______
_  | |  ______________________
 | | | |    __   __
 | | | |   (  )_(  )
 | | | |
 | | | |
/ /__| |______________________
   ___  _     ___      _______
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| | / /  |     ) |     )\
| | \ \  |  __/  |  __/\ \
| |  \ \ | |     | |    \ \_
| |__(  )| |     | |_____(  )_
________   |     |   _________
       /  /       \  \
______/  /         \  \_______
______  (           )  _______
      \  \         /  /
       \  \       /  /
        \  \     /  /
         \  \   /  /
__________)  \_/  (___________ VK

         d8 88 8b
      d8 88 88 88 8b
    d 88 88 88 88 88 b
   d8 88 88 88 88 88 8b
 d 88 88 88 88 88 88 88
 8 88 88 88 88 88 88 88
d8 88 88 88 88 88 88 88
88 88
88 88
88 88
88 88      d8b  d8b
88 88      Y8P  Y8P
88 88
88 8P
88 P  d888 88e  888 88e
88   dP888 888D 888 888D
88  dP 888 88"  888 88" Yb
88 d8b 888      888      d8b
88 Y8P 888      888      Y8P
88     888      888
8P     88P      Y88
     d8P          Y8b
     88            88
     Y8.          .8P
      Y8b        d8P
       Y8b      d8P
        Y8b    d8P
         Y8b  d8P
VK        Y8bd8P

      __   __   __   __
     |  | |  | |  | |  |
     |  | |  | |  | |  |
     |  | |  | |  | |  |
     |  | |  | |  | |  |
     |  | |  | |  | |  |
     |__| |__| |__| |__|
  __   __
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 |  | |  |     __ __
 |  | |  |    \__|__/
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 __     .______   .______
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|  |    |  |_)  | |  |_)  |
|  |   /|   ___/  |   ___/ \
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|  | (__) _|      |  |    (__)
|__|  /  /        \  \
      |  |         |  |
      \  \        /  /
       \  \      /  /
        \  \    /  /
         \  \  /  /
 VK       \  \/  /

 |||| oo
|||| _  _
|| o|  |  o
   (    )
    \  /
VK   \/


David's version:

     __|  |  |__         ___________
  __|  |  |  |  |      _|  |  |  |  |_
 |  |  |  |__|__|     |_             _|
 |  | |  | __ __|     |_             _|
|  |  |  ||_o|_o|      |____         _|
|  |  |  |   __ \     | |  |_\       _|
|  |  |  | _____|     |o|_o|  |      _|
|  |  |  |     /      (__     |     _|
|  |  |__|    (___     L__    |__|__|
|  |__|     ''    \     __)     (___
|  |/       \    \ \   /            \
|  | _|   __/  __/_ \ /_/|        |\ \
|__|__/          |__||__||        ||__|
     /            \      |        |
    |              |     |  ___   |
     \      |      /     |  |  \  \
      `.    |    ,'   .--|  |.--|  |
        \   |   /     |     ||     |
_______ /___|___\ ___ |_____||_____| _____________________ VK/dp


And I got the first snow again

 ________________ Luleå 19 October 2003 ________________
|#####*###################*#########   |################|
|#################################/ * *| ##########*####|
|#############*###################     | *##############|
|################################      |   #############|
|#####*######################### *  *  |*   \###########|
|##############################        |   * ###########|
|########################*####  *    * |  *   ##########|
|############################          |       #########|
|##########################/        *  |      * ########|
|##########*###############   *      * |   *     #######|
|###*###################*#       *     |         *######|
|########################              |*    *     #####|
|#######################  *    *       |            ####|
|######################      *       * |        *  * ###|
|#####################              *  |*   *         ##|
|####################     *     *      |          *    #|
|######*############*                  |   *        *   |
|#VK###############   *      *      *  |    *   *       |


