Who were on alt.ascii-art chat in 1999?
If you feel that you should be on this list, just send me an email,
vk@ludd.luth.se, and tell me what to
write. Include your name, initials, email address, homepage URL, a couple
of sentences about yourself, and a 10-15 line high, and less than 70 characters
wide, self portrait (preferably one that you used in the chat during 1999) or
other 10-15 line picture that you feel represents you.
||. .|| My name is Veronica Karlsson.
|||\=/||| I'm the creator and owner of the chat. _
|.-- --.| .'_`--.___ __
/(.) (.)\ According to Krogg I'm "the glue that ( 'o` - .`.'_ )
\ ) . ( / keeps the chat together". `-._ `_`./_
'( v )` '/\\ ( .'/ )
\ | / ,__//`---'`-'_/
( | ) /-' '/
__ '- -` ________________________________________________________ ' __
| //.,.\\ | Krogg Zothommog,Slave to Veronica |
| //\ - /\\`--------------,---------------------[
| __)"(__ Would anyone | <`. ,'> |
| ,' #F `. like some | `.`/""""""\,',' |
|( ) #F ( ) Apples? | ( / \ \' |
|< /(_#F__)\ > _,.__. | \/<> <>\/ |
| \\|#####|// _JL_ to | / W \ |
| </| "#F |\>/ VK \ put | ,'\_|||||_/`. |
| | T | ( Glue ) this | ,',' ||| `.`. |
| ( I ) \____/togather| <,' | Krogg`.> |
| | | | ,--------------"---------------------[
| | | | | Email: krogg at gt com dot net |
| mmOIOmm | http://www.gtcom.net/~krogg/ascii/ |
=#-(_X_) \ "Hel-l-llo-o-ooooo, anyone here???"
\/ >
___>,^ is a common phrase from me as
ejm //| | I come in to the inevitably empty chatroom,
wondering every time if anyone will come
to put me out of my misery of talking to myself.
I live in Toronto, Canada
Martin Atkins [email]
| o o | .' My Name is Martin Atkins, or mga. I tend to
| > | .---: appear on the chat when noone else is around,
| \_/ | ---' '. but I'm there at 'normal' times occasionally! :o)
\___/ I live in England --- and I`ve totally run out
| | of things to say, so I`ll stop now!
| ##### |
| #### _\_ Hello! My name is David Palmer. |
| ##=-[.].] ::: I live in Northern England with |
| #( _\ `'_: my wife and four sons. I'm old |
| # \__| | | enough to remember when the |
| \___/ | | Beatles had records in the |
| .' `-----' | charts but young enough to enjoy |
| ( ) ,------' Green Day and Offspring. |
| | | | I discovered ASCII Art in Oct '98 |
| | | | and have been hooked ever since. |
| | | | If you visit my website you'll |
| |_|==o=={ see some of my recent work. |
| :.. | |
`-------''' Y-----------------------------------------------'
<] O -. To be on Veronica's chat or /Shimrod\___________________
==_._/\ not to be on Veronica's chat, | Herman Hiddema
T"""T _/| that is the question. | shimrod@fmf.ml.org
| | /| | I can say: "I was there!" | http://www.fmf.nl/~shimrod
Sweet Tweet
|/\ =_ _ ~ ___ _ _____ _ .-. .-.
_( )_( )\~~ / __|_ __ _____ ___| |_ |_ _|_ __ _____ ___| |_ ( " )
\,\ _|\ \~~~ \__ \ V V / -_) -_) _| | | \ V V / -_) -_) _| `. .'
\` \ |___/\_/\_/\___\___|\__| |_| \_/\_/\___\___|\__| \ /
` ` "
[horse by unknown, heart by VK]