Bateau wrote:
> Sharky wrote:
> > Shai wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello, this is my next picture.
> > >
> > > Please improve it because I don't think it is that good...
> > >
> > > MONKEY
> > >            ____ ."";;"". ____
> > >          .'    \'.o''o.'/    '.
> > >          |     .'  __  '.     |
> > >          '     |   \/   |     '
> > >     _.._  `----''.____.''----`
> > >   .'    '.      '.____.'
> > >   | .''.  \     .'    '.
> > >   '..'  \  \  .'        '.
> > >          .''-;            ;-''.
> > >         '    ;            ;    '
> > >        '    '\            `'.   '
> > >       .'''''. `          ` .'''''.
> > >       '.___.''/`-..__..-`  '.___.'
> > >                 .' .'. '.
> > >                 |  | |  |
> > >                _|..| |..|_  ahds
> > >               (___.' '.___) ~~~~
> > >
> > > Shai
> > > Age 12
> >
> > IMHO, you should not be reading Usenet at age 12. But if you insist on
> > it (and your parents are aware of your foray into this vast unwashed
> > pit of humanity), please use the "block sender" feature of your news
> > reader on "buffoon@asciiartfarts.com (Tran Q. Nguyen)".  You might
> > also want to do the same with me too, as I tend to post my messages
> > without much sensitivity towards children. Not that I have anything
> > against children, it's just that I prefer to post my messages without
> > censoring them by age group.
> Hahahaha.

           ___ ."";;"". __
         .'   \'.O''o.'/  '.
         |    .'     __'.   |
         '    |      \/ |   '
    _.._  `---'  '.___.''--`
  .'    '.     '.____.'
  | .''.  \    .'    `.
  '..'  \  \.-/        \.
         .'  ;          ;'`.
        /    ;          ;   \
       |   |';          `.   \
      .'''''.\         /  ;''''.
      '.___.'-`._  %%%___/,,, .|___
                |  .____(((((______)
                | (_)_)|
                |..||..|_  ahds/VK

           ___ ."";;"". __
         .'   \'.O''o.'/  '.    __ ."";;"". ___
         |    .'     __'.   | .`  \`.@``@.`/   `.
         '    |      \/ |   '|   .`__     `.    |
    _.._  `---'  '.___.''--` `   | \/      |    `_.._
  .'    '.     '.____.'       `--```-=-'   `---'     `.
  | .''.  \    .'    `.            `.____.`  /  .```. |
  '..'  \  \.-/        \.          .'    `.--. /   `..`
         .'  ;          ;'`.     .'(@  (@ )\  `.
        /    ;          ;   \   /  ;""  ""  ;   \
       |   |';          `.   \ /  ./        \`|  |
      .'''''.\         /  ;''.```; |        |.````.
      '.___.'-`._  %%%___/,,,`,,,'_\ %%%   .'-`.,,.`
                |  .____(((((______)\`%'   /
                | (_)_)             |  |  /
                |..|_.|_           _|._)\..)
 ahds/VK        `.___)__)         (___(___.'

(I just *had to*!)


Can't have an update without that hungry IPOS!

        /  >__
         _/ > |
  O         >
  /\>       >,^
   <\      / \_

     /  |> |
  C    / >
  /\>    >,^
   <\   / \_

  ---%  |> |
 _C//  / >
   \     >,^
   <\   / \_

rp* /  >__
     _//> |
      ( >
       / \_


Portrait of ABCGi

             888P             Y888
             Y8P'              Y88
              88               888
              88  ___    .----. 88.
              Y8-' __\  '.--.   Y |
              |Y ' `' ) ` --'  |  |
              \ |              |_/
               `|    /   \     |
                |   /`'-`'     |
                J    _._._.    |
                 \ `   -'      )
                 )\      .   .'|\
             _.-'| `.      .'  | |._
         _.-' /| |   `----'     /| \`-._
      .-'    J | `.            / |  |   `-.
   .-'       | |   `.        .'  F  |
 .'           \|     `------'   J   |
/              `.__            /    F
   VK              |         .'    /


From a drawing lesson.

VK [email] [home] 9 Dec. 23:16, from:

A blob of 8s:

         88888888  8888       8888888
        888888888  8888888888888888
        888888888  8888888888888
       88888888  88888     8888888
         88888888888           8888888

make it smooth.

VK [email] [home] 9 Dec. 23:18, from:

The result might look something like this:

         d888888b  d88b.     .d88888P
        d88888888  888888888888888P'
        88888888P .8888888888888
       d888888P  d888P'   `Y88888bo.
        `Y888888888P'         `Y88888b



`.         |  |
  `.   _T__\  /_________________
    ` /                         \
    . \_________________________/
  .'              |_|
.'                | |
                  | |
                  J J
                   \ \
                    \ `-.__
 VK                  `-.___


VK   \|||||||||/


"my computer" day in the chat

  |            | <- cardboard box containing zip drive
  |____________|    (birthday present, not installed yet)
|_()_()_()_()_| <- buttons
|             |
|     [*]     | <- lucky bug
|             |
|             | <- lid
|             |
|             |
|             |
|             |
|-===========-| <- ventilation (or perhaps just decorative pattern?)
| _.-"""""-._ |

  |            | <- cardboard box containing zip drive
  |____________|    (birthday present, not installed yet)
|_()_()_()_()_| <- buttons
|             | <- blank
|             | <- blank
| ====== |    | <- floppy drive
|________|    |
| ====== |    | <- dummy floppy drive (i.e. another blank)
|           `----- blank
|     [*]     | <- lucky bug
|             |
|             | <- lid
|             |
|             |


Russian abacus

|                                      |
|  __________________________________  |
| | / V V V V#V#V V V V \            | |
| |-| | | | |#|#| | | | |------------| |
| | \_A_A_A_A#A#A_A_A_A_/            | |
| | / V V V V#V#V V V V \            | |
| |-| | | | |#|#| | | | |------------| |
| | \_A_A_A_A#A#A_A_A_A_/            | |
| | / V V V V#V#V V V V \            | |
| |-| | | | |#|#| | | | |------------| |
| | \_A_A_A_A#A#A_A_A_A_/            | |
| | / V V V V#V#V V V V \            | |
| |-| | | | |#|#| | | | |------------| |
| | \_A_A_A_A#A#A_A_A_A_/            | |
| | / V V V V#V#V V V V \            | |
| |-| | | | |#|#| | | | |------------| |
| | \_A_A_A_A#A#A_A_A_A_/            | |
| | / V V V V#V#V V V V \            | |
| |-| | | | |#|#| | | | |------------| |
| | \_A_A_A_A#A#A_A_A_A_/            | |
| | / V V V V#V#V V V V \            | |
| |-| | | | |#|#| | | | |------------| |
| | \_A_A_A_A#A#A_A_A_A_/            | |
| | / V V V V#V#V V V V \            | |
| |-| | | | |#|#| | | | |------------| |
| | \_A_A_A_A#A#A_A_A_A_/            | |
| | / V#V#V \                        | |
| |-| |#|#| |------------------------| |
| | \_A#A#A_/_ _ _ _ _ _             | |
| | / V V V V#V#V V V V \            | |
| |-| | | | |#|#| | | | |------------| |
| | \_A_A_A_A#A#A_A_A_A_/            | |
| | / V V V V#V#V V V V \            | |
| |-| | | | |#|#| | | | |------------| |
| | \_A_A_A_A#A#A_A_A_A_/            | |
| |__________________________________| |
|                                  VK  |


David [email] [home] 12 Feb. 22:09, from:

VK >> I'm trying hard not to imagine you as Pippi Longstocking with
a knife.

VK [email] [home] 12 Feb. 22:15, from:

     _|       |_
       \|. .|/
       .-- --.     .
      /(.) (.)\   //
      \ ) . ( \\\//
      '(  v  ) \ )\
        \ | /   '
VK      ( | )
        '- -`


[From a discussion about how much fried salmon can be put in one freezer.]

> VK; what are the dimensions of a 'normal cupboard size freezer'

About the same size as a closet big enough to hang a dress in it but
not big enough to step into.

        |||||       _____
       ||. .||   .-----./|
      |||\=/|||  |     | |
      |.-- --.|  |     | |
      /(.) (.)\  |     | |
      \ ) . ( /  |     | |
      '(  v  )`  |     | |
        \ | /    |     | |
    VK  ( | )    |     |/
        '- -`    `-----'

>     and/or what are the dimensions of a 5 dl box?

About this size:

          _.-'                               .'|
      _.-'                                 .'  |
  _.-'___________________________________.'    |
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 |                                       |     |
 |                                       |    /
 |                                       |   /
 |                                       |  /
 |                                       | /
 |                                       |/

(yeah yeah, I know, but I couldn't resist)

It's ca 9x9x6 cm. Big enough to hold one portion of salmon, with mashed
potatoes, OR two portions of salmon (but no potatoes).


Finally, I got one! (sort of)

 //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |\  |  ___ | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\
 I:                  | | \ | (__  |     O f f i c i a l         :I
 I:                  | |  \| ___) |__ Net Surfer's License      :I
 I:                  | <-><-><-><-> exp. 11/03<-><-><-><-><-><->:I
 I:       |||        | Name:       Evil Veronica                :I
 I:      ||..        | Email:      Yes                          :I
 I:      |.PP.       | Occupation: Yes                          :I
 I:        \/        | Homepage:   http://www.ludd.luth.se/~vk/ :I
 I:                  | Location:   The North Pole               :I
 I:                  | Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art                :I


[From a discussion about what to take with you when walking in the woods]

"one set of underwear" is more than just:

                                          __         __
                                         |  |       |  |
                                         |  |       |  |
                                         |  |       |  |
           ____________                 /    \     /    \
          |            |      and      /      \   /      \
          `-.        .-'    _________.'        `.'        `.________
VK           \      /      |                   / \                  |
              `.__.'       |________|_________/___\_________|_______|

It also consists of:

     /    `---'    \
    /               \
   /                 \          __   __     __   __     __   __
   `-./|   OO    |\.-'         |  | |  |   |  | |  |   |  | |  |
       |  .||.   |             |  | |  |   |  | |  |   |  | |  |
       |   bb    |      and    /  ) /  )   /  ) /  )   /  ) /  )
       |         |            /  / /  /   /  / /  /   /  / /  /
       |         |           (__/ (__/   (__/ (__/   (__/ (__/
VK     |         |
       |         |

     /|| | | \
       \ | /
VK     ( | )
       '- -`

    /       /|-.
  _|       | |_ \
 //`||--||' \  | |
 | |||  || | `-' |
 | | '   ' |  |  |
 `-|       |_.'  F
   |         | .'
   /      /-\|
   \______\-//    VK

There's an "extra space in the frame" below the actual bag.

||  |
||  |<-- bag
||  |
|    <-- empty part
  ^-- frame

My idea:

||  |
||  |<-- bag
||  |
|(__) <-- waterproof bag
  ^-- frame


brojek [email] [home] 4 Sep. 14:10, from:

I'm ill. Fever, rough throat, muscles aching, (what muscles,
by tha way, I haven't got any) dizzy head.

VK [email] [home] 4 Sep. 14:17, from:

brojek >> I see. And you are at work?

brojek [email] [home] 4 Sep. 14:22, from:

VK: my boss is dumb.

VK [email] [home] 4 Sep. 14:24, from:

brojek >> Do you own a fever thermometer?

brojek [email] [home] 4 Sep. 14:38, from:

VK: does it make any difference if I do?

VK [email] [home] 4 Sep. 14:40, from:

brojek >> The good thing about fever is that it can be measured. You
can take the thermometer and show your boss that you are 38.7 C ill.
He won't be able to deny that...

David [email] [home] 4 Sep. 15:00, from:

brojek >> Do you own a rectal thermometer?

VK [email] [home] 4 Sep. 15:04, from:

                 /\\\    ( See? I AM ill! )
                //||||   /
                ||| @ \
                 || _c
                 / /
  @           / \__/____
 @@          /   /
@@@@        /___/
   |       /  /
 <@(    --(  /
    >      \ \
  c/        \_\
--'         {  }
           {  }_
            [___\       VK



   ,       .   .   /\                 /
       )          /# \      \    |
            .    /##  \       \      /
 .            /\/###   \         _
       .     /##\###\   \   -   (_)  -  -
  /       .\  /.    /       .\    /   \
 J|         ||     |          |  |  !  |
  | .----. \||/  .-J| _____  \|  |  _  |
  |_|\   |\_\ /_/   |_\   /_/|`  |_| |_|
  / :      :       :        :       :    \
J      :       :        :        :      : /--o
|_----.:.......:........:........----...:/   -)
 /   / `-----------------------'\    \`--'`---'
(___/                            \____)

flat earth by lament, elephants by VK, turtle by brojek


Needle and thread

       .-'""`-.      .-'
      (  (__)  )    X
       |-.__.-|    / \
       |      |_.-'   \
       |      |        \
       |      |         \
 VK    |      |


Tiny chessboard (for use in chat rooms)


[R]_[B]Q[K]B[ ]R]
[ ]_[N]_[ ]N[ ]_]
[_[b]_[ ]P[ ]_[ ]
[ ]_[ ]_[p]_[ ]_]
[_[ ]_[ ]_[n]_[ ]
[p]p[p]p[ ]p[p]p]


Witches, with and without broom

                d        d8888b.
               d8       d8888888b
              d88        '8888P'
             d888         'Y8b'
            d8888b         .d888b.
            '8888'        d8888888b
              '8b.       .888888888.
            .d88888b     d8888888'Y8b
            d8888888b  .d88888888. Y8
           .888888P'8888'  Y88888b.88b
          .dP 8888..8b     '8888888888.
        .88P .88888888b    .8888888888b
        '   .8888888'''    d888888888'
            d888888b     .8888888888P
           .88888888.   .d8888888888'
           '8888888''   d88888888888
           .8888888.    888888888888.
           d88888888.   8888888888888.
          .888888888b.  88888888888888.
          d8888888888b  88888888888888b
       .od888888888888b 888888888888888P
 VK    '""  `Y8888888dP 88888888888888P
                    d' d888P       d8P

                d        d8888b.
               d8       d8888888b
              d88        '8888P'
             d888         'Y8b'
            d8888b         .d888b.
            '8888'        d8888888b
              '8b.       .888888888.
            .d88888b     d8888888'Y8b
            d8888888b  .d88888888. Y8
           .888888P'8888'  Y88888b.88b
          .dP 8888..8b     '8888888888.
        .88P .88888888b    .8888888888b             ..d'
        '  .d8888888'''   .d88888888P'         .ood88P'
          d88888888P   d88888888888P     boood8888888P'
         88888888.    888888888888.      P""Y88888888b.
         d88888888.   8888888888888.          Y8888888b`
        .888888888b.  88888888888888.             `    ``
        d8888888888b  88888888888888b
     .od888888888888b 888888888888888P
     '""  `Y8888888dP 88888888888888P
 VK               d' d888P       d8P


David made a little dance for my self portrait

    ||. .||
   |.-- --.|
   /(.) (.)\
  // ) . ( /
 (/  (  v )`
      \ ) /
      ( |/         VK/dp
     '- -`

    ||. .||
   |.-- --.|
   /(.) (.)\
   \ ) . ( /
    ( v  )`
    \ ( /
     \ \ )/         VK/dp
     '- -`

    ||. .|| /)
   |.-- --//
   /(.) (.)
  // ) . (
 (/  (  v )
      \ ) /
      ( |//         VK/dp
     '- -`

    ||. .||
   |.-- --.|
   /(.) (.)\
   \ ) . ( /
    ( v  )`
    ( ( /
     \ \ )/         VK/dp
     '- -`

(\  ||. .|| /)
  \\.-- --//
    (.) (.)
     ) . (
    (  v  )
     \ |\ |
     ( | \ \/       VK/dp
     '-   `'



                      (    )
                    )    _
                    __.-' )
___________________(___.-'_)______________________  VK


David as wizard

             #### _\_
            ####.  _\
           ###### ###____________
           ##### ####        |_\--------
           #####`####-----.  |''
           #(  # :###      `.|
           #| |#   #|
           #| |     |
            | |     |
            |..     |
            '''     |
            |       |
            |       |
           /        |
          |         |
         /          |
             LJ\__/__/       dp/VK

Author:      Veronica Karlsson
Email:       vk@ludd.luth.se (alt. comment form)
Main page:   http://www.ludd.luth.se/users/vk/
Sections:   [misc.] [ascii art] [chat] [links] [news